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One year bank statement and bank letter

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Does it always take a week for the bank to produce the one year bank statement? Is that standard for all banks or is that just Bangkok Bank? Because I use SCB and I’m gonna start collecting my bank letter and my one year bank statement from the bank on January 2nd. If it really takes a week for that I’ll probably go to immigration on January 10th after it’s done. I’d like to go sooner as soon as I have my bank paperwork but I can wait a week it’s all done here in Korat now anyway so it’s definitely more convenient than my past extensions because no more trips to the embassy. 

Is it a week for all banks or is that just a Bangkok Bank thing? For the one year bank statement is what I meant more clearly. 

I go by my monthly deposits of over 100K baht a month but I believe the balance on my bank letter, statement, and my bank book has to match so I best do it all on the same day. And if it does take a week I’m not sure if I’ll be doing it all on January 2nd or some of it on January 9th.

Basically I’m just trying to get an idea if I’ll be able to pick up all my bank paperwork for immigration in one day or not. It’s for my marriage extension and I already know exactly what my local immigration office needs I went down there in person and they gave me examples of what the bank letter and the one year bank statement are supposed to look like, and I know copies of all the pages in my bank books as well and make sure the ending balance matches the bank book, letter, and the bank statement. I know all that I’m wondering is it going to take a week to get it all from the bank SCB? If so no big deal it’s definitely going to be a lot easier than last year regardless no more Embassy trips just for an extension any more which is gonna be nice. 

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12 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

thanachart bank do it while i wait 100 baht

Ok, did you get your one year bank statement in only one day? Because I heard the one year bank statement takes a week at Bangkok Bank but I use SCB. I know the bank letter only takes maybe a few minutes but I have heard the one year bank statement takes a little longer for them to produce it. 

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Does the bank actually refer to it as the one year bank statement or the deposit statement?

I know it has to show the whole years worth of deposits and transfers. My first transfer was like 70,000 baht and after that I started doing at least 90,000 a month and then back in May I set up my International Direct Deposit through the VA. So now it’s all automatic on payday I don’t have to do it manually every month anymore. And I already showed my bank book to immigration on December 2nd or 3rd and they confirmed that my deposits all looked fine now my whole pension payment goes to SCB every month for over 100K a month give or take a fewthousand depending on the exchange rate. They didn’t even care about exact dates just 12 months worth of deposits and since mine are all between 90 and 100K they knew it was fine my smallest deposit back in January I believe was 70K. All my pay dates are pretty consistent especially now that I’m using IDD but that didn’t seem to be an issue at immigration when I asked and after they spent about 10 minutes looking through my bank books earlier this month. 

Here they’re not so much worried about deposit dates as long as you have at least 12 deposits one per month for the whole year. But my deposit dates are all very consistent so if that is an issue I don’t really know but I know mine are exactly what they want to see because I showed them and they took like 10 minutes reviewing my deposits for me so I’m good there, I just want to know if I’ll have to wait a week for my statement or if I’ll get it the same day when I go down there in 3 days. I heard it takes a week for Bangkok Bank but I’ll find out about SCB on Thursday when I go to get it unless anyone else already knows if it takes SCB a week to produce it or if they can do it while you wait. I know where I live the local SCB here is A LOT better than Bangkok Bank. I wasn’t very impressed with Bangkok Bank here that’s why I use SCB and here SCB really is a lot better. 

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I already asked immigration about my deposit dates and I showed them my bank books and those are fine no problems there. Really my only question is will SCB take a week to do the one year bank statement or can they do it while I wait the same day? If no one knows I’ll find out on Thursday when I go to the bank.

I just want to plan what day I’ll go to immigration which will depend on what day I have all my bank paperwork either by the end of this week or possibly by the end of next week. I’m just wondering about that when I get the paperwork from the bank I know about everything else. I just want to be able to plan specific dates when I go, looks like it’ll take either two days or maybe 3 days including my trip to the bank and immigration depending on how long it takes for the bank to produce the bank statement, but at least it’s all done locally this year and I don’t have to go to the embassy which is nice. It’ll be easier than last year for sure even if I do have to go back and pick up the bank statement a week after this Thursday, I much prefer a 5 minute trip to the bank which is only 15 minutes away from immigration than a 5 hour drive to the embassy. I’m looking forward to getting it done under the current procedures that went into effect last year. 

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Here's my complete experience of obtaining an extension at Jomtien a couple of weeks ago. Includes the bank statement issue.


I have always transferred more than 65k baht/month from my UK bank account to my Thai bank account but always transferred it by withdrawing it on my UK credit card, in the bank, then re depositing it in my Thai bank account (Bangkok Bank). As of January last I did a bank to bank transfer (SWIFT) from my UK bank to