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Activist Thunberg denounces "creative PR" in climate fight

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*Deleted post removed*


the very nasa site you linked are referencing john cook

for the 97 consensus, i even used to have the forum where he and fellow amateurs were discussing how to rate abstracts, but for some weird reason its gone from my bookmarks.

i have linked to that forum as well as my analysis of that joke of a statistic here on thaivisa forum, but i have written so many posts i cant find it.


on your point on how other surveys

came to the 97 conclusion, i do have data handy, note how if this had been done without bias, she would have divided total yes answers with total responses and reached a 2% consensus,

as it is, the only thing this survey prove is the bias of the author.


In 2008 Margaret Zimmerman asked two questions of
10,257 Earth Scientists at academic and government institutions. 3146 of them responded.
That survey was the original basis for the famous “97% consensus” claim.

For the calculation of the degree of consensus among experts in the Doran/Zimmerman article,
all but 79 of the respondents were excluded. They wrote:

“In our survey, the most specialized and knowledgeable respondents
(with regard to climate change) are those who listed climate science as
their area of expertise and who also have published more than 50% of
their recent peer-reviewed papers on the subject of climate change
(79 individuals in total).
Of these specialists, 96.2% (76 of 79) answered “risen”
to question 1 and 97.4% (75 of 77) answered yes to question 2.”

The basis for the “97% consensus” claim is this excerpt:

[of] “the most specialized and knowledgeable respondents
(with regard to climate change)… 97.4% (75 of 77) answered yes to question 2.”


 Q1: “When compared with pre-1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures
have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”   
76 of 79 (96.2%) answered “risen.”

 Q2: “Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor
in changing mean global temperatures?”   75 of 77 (97.4%) answered “yes.”

Q1. When compared with pre-1800's levels, do you think that
mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?
1. Risen
2. Fallen
3. Remained relatively constant
4. No opinion/Don't know
Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in
changing mean global temperatures?  
[This question wasn’t asked if they answered “remained relatively constant” to Q1]
1. Yes
2. No
3. I'm not sure
Q3. What do you consider to be the most compelling argument that supports your previous answer
(or, for those who were unsure, why were they unsure)?
[This question wasn’t asked if they answered “remained relatively constant” to Q1]

Q4. Please estimate the percentage of your fellow geoscientists who think
human activity is a contributing factor to global climate change.
Q5. Which percentage of your papers published in peer-reviewed journals in
the last 5 years have been on the subject of climate change?
Q6. Age
Q7. Gender
Q8. What is the highest level of education you have attained?
Q9. Which category best describes your area of expertise?


  • Sad 1
23 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

she would have divided total yes answers with total responses and reached a 2% consensus,

as it is, the only thing this survey prove is the bias of the author.

Or the fact that she only wanted to include those people who had extensive knowledge in that field?


And also this would seem to indicate that we've got a problem (read the full quote in my previous post)............


Things are getting worse," said Petteri Taalas, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, 

35 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Well, let's start with the fact that her message is regarding the fact that something needs to be done about global warming and climate change – – that's a start.

It's also the end.


Governments around the world have clearly demonstrated - not least at the just-finished COP25 climate talking shop in Madrid - that they are not prepared to do anything beyond posturing and virtue signalling.


Even the more sensible and rational activists have cottoned on to this.

23 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Or the fact that she only wanted to include those people who had extensive knowledge in that field?


And also this would seem to indicate that we've got a problem (read the full quote in my previous post)............


Things are getting worse," said Petteri Taalas, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, 

sea levels arent rising any faster now then 200 years ago,

its a steady rate ever since 8000 years ago,

and glaciers arent melting at all, unlike 80 years ago

sea lv rise.jpg

sea level rise.jpg

melting 1923.jpg

melting 1939.jpg

  • Haha 1
On 12/17/2019 at 8:42 AM, Tippaporn said:

Good for you.  Doesn't make you god, though.  Some scientists like to think that they have powers that no one else possesses.  We were all born with common sense, though.  Granted, not everyone makes use of it.  I would not be surprised that some scientists fail to use their god-given common sense as well.

Unfortunately, common sense is not all that common. I don't pretend to be God, just better informed and aware of what really matters as a result of my training.

The propositions that economic growth is eternal, and can come with no cost to the environment, or that mankind can go on adding heat to the world's oceans indefinitely without consequences, are so ridiculous they defy all common sense.

It's ironic climate scientists are accused of cherry-picking data, when the denier camp on these pages are hard at it. Plus, of course, the time-honored practice of shooting any messenger.

Go and look at what has happened in Australia over the last 72 hours. Or are record temperatures on an entire continent cherry-picking data too?

