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Are Vehicle Indicators Banned In Thailand?

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I would consider myself a careful, considerate driver, maybe its just me, but the amount of cars and pick-ups that weave in and out of traffic at break-neck speeds without indicating really makes my blood boil. Do people realise what the stalk on the side of the steering column is for? Maybe its an optional extra in some vehicles?

It's appears that the many people who have missed me by inches without indicating left/right are asleep at the wheel, drunk, plain ignorant, or really have no regard for other road users. :o

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Im with you completley Globeliner, it seems the same in Uk last time i was there, 4by4 and Volvos seem to have it as an optinal extra, funny thing the other night, we were sitting out side and the local police speaker pick-up trurk came past, my missus started laughing, when i asked what was funny, she said this weekend would be a helmet check and lights, the police truck had no back lights!! so laughable really, I have a 1200cc motorbike, and never use it after dark, because it wont stop or turn on a satang, buy some blinkers [like for horses} and you will be an automatic thai driver!!

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Im with you completley Globeliner, it seems the same in Uk last time i was there, 4by4 and Volvos seem to have it as an optinal extra, funny thing the other night, we were sitting out side and the local police speaker pick-up trurk came past, my missus started laughing, when i asked what was funny, she said this weekend would be a helmet check and lights, the police truck had no back lights!! so laughable really, I have a 1200cc motorbike, and never use it after dark, because it wont stop or turn on a satang, buy some blinkers [like for horses} and you will be an automatic thai driver!!


thats how it is in here,, as a 10yr recidence here i have been driving now in 3yrs 140000Km and what ever you guys saying, every time i come to Bkk i cant help my self and thinking how good motobikes and cars running there, million time more disibline that back in the farm land.

Example from this part here (ubon) absolutely no signaling in any veachle,car,mbike,tractors(Noticed that you have nice in your ico), when night comes, no lights before they absolutely cant see, and then so many cars,bikes with out back light's and when im speeding to home in 140kmh suddely there is car with out back light and they wanted to turn with out braking lights and signaling lights to right,,,,you can image the situation...

for broblem with bikes and cars i found good solution,, you have noticed how loud horns busses have and what happen to bikes when they hear that,,,i just got set of 3 those red color horns to my zafira and i can assure to you that helps,,, bikes are going every direction off the road when i give them signal that im cooooooomiiing.... :o

But back to subject,, teaching to thai using mirrors and signal lights,,, is MI-4, even the police dont use them, i have heard from one thai that signaling lights are for dark(Evening, night times) only as then others cant see you....and light bulb if used often might burst and it's cost money to replace that,,as they have to bring car to service senter to change that....

this is what i have experinsed from my journey

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> when im speeding to home in 140kmh

Suggestion: Don't do that in rural Ubon.

Or anywhere else for that matter.

Personally I'm quite happy with the way most people are driving. (Read again: MOST people). But sure it would be better if police actually took the remaining nutters and broken vehicles off the road.

Still, not driving at 140kmh will solve a lot of the issues I bet.

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I can understand why some don't use indicators to change lanes now......something I have started to do after 2 years driving here....its the only way to make progress in heavy traffic. I've noticed that if I indicate my intention then most people will accelerate to block me changing lanes......if I just pull across no problem.

I don't like it, but thats the way it is........you have to adapt yourself to driving here and not expect everyone to drive as you do at home.

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Even when used, a turn signal in Thailand can be very confusing.

I have talked with Thais who seriously believe that the Turn Indicator is a signal to the driver following that he is free to overtake on the side where the Indicator is flashing. i.e., if he intends to turn right the driver will actuate the left Indicator.

Another quite dangerous habit is that many Thai drivers actuate the Hazard warning lights (both left and right indicators flashing in unison) to indicate that they intend to continue straight ahead at an intersection. When this happens the driver of a car coming from the left at the intersection can only see “your” left Indicator flashing - so he assumes you intend to turn left and he continues to drive across the intersection, straight into the path of your car.


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Another classico is doing 150k's down the road and the bloke or bird in front (usually mobile phone glued to the ear) has forgotten to turn their indicator off, so you want to over take (not under take as is common place) as you start to pass, cold shivers run down the spine they haven't seen you (mirrors are just fashion accessories, pick your nose in, check the hairs ok etc) they're still indicating right, anytime smash into the side of your beloved car.

