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Increasingly Bad Exchange Rates - Thinking About Moving ..


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Can someone tell me on which page we went from bad exchange rates and thinking about moving to sin sot discussion? Can't decide if it was on page 3 or 4 :D

Some azzhole just HAD to do the math on post #11.

The baht now moves in a range of Bt34.80-Bt35 to the US dollar, compared with Bt35.46 at the beginning of this year.

A small movement in the last 3 months. Looks like the baht/USD is leveling off.....hope for the baht to weaken in the coming months against the USD.

Neb - it's hard to judge someone on the net. If I misjudged you, sorry. If not, you have to live with yourself. If you're on the level.......good luck with your marriage. :o

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A great deal of the problem is to do with the US dollar, not the Thai baht.

The dollar has been steadily sliding down the pan for the last 4 years

against other world currencies.

I suggest you send you comments to your Senator and G.W. Bush. :D

This line is always trotted out and while it is true to a point, it's not the whole story. There are two points.

First, the dollar's 'general decline' is not so big nor so universal as some point out.

Second, the baht is strong against EVERY currency.

I cannot agree with you. Yes, the baht has appreciated marginally,

but no where near as much as the US dollar has declined

On this day in 2003 the rates were

42.97 baht to US$1

67.36 baht to UK£1

Today the rates are

32.55 baht to US$1 (24% difference)

64.36 baht to UK£1 (4.5% difference)

Figures obtained from Oanda.

I watch these things very carefully as I am British, but get paid in increasingly useless green backs. :o

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Did i get my figures wrong or read them wrong in the Economist? If so, my apologies.

Anyway, I'm bored of exchange rates now. The thread got much more interesting when our Pagan friend Neb started to get caught out in his economics of the truth. . . Can we go back to that, please?

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Can someone tell me on which page we went from bad exchange rates and thinking about moving to sin sot discussion? Can't decide if it was on page 3 or 4 :D

Some azzhole just HAD to do the math on post #11.

The baht now moves in a range of Bt34.80-Bt35 to the US dollar, compared with Bt35.46 at the beginning of this year.

A small movement in the last 3 months. Looks like the baht/USD is leveling off.....hope for the baht to weaken in the coming months against the USD.

Neb - it's hard to judge someone on the net. If I misjudged you, sorry. If not, you have to live with yourself. If you're on the level.......good luck with your marriage. :o

SO very very trure. No hard feelings at all, Thanks for your well wishes! :D

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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

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Well, I am sorry to say I skipped the intervening pages as the sin sot discussion inevitably turns boring :o

I am not in Rainman's situation so I guess I can't really relate to the whole idea of moving for a better exchange rate. Thailand is my and my husband's home. Why would I up stakes and move elsewhere just because of an exchange rate? Something else, something bad, yes, but an exchange rate?

And, just on the logistical side, wouldn't you actually lose money because of the costs of moving etc?

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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

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Seriously, I think I will see where it goes in the next few months and then make a decision. I can guarantee I won't be here the day it goes under 30.00 which is where it's heading if something doesn't change quickly.

Who knows, maybe the plan is to bring the Baht 1:1 with the USD. That's the day when someone working in 7/11 will earn 10k USD per month and taxi rides will start at 35 USD and jump up 2 dollars every few meters. :o

rainman, I see a slight increase for the first time in over three weeks. After a steady decline of the dollar (at the ATM in Thailand), I finally had an uptick from 34.75 to 34.90. Nowhere near 32.00. So far.
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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Kind of like showing up to pick up one's prom date and asking the gal's parents to pay for the rented limo... don't worry, you'll pay them back later. After all, it's all just for show.

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

Edited by Heng
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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Kind of like showing up to pick up one's prom date and asking the gal's parents to pay for the rented limo... don't worry, you'll pay them back later. After all, it's all just for show.

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

More proof of just how sad the lives of so many Thais are. Gossiping about evey last detail from other peoples business, caculating just how much other people are worth, judging books by their covers, yes, truly sad indeed.

Obviously Thais don't believe in the "For rich or for poor" that most westerners follow when they get married.

This is Thaialnd "It doesn't matter if your not rich, but if you don't look good and look rich, then you are low class scum"

and we wonder why Thailand is headed in the direction its headed in....................

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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In the first place I think,what is the real reason why you stay in Thailand?For me cause I met my wife here and like the thais lifestyle,be it poor or financially better I do not care.Ofcourse it does matter for many of us when the rates are in our favour,but in the end I think someones is getting pushed to the limit when rates are deteriorating,will I stay or will I go.....I will stay......If not I would seriously doubt the reasons why I came here in the first place and that will not be money anyway,if that I would have tried to make a career,I choose a different way,and in that way money is just something I do need,but not in much proportions.