  • Like 1
17 hours ago, brokenbone said:

sea levels arent rising any faster now then 200 years ago,

its a steady rate ever since 8000 years ago,

and glaciers arent melting at all, unlike 80 years ago

sea lv rise.jpg

sea level rise.jpg

melting 1923.jpg

melting 1939.jpg

This whole thing gets confusing, because on the one hand we have reputable organisations such as NASA and the World Meteorological Organisation, who have the ability to call on any number of other reputable organisations and contacts to be able to supply them with information, but this information is, by many, disputed.


So those that dispute these data then supply other graphs and data which they say represent the true picture, but then again one could point to these and say they are also in dispute because if one set can be "manipulated", then so can the other!


To prove the point I attach some graphs related to global warming and climate change, with a few comments on them, and also to back up the data some facts about the sea level rising and threatening Pacific islands, for example, and these contradict the previous set of graphs/statistics??


Reminds me of the old Thunderclap Newman song, "Call out the instigator, because there's something in the air, we've got to get together sooner or later, because the revolution's here, and you know that it's right....".



And the following from Wikipedia and National Geographic......


Global average temperatures declined for thousands of years, until fossil fuel-based industrialization beginning roughly 200 years ago reversed the decline. Global warming has intensified in recent decades.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report concluded, "It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century."[8] The largest human influence has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

Iceland has marked its first-ever loss of a glacier to climate change as scientists warn that hundreds of other ice sheets on the subarctic island risk the same fate.

As the world recently marked the warmest July ever on record, a bronze plaque was mounted on a bare rock in a ceremony on the barren terrain once covered by the Okjökull glacier in western Iceland.


4 hours ago, RickBradford said:

In this case, it seems so, yes.




Typical denialist deception.. Here's an alleged map of what this denialist claims are all the high quality temperature reporting sites in australia:



This is nonsense. Here's a map from the Australian Meterology service of the High Quality Acorn Sat stations:




Notice the difference. There are in fact over 700 stations in Australia reporting temperature. Most likely the unproven claims touted by the above video come from this person:




6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Any <deleted> can run around shouting that something should be done about almost anything at all. Without having at least a suggestion as to what should be done it's just shouting.

If she hasn't a clue about what to do about it, she should go back to school and learn some stuff, so she can come up with a solution.

Give us the benefit of what you think we should do about it, then. Oh, I forgot - denialists don't need to do that, there is no problem, therefore thinking about what to do is superfluous.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
19 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Give us the benefit of what you think we should do about it, then. Oh, I forgot - denialists don't need to do that, there is no problem, therefore thinking about what to do is superfluous.

Most posters that contribute to the climate threads probably know the solutions I have suggested. Perhaps you don't read many climate threads, or just don't read all the pages. Either way, my solutions are written on many climate threads for you to read, but don't expect me to repeat them if you can't be bothered to look them up.

4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Give us the benefit of what you think we should do about it, then. Oh, I forgot - denialists don't need to do that, there is no problem, therefore thinking about what to do is superfluous.

Most posters that contribute to the climate threads know the solutions I have suggested. Perhaps you don't read many climate threads, or just don't read all the pages. Either way, my solutions are written on many climate threads for you to read, but don't expect me to repeat them if you can't be bothered to look them up.

20 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Typical denialist deception.. Here's an alleged map of what this denialist claims are all the high quality temperature reporting sites in australia:

As always, taking any opportunity to use your favourite meaningless lame insult, 'denialist'. Your personal opinion of the creator of that video is worthless.


His evidence, especially the newspaper clips from throughout the 20th century, suggest that the BOM is over-egging the pudding with this claim. It may have been the hottest day, it may not.


The demand for climate catastrophe stories has risen since the failure of the COP25 stories, so it is no surprise that the media has been quick to increase the supply with breathless Australian horror stories.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Typical denialist deception.. Here's an alleged map of what this denialist claims are all the high quality temperature reporting sites in australia:



This is nonsense. Here's a map from the Australian Meterology service of the High Quality Acorn Sat stations:




Notice the difference. There are in fact over 700 stations in Australia reporting temperature. Most likely the unproven claims touted by the above video come from this person:


You must read and understand his data and arguments before making yours. He clearly states he chose those stations that had accurate long term temperature records for the purpose of his arguments. You show mostly new stations which are useless for this purpose. Apples and oranges. Thus you present no scientific argument (yet).


I was sceptical at first but after bearing through the full 10 minutes, he is 100% correct.  A recommended video and good example how the media capitalizes on alarmism. 


  • Like 2
2 hours ago, xylophone said:

This whole thing gets confusing, because on the one hand we have reputable organisations such as NASA and the World Meteorological Organisation, who have the ability to call on any number of other reputable organisations and contacts to be able to supply them with information, but this information is, by many, disputed.


