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Legionaires founder sexually abused 60 boys, religious order's report says

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On ‎12‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 6:23 AM, colinneil said:

The Vatican has a hell of a lot to answer for, been covering up for disgusting kiddy fiddlers for many many years.

Horrible load of disgusting perverts.

The whole institute should be declared a criminal organization and be disbanded.


You are complicit in this if you give, and continue to give, money to these churches.


That is the solution in my estimation. Stop their funding, and for christ's sake, make them pay tax. As it stands these mother <deleted> have nothing but free time to spend with young children. 

6 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

You are complicit in this if you give, and continue to give, money to these churches.

While going to the most impoverished people in any country, scaring them, and demanding money.

Preying on the poor, the weak, the helpless, while the Vatican coffers overflow with cash, their art collection alone worth a fortune, gold plated religious articles, golden thread in their robes ...

Telling fairy tales to the gullible, ...

But it is all politics, as it ever was, and will continue to be

On 12/24/2019 at 7:08 PM, JAG said:

This is for me, and I am sure for many others, a very difficult matter. 


I am a Roman Catholic, was raised as a Catholic and have held to the faith throughout my life. I am a "practising Catholic" - heaven knows I have to practise, I am not very good at it! Now in my 60s my faith is central to my life. 


These people, and the despicable acts which they have committed, and the terrible harm which they have done to their victims are appalling sins. There is no defence to them, and I believe that the church has been wrong, terribly wrong, in attempting to hide, excuse or dismiss them. 


THere are two points which I would like to make. First, the teaching on confession and absolution. The Sacrament of Confession (Reconciliation), whilst if the confession is properly and sincerely made offers spiritual absolution, conditional on a specific penance, it does not absolve the sinner from ANY of the worldly consequences or sanctions of his acts. Nor does it remove the requirement for trial, punishment or restitution. So whether it is pedophilia or stealing sweets, it still has to be paid for in an earthly sense. Moreover if the confession is made with the intention of continuing to sin, then the absolution is not valid. So it is not a matter of an act of contrition and half a dozen Hail Marys, and off we go!


Secondly, I have over the years known many clerics and religious, priests, monks and nuns. Many of them have been very good people. These vile creature we hear and talk about, whilst there seem many of them, and many are in powerful positions within the church, are not representative of the Roman Catholic Church. They are a aberration, and one which the church is struggling - perhaps failing - to deal with. That is a source of great sadness and concern to many like me.


I leave you with a thought - The Devil. He works in many ways, and it has been said that his greatest victory, is in persuading so many people that he does not exist!

1) This "penance" please give some examples.


2) How can things be "paid for in an earthly sense" if the offences are not reported to the police.?

1 hour ago, canthai55 said:

While going to the most impoverished people in any country, scaring them, and demanding money.

Preying on the poor, the weak, the helpless, while the Vatican coffers overflow with cash, their art collection alone worth a fortune, gold plated religious articles, golden thread in their robes ...

Telling fairy tales to the gullible, ...

But it is all politics, as it ever was, and will continue to be

Yes, they claim (without scriptural warrant) the apostolic succession, yet the apostles did not conduct themselves in the manner described above.

11 hours ago, rott said:

1) This "penance" please give some examples.


2) How can things be "paid for in an earthly sense" if the offences are not reported to the police.?

That is my point, whilst the priest can grant absolution and issue a penance (prayer) the penitent is also required to submit himself to the "earthly authorities " to face his crimes. If he doesn't  do that then the absolution is not valid.

On 12/23/2019 at 10:31 AM, ezzra said:

How ironic, Christ, Catolic, and still sees nothing wrong with abusing children, but then again, sexual abuse is nothing new in the Catholic church as many such sase have been brought to light in recent years and went as high as this australia's cardinal Pell who's been found guilty for abusing children and now in jail...

Unfortunately it was not only Catholics as the recent Royal Commission into Institutional Childhood Abuse proved, all religious organisations were mentioned I think with the exception of Quakers, but that may because of the extremely low numbers of adherents.

Even the father of the pastor to the Australian PM was again named,  as was the pastor for not reporting the abuse to police.Evangelical Happy Clappers


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