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Thailand vs Philippines


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44 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

This thread can’t be right. Most posts rate PI, Vietnam, Cambodia and even Laos above Thailand in terms of both standard and cost of living. 

from what i have read, vietnam is up to snuff

on reliable electric supply, and i know laos is,

laos suck in other ways tho, notably the taxi mafia,

easily 3 times the cost in pattaya

Edited by brokenbone
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17 hours ago, baansgr said:

Thai versus PI threads have been done to death....only advatgae I find in Thailand is availability of OTC drugs compared to needng a prescription in PI. Each to their own for whatever reasons.

It's not a comparison it's my personal situation. And just my thoughts..But thanks lol

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24 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

I have been to Phil 45 times and owned a condo there. Both places have their benefits but there are some big ones here in Thailand. Internet and Infrastructure are far superior in Thailand. If you could swap the Thais for Filipinos (who are far more polite and warmer) you would have heaven but alas we can't have everything.

Fair call.... Sir yes Sir. Thais <deleted>

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6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I absolutely disagree,

Most of the Filipino girls i have encountered can make jokes and understand humour in English, watch and listen to the same movies and music as us, and discuss anything happening in the world you like.

Thai girls generally have no idea about anything outside of Thailand, and can barely speak or understand English, even if they studied for an English degree at University and passed with honours.


As for Thai food, loaded with sugar, MSG and chillis ..... barely edible IMHO.

Fair enough but l lived in Thai 6 yeàrs. Your wrong way off. Everything made in Pi is rotten with sugar they are lost. Buy there peanut butter or anything. As for the girls there all the same. Thai 15 year old spoke perfect English to me BTS for directions. Pinoy schools pleàse. No better. No worse Asia. There produce is no good there food uneatable. Can't wait to go back. Complain about Baht who cares home time

Edited by tomauasia
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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Your English appears to be as bad as a Thai girls English, so I understand you may not be able to judge the difference.


No problem

You are wrong and haven't spent longer than a holiday here. Anybody that has stayed in the Philippines knows the foods bad. Your remarks don't bother me. Paper thin  lol

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