So those that dispute these data then supply other graphs and data which they say represent the true picture, but then again one could point to these and say they are also in dispute because if one set can be "manipulated", then so can the other!


To prove the point I attach some graphs related to global warming and climate change, with a few comments on them, and also to back up the data some facts about the sea level rising and threatening Pacific islands, for example, and these contradict the previous set of graphs/statistics??


Reminds me of the old Thunderclap Newman song, "Call out the instigator, because there's something in the air, we've got to get together sooner or later, because the revolution's here, and you know that it's right....".



And the following from Wikipedia and National Geographic......


Global average temperatures declined for thousands of years, until fossil fuel-based industrialization beginning roughly 200 years ago reversed the decline. Global warming has intensified in recent decades.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report concluded, "It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century."[8] The largest human influence has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

Iceland has marked its first-ever loss of a glacier to climate change as scientists warn that hundreds of other ice sheets on the subarctic island risk the same fate.

As the world recently marked the warmest July ever on record, a bronze plaque was mounted on a bare rock in a ceremony on the barren terrain once covered by the Okjökull glacier in western Iceland.


yo phil, wazzup ?

been thinking bout something:

the 1910-1940 temp increase dont fit our narrative

that only ever co2 causes temp increase,

in fact the cyclical nature of climate ruin our narrative,

what if we tamper historical data and smooth out

not just 1940 blip but all cycles, medieval warm period,

little ice age, you name it we tamper or hide it,

and then we ask our man mann to make a hockey stick graph that coincide with our narrative that the only time in earth history that climate changed was when we can blame co2 for it.

shame ipcc already uploaded graphs acknowledging

cycles before but we just tell them to take down those earlier mistakes and present mann aka ipcc v2.0

u see where im coming from ?


there is also the fact that ipcc mandate is to find a link to man that is harmful, if they do not they go extinct,

and with them the whole pile of filth of propaganda

and scientists getting paid $850.000 for studying

boulder prairie dogs reaction to climate change [sic],

im starting to believe nasa added climate division

just to milk money from the state through FUD

remove the 1940 blip email.jpg

data tampering 3.jpg

data tampering 1.jpg

data tampering 2.jpg

temp 1910-1940 etc.png

ipcc no sea level rise.jpg

  • Confused 1
  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Typical denialist deception.. Here's an alleged map of what this denialist claims are all the high quality temperature reporting sites in australia:



This is nonsense. Here's a map from the Australian Meterology service of the High Quality Acorn Sat stations:




Notice the difference. There are in fact over 700 stations in Australia reporting temperature. Most likely the unproven claims touted by the above video come from this person:




you left out the 'long term' bit,

and he didnt even present the data 1880-1906

when it was warmer in australia then ever in recorded history

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

As always, taking any opportunity to use your favourite meaningless lame insult, 'denialist'. Your personal opinion of the creator of that video is worthless.


His evidence, especially the newspaper clips from throughout the 20th century, suggest that the BOM is over-egging the pudding with this claim. It may have been the hottest day, it may not.


The demand for climate catastrophe stories has risen since the failure of the COP25 stories, so it is no surprise that the media has been quick to increase the supply with breathless Australian horror stories.

Really? I post a map that shows the location of 112 highly advanced Acorn-Sat temperature reporting sites. A map the comes from the Australian government's website.  A map that clearly demonstrates the video you linked to is based on a lie.

And newspaper clippings are your idea of scientific evidence?

Where is your BS detector? Do you seriously  believe that the Australian Government's meteorology bureau is going to have so few temperature inputs? And why is it you rely on a video that sources of which can't be checked? But maybe that's the point. It's a lot easier to expose lies if they're composed of text and graphics on a web page with links that can be checked.

  • Haha 1
50 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Really? I post a map that shows the location of 112 highly advanced Acorn-Sat temperature reporting sites. A map the comes from the Australian government's website.  A map that clearly demonstrates the video you linked to is based on a lie.

Can you explain clearly how the acorn-sat map demonstrates that the point made in the video is a lie?


  • Thanks 1
5 minutes ago, rabas said:

Can you explain clearly how the acorn-sat map demonstrates that the point made in the video is a lie?


The image I copied from the video shows very few temperature reporting stations.  The image I copied from the australian government website shows a lot more. A lot more.


Nils-Axel Mörner: “These Researchers Have A Political Agenda”

I then published a paper on the influence of the sun on the sea level, which was supported by 19 recognized experts. However, the IPCC attacked the paper with outrageous claims and caused the scientific journal, in which it was published, to be discontinued.


