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Icons added to posts


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I've had a look in netiquette and forum rules, but can't see anything to explain the icons you can attach to someone's post.


'Like' and 'Ha ha' seem straightforward.


It's the 'Confused' and 'Sad' icons I've never been sure about. Are they supposed to be a 'comment' on the subject the poster has written about, or is it a 'vote' on what you feel about the poster themselves for making the comment?


For example, if someone posted a comment about deaths in a road accident and said, "I'm not surprised the number of deaths are so high when Thais drive the way they do."

Does a 'Sad' icon mean you think it's sad there are so many deaths, or does it mean the poster is sad for criticising the way Thais drive and has no right to do so?


Similarly with 'Confused'. If someone says the number of road deaths are increasing dramatically year-on-year, does 'confused' mean you think the poster's confused for saying that, or are you as the commenter 'confused' about how much the deaths are increasing by?


Another question: How do these four icons affect 'Member's total reputation'? Is there for example, one point added whatever the icon, or does it vary depending on the icon selected?


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10 hours ago, bluesofa said:

How do these four icons affect 'Member's total reputation'? Is there for example, one point added whatever the icon, or does it vary depending on the icon selected?


Each Like, Thanks and Haha received increases your total reputation count by 1 point. Confused and Sad are neutral, and neither increase or decrease your reputation count.

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I still don't understand why there is no "Dislike"  or "thumbs down" button/icon ?


In my view  a like is that you  agree or like the comments,sad is that you're sad about the comments, confused  is that you're confused about the comment..HaHa means you found the comments funny/amusing  the trophy icon ( confusing to me)

means thanks for the comments..if you dislike or disagree then..oops no icon.

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