Some , or most cars shall we say, do away with the relay in the car, to make the lights flash, so when they turn the headlights on, the old indicators are orange side lights.

MarcoH> Where did you get those horns? They sound like the way to knock these loons outta their drunken stupour, coversation on the mobile etc!

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Even when used, a turn signal in Thailand can be very confusing.

I have talked with Thais who seriously believe that the Turn Indicator is a signal to the driver following that he is free to overtake on the side where the Indicator is flashing. i.e., if he intends to turn right the driver will actuate the left Indicator.

Another quite dangerous habit is that many Thai drivers actuate the Hazard warning lights (both left and right indicators flashing in unison) to indicate that they intend to continue straight ahead at an intersection. When this happens the driver of a car coming from the left at the intersection can only see “your” left Indicator flashing - so he assumes you intend to turn left and he continues to drive across the intersection, straight into the path of your car.


I am not sure if its in the road rules are not, but on the highways it is standard procedure here for the slower vehicle to let the faster one coming from behind know that it is OK to overtake by flashing the left turn indicator. Thus, giving permission to overtake on the right. Makes sense to me, esp on narrow two lane roads.

But, I agree with you on the idea of using the hazards to go through an intersection. I asked my Thai husband about this and he said it is most definitely not in the road rules and it drives him crazy too.

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I am not sure if its in the road rules are not, but on the highways it is standard procedure here for the slower vehicle to let the faster one coming from behind know that it is OK to overtake by flashing the left turn indicator. Thus, giving permission to overtake on the right. Makes sense to me, esp on narrow two lane roads.

Suspect it is not a rule but pretty standard operation from my experience. See it with trucks a lot and have ridden with professional truck drivers that do it consistently. If a car behind is wanting to overtake, the truck uses the left signal to indicate the way is clear and the right to inform them it is not clear. Took me a while to sus that out though.

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Maybe it's a regional tendency. Around Chiang Mai, there's a fair amount of proper use of turn flashers that mean "I'm about to make a turn to this side." Not sure about the rural habits.

Wondering about that. I find that the percentages of cars correctly using their indicators in CM greater then in the US. Very rare to see one not using it but do get the ones who use it during or after starting the turn. :o

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Big air horns? Yes but please do not re-introduce the musical ones that play either 'La Cuccharacha' or 'The Yellow Rose of Texas'.

Ohhhhhhhh those were the days :o


Noo those are just darn loud air horns, nothing musical, similar sound as busses uses,,,

3horns only,I found them from one spare part shop just hangin in they selfs,,,1000THB...

Hippo>>> No music,,but if there would be, i think Bridge of the River Kwai propriate,,,,, those had 5 horn's, those where popular back in my old days in Finland...

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Another quite dangerous habit is that many Thai drivers actuate the Hazard warning lights (both left and right indicators flashing in unison) to indicate that they intend to continue straight ahead at an intersection. When this happens the driver of a car coming from the left at the intersection can only see “your” left Indicator flashing - so he assumes you intend to turn left and he continues to drive across the intersection, straight into the path of your car.

Whether in the west or in Thailand, you can never assume that a car will turn in front of you just because they are using their indicators lights. They might have forgotten to turn them off. I don't know how many times this has happened to me - and not in Thailand, either.

I find driving in Thailand pretty easy most of the time. It's true that people do whatever they want and disregard rules and common sense, but on the other hand they really watch what you are doing. It's not relaxed driving but it works.

I guess the only thing I can't get used to is people cutting off right turns diagonally, crossing oncoming traffic behind the corner where they can't see. It's mind-boggling.

I have slowly gotten used to the rule that traffic turning right at intersections takes right of way over oncoming traffic. Makes no sense but they all do it. Even oncoming traffic expects me to cut over in front of them so if I don't do it I end up blocking traffic!

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I would consider myself a careful, considerate driver, maybe its just me, but the amount of cars and pick-ups that weave in and out of traffic at break-neck speeds without indicating really makes my blood boil. Do people realise what the stalk on the side of the steering column is for? Maybe its an optional extra in some vehicles?

It's appears that the many people who have missed me by inches without indicating left/right are asleep at the wheel, drunk, plain ignorant, or really have no regard for other road users. :o

I think most thai drivers are marvellous ! considering they have no traffic education ,driving lessons, who needs them, nah come on we are in thailand,. and if one hits you its your fault for leaving your country !