Mathematicians are pretty much done by the time they are 35; female gymnasts retire at 20; climate saviors are past their sell-by date at the age of 16, it seems.
Activists have now paraded a 13-year-old girl, Izzy Raj-Seppings, as the face of climate activism in Australia. She has become an instant new darling of the "progressive" media.
She's mastered the crying, and the Greta-style hysteria (" I’m tired of watching my future, my friends’ and family’s futures, all of our futures, burn before our very eyes") and she has a similar - near identical, in fact - polished editorial style to Greta.
How long before the activists wheel out new-born babies in strollers to tell us how we have stolen their future?
  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Most posters that contribute to the climate threads know the solutions I have suggested. Perhaps you don't read many climate threads, or just don't read all the pages. Either way, my solutions are written on many climate threads for you to read, but don't expect me to repeat them if you can't be bothered to look them up.

I think you'll find I read all the climate threads and contribute to them with solutions and knowledge. Which is more than I can say for shrill denialists. You're right - I can't be bothered to  look them up. If I remember correctly, I expressed surprise a person of your experience in the Antarctic could be in that camp.


4 hours ago, brokenbone said:

yo phil, wazzup ?

been thinking bout something:

the 1910-1940 temp increase dont fit our narrative

that only ever co2 causes temp increase,

in fact the cyclical nature of climate ruin our narrative,

what if we tamper historical data and smooth out

not just 1940 blip but all cycles, medieval warm period,

little ice age, you name it we tamper or hide it,

and then we ask our man mann to make a hockey stick graph that coincide with our narrative that the only time in earth history that climate changed was when we can blame co2 for it.

shame ipcc already uploaded graphs acknowledging

cycles before but we just tell them to take down those earlier mistakes and present mann aka ipcc v2.0

u see where im coming from ?


there is also the fact that ipcc mandate is to find a link to man that is harmful, if they do not they go extinct,

and with them the whole pile of filth of propaganda

and scientists getting paid $850.000 for studying

boulder prairie dogs reaction to climate change [sic],

im starting to believe nasa added climate division

just to milk money from the state through FUD

remove the 1940 blip email.jpg

data tampering 3.jpg

data tampering 1.jpg

data tampering 2.jpg

temp 1910-1940 etc.png

ipcc no sea level rise.jpg

So one side is supposedly manipulating the data to suit their agenda, but those that deny climate change aren't??


I can't buy that, and try telling your story to the inhabitants of the Marshall Islands or the inhabitants of Greenland who have seen a major glacier disappear.


PS. And who is, "Yo, Phil"??

  • Haha 1
17 minutes ago, toast1 said:

Oh dear, those 'Shrill denialists'.


Traitors, apostates, doubters!


Off to the re-education camp with them.


Although it could be argued that it is the radical activists, with their blind refusal to accept that the climate movement has thoroughly tanked, in real-world political terms, who are the true "shrill denialists".


In their case, the remedy is not re-education, but just education.

  • Thanks 1
5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Any <deleted> can run around shouting that something should be done about almost anything at all. Without having at least a suggestion as to what should be done it's just shouting.

If she hasn't a clue about what to do about it, she should go back to school and learn some stuff, so she can come up with a solution.

Nice suggestion that she should go back to school and learn some "stuff so that she can come up with a solution"??– – something which nobody else in the world seems to have done right now, irrespective of how learned they are (so I don't think that will work!!!!).

She and her supporters have achieved their objective because she has attended conferences around the world regarding global warming and climate change and become a central focus in some cases; she has had numerous television appearances; appeared in newspapers around the globe and she has also won an accolade as Time magazine's Person of the year, and she has stirred up the climate change/global warming debate again, with great support worldwide.

So let me help you out, the objective was not to go to school to learn "stuff" and tell the world what to do, it was to draw attention to this particular subject and she has achieved that admirably!!!!!!

2 minutes ago, xylophone said:

She and her supporters have achieved their objective because she has attended conferences around the world regarding global warming and climate change and become a central focus in some cases; she has had numerous television appearances; appeared in newspapers around the globe and she has also won an accolade as Time magazine's Person of the year, and she has stirred up the climate change/global warming debate again, with great support worldwide.

I'm not convinced that getting on television really was her objective.  I'm sure she, or rather her handlers, were hoping that she would do more than sell a few newspapers and win a media accolade.


Given their background in hard-core professional activism, I expect they were hoping for some concrete steps to dismantle the colonialist patriarchy. Or, failing that, some commitment to "tackling" climate change from government.


At that, they failed miserably.

  • Like 1
20 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Or, failing that, some commitment to "tackling" climate change from government.

As the saying goes, "it won't happen overnight, but it will happen".

And any amount of publicity on this subject is a positive – – so we'll have to agree to disagree!

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