About the SIN Sod thing,why?For me it will be the exact reason why I would not let that woman be my wife,what love(or partnership for life)has to do with paying out money?If they want something like that just marry someone who exepts the custome,my wife(is thai)never mentioned it even to be considered,or her mother.Just happy together and it seems to get old fashioned practise(still in rural and the rich statures),the 'normal'and middleclass,what I see does not share this old custom as useful anymore,and I am happy with that.

You could say it the other turn around,like I you love me or your family likes me to marry you,make the party but leave the son sid....Cultural difference...so what?Or what if you are from India there the custom goes the other way around,woman pay for men.....Sounds like owning someone and ready to use.......I feel sorry for the guys(who have this) and would recommend them to think twice.

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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Kind of like showing up to pick up one's prom date and asking the gal's parents to pay for the rented limo... don't worry, you'll pay them back later. After all, it's all just for show.

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

More proof of just how sad the lives of so many Thais are. Gossiping about evey last detail from other peoples business, caculating just how much other people are worth, judging books by their covers, yes, truly sad indeed.

Obviously Thais don't believe in the "For rich or for poor" that most westerners follow when they get married.

This is Thaialnd "It doesn't matter if your not rich, but if you don't look good and look rich, then you are low class scum"

and we wonder why Thailand is headed in the direction its headed in....................

Must have touched a nerve there.


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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Kind of like showing up to pick up one's prom date and asking the gal's parents to pay for the rented limo... don't worry, you'll pay them back later. After all, it's all just for show.

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

More proof of just how sad the lives of so many Thais are. Gossiping about evey last detail from other peoples business, caculating just how much other people are worth, judging books by their covers, yes, truly sad indeed.

Obviously Thais don't believe in the "For rich or for poor" that most westerners follow when they get married.

This is Thaialnd "It doesn't matter if your not rich, but if you don't look good and look rich, then you are low class scum"

and we wonder why Thailand is headed in the direction its headed in....................

Must have touched a nerve there.


The only thing you did was expose the sad true feelings of many Thai people and just show how judgemental and greedy they are. :D

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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Kind of like showing up to pick up one's prom date and asking the gal's parents to pay for the rented limo... don't worry, you'll pay them back later. After all, it's all just for show.

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

More proof of just how sad the lives of so many Thais are. Gossiping about evey last detail from other peoples business, caculating just how much other people are worth, judging books by their covers, yes, truly sad indeed.

Obviously Thais don't believe in the "For rich or for poor" that most westerners follow when they get married.

This is Thaialnd "It doesn't matter if your not rich, but if you don't look good and look rich, then you are low class scum"

and we wonder why Thailand is headed in the direction its headed in....................

Must have touched a nerve there.


The only thing you did was expose the sad true feelings that you have of many Thai people and just show how judgemental and greedy they are. :D

(edit in bold by Heng)

You = you, not me.


Edited by Heng
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If someone could kindly tell me where I might find " Philly " I would surely buy some property and offer it to that chap who dispenses sin sods with such largesse. I'm sure we can reach an agreement advantageous at least to me if not to him, an arrangement evidently not alien to the chap.

I could also throw in a little hedge fund management for buckshee if only to show willing and possibly a spare sister in law if his sin sod devalues further.......

Currency fluctuations bedevil us all but if it is that critical to your geography then perhaps it's nature's way of telling you to move on.

Toodle pip!

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I am from Poland and during my 3 years stay in Thailand [PLN] has the same rate to [THB]. I do all money transfers by moneybookers and always the rate is the same. But I see my country currency goes crazy like baht, it's gonna crash - but when? Nobody knows.. just be ready to get how much you can in short time after this.

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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Kind of like showing up to pick up one's prom date and asking the gal's parents to pay for the rented limo... don't worry, you'll pay them back later. After all, it's all just for show.

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

More proof of just how sad the lives of so many Thais are. Gossiping about evey last detail from other peoples business, caculating just how much other people are worth, judging books by their covers, yes, truly sad indeed.

Obviously Thais don't believe in the "For rich or for poor" that most westerners follow when they get married.

This is Thaialnd "It doesn't matter if your not rich, but if you don't look good and look rich, then you are low class scum"

and we wonder why Thailand is headed in the direction its headed in....................

Must have touched a nerve there.


The only thing you did was expose the sad true feelings that you have of many Thai people and just show how judgemental and greedy they are. :D

(edit in bold by Heng)

You = you, not me.


You were the one who exposed how Thais think, which indicates how they feel, not me!

The comments you made about how critical people can be of anothers wedding is proof of how Thai people think.