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But, I agree with you on the idea of using the hazards to go through an intersection. I asked my Thai husband about this and he said it is most definitely not in the road rules and it drives him crazy too

He's wrong. It's in the highway code manual and driver safety manuals. The instructor also teaches this when you are tested for a Thai licence.

The instructors might teach that but I've heard numerous times that it's illegal and is not in a highway code.

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But, I agree with you on the idea of using the hazards to go through an intersection. I asked my Thai husband about this and he said it is most definitely not in the road rules and it drives him crazy too

He's wrong. It's in the highway code manual and driver safety manuals. The instructor also teaches this when you are tested for a Thai licence.

The instructors might teach that but I've heard numerous times that it's illegal and is not in a highway code.

Indeed you are correct, my fiance is learning to drive and nowhere in the highway code does it say to put your hazard lights on when going through an intersection. In fact her instructor told her it was illegal and not to do it as it could cause accidents. Also my thai teachers husband is a cop, he also said its illegal and police will fine people for doing that! (that said they fine people for whatever they can I suspect :o especially when its nearing the end of the month......)

Edited by moonoi
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But, I agree with you on the idea of using the hazards to go through an intersection. I asked my Thai husband about this and he said it is most definitely not in the road rules and it drives him crazy too

He's wrong. It's in the highway code manual and driver safety manuals. The instructor also teaches this when you are tested for a Thai licence.

The instructors might teach that but I've heard numerous times that it's illegal and is not in a highway code.

Indeed you are correct, my fiance is learning to drive and nowhere in the highway code does it say to put your hazard lights on when going through an intersection. In fact her instructor told her it was illegal and not to do it as it could cause accidents. Also my thai teachers husband is a cop, he also said its illegal and police will fine people for doing that! (that said they fine people for whatever they can I suspect :o especially when its nearing the end of the month......)

Is there anything in the highway code about those white painted things on the road in pattaya that look not dissimalar to pedestrian crossings in my old country ( england ) i have an idea that some official saw pictures of them in a mag or something and thought to himself " we have some white paint, lets do some " ,.Down here in the adults disneyland known as pattaya these are viewed by the thais as a great place to knock a farang down ! i saw a westener waiting at the edge of one for the traffic to stop about 3 months ago, ,.he was still there yesterday ! ,.


Edited by mikethevigoman
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Yes, the utter senseless use of indicators is a real eye opener, What about the fully loaded/overloaded pick up who sticks himself in the right hand lane & leaves his right indicator on? I belive this means "tough I'm not shifting out the way" I could realise a couple of years ago hurtling up the Asia Highway the l/h lane was no good but snce the majority has been relaid & widened why o why do they still sit in the right hand lane with the indicator blinking away? Putting hazard indicators on when driving through traffic lights makes my stress levels go through the roof.

I suppose flashing vigoursly when your waiting to turn is for another day's forum thread??? They must all think we're as stupid as them.


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Trucks with the indicator on will often pull over to the lane 1 km before actually turning. :o

Which lane ??? :D

Fast lane, right hand side.

I'm glad we cleared that up. I'm frequently confused as to which is the fast lane , slow lane & even more confused about which is the over taking lane????

Does anybody know why my picture isn't showing, obviously i'm doing something wrong somewhere?

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> when im speeding to home in 140kmh

Suggestion: Don't do that in rural Ubon.

Or anywhere else for that matter.

Personally I'm quite happy with the way most people are driving. (Read again: MOST people). But sure it would be better if police actually took the remaining nutters and broken vehicles off the road.

Still, not driving at 140kmh will solve a lot of the issues I bet.

That gets my vote! If you search the posts you will find one from a guy who claimed that he drove a Fortuner from Chiengmai to BKK, at night, at an average speed of 175 kph. He said it was safe because he had 8 pot brake calipers! This with his wife and MIL asleep on the back seat.

Slow down and live!

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Trucks with the indicator on will often pull over to the lane 1 km before actually turning. :o

Which lane ??? :D

Fast lane, right hand side.

No! As in Europe, the right hand lane is for overtaking after which you should return to the nearside lane (this on 4 lane highways). Yes, I know, I know!. Sticking to that traffic rule in Thailand will get you nowhere! But, strictly speaking, it is an offense to hog the right hand lane. Ask posters who have been booked for it.

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