As for you comment "Spirit of Sin Sod"

I don't know what there is to be proud of, selling of your child to another family, usually the highest bidder!

I know cases of Thai collegues not being able to marry the one they love because they don't have enough money, and in one case, it was too late, buy the time one guy saved the sin sod, the girl was already married to a richer man that she didn't love. So to me, the only word I can relate to sin sod is prostitution. :D

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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Kind of like showing up to pick up one's prom date and asking the gal's parents to pay for the rented limo... don't worry, you'll pay them back later. After all, it's all just for show.

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

You were the one who exposed how Thais think, which indicates how they feel, not me!

The comments you made about how critical people can be of anothers wedding is proof of how Thai people think.

As for you comment "Spirit of Sin Sod"

I don't know what there is to be proud of, selling of your child to another family, usually the highest bidder!

I know cases of Thai collegues not being able to marry the one they love because they don't have enough money, and in one case, it was too late, buy the time one guy saved the sin sod, the girl was already married to a richer man that she didn't love. So to me, the only word I can relate to sin sod is prostitution. :D

First, my apologies Steven, but Oz seems to feel strongly about this for some reason and can't let this go on this thread for some reason... perhaps you'd like to go ahead and delete all off topic comments on this thread to clean it up or transfer them to one of the 30 or so sin sod threads. Oz is more than welcome to PM me if he would like to continue this.

I'll highlight the relevant portions for you, Aussiestyle1983...

Here's what I posted:

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

Nowhere above do I elude to pride, sales of anykind, prostitution, etc. Those are clearly your own interpretations of the concepts mentioned.


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Well, while you're here, my Pagan friend, perhaps you could clear up the little issue of why you are worried about losing $8500 on a sinsod payment that you won't, in fact, be paying?

We're all a bit confused.

I still have to come up with it..I said I would have 2 million on the tray, when I said it that ment roughly $48,800 at 41baht to the $ at 35 Baht to the dollar it's something like $57,000. Lost or not I still need to produce and ear mark it for this as opposed to spending it prior on other expenses. Vexing, not life threatening, but irritating none the less.

Since the money is only for show, if might be possible to borrow someone elses money and return it to them immediatly after the ceremony. Even if its cash from a family member, after all, the money is only for show and that way you wouldn't need to think about the money, it would only be afew hundred thou THB to borrow, not to much. A farang at my school paid a Sin Sod of 200,000 THB (that was agreed to go to the parents and be kept by them) but the girls parents put 800,000 THb of their own cash on the table during the ceremony to make the dowry look bigger! In the end, everyone was happier and the guests never suspected a thing!

Kind of like showing up to pick up one's prom date and asking the gal's parents to pay for the rented limo... don't worry, you'll pay them back later. After all, it's all just for show.

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

You were the one who exposed how Thais think, which indicates how they feel, not me!

The comments you made about how critical people can be of anothers wedding is proof of how Thai people think.

As for you comment "Spirit of Sin Sod"

I don't know what there is to be proud of, selling of your child to another family, usually the highest bidder!

I know cases of Thai collegues not being able to marry the one they love because they don't have enough money, and in one case, it was too late, buy the time one guy saved the sin sod, the girl was already married to a richer man that she didn't love. So to me, the only word I can relate to sin sod is prostitution. :D

First, my apologies Steven, but Oz seems to feel strongly about this for some reason and can't let this go on this thread for some reason... perhaps you'd like to go ahead and delete all off topic comments on this thread to clean it up or transfer them to one of the 30 or so sin sod threads. Oz is more than welcome to PM me if he would like to continue this.

I'll highlight the relevant portions for you, Aussiestyle1983...

Here's what I posted:

I think some folks are a bit confused about the "for show" part. Part of the "show" is to show (not only to the guests, but to the bride's family) that you have the foundation and funds to take care of a new branch of the family. True, everyone's mileage may vary and there is sometimes borrowing going on, people using 100's, 500's instead of 1000's, using family chanotes instead of your own chanotes, renting the vehicles to be used in the ceremony, etc.... but that doesn't change the spirit of the sin sod, where you're supposed to be using your own funds, not Monopoly money, not fake checks, not borrowed, etc.


edit: and IMO, in general the guests usually do know what's going on. TIT, there are few true secrets. They know who's liquid, who's sweating because they have to pay back the money lender by 6pm, who went with the buffet instead of the set dinner to save a few Baht, etc.

Nowhere above do I elude to pride, sales of anykind, prostitution, etc. Those are clearly your own interpretations of the concepts mentioned.


That's right Steven, super moderator, delete what you please!

Heng ALSO can't seem to LET GO of this, so you just go ahead and delete the off topic posts and I will send this Heng a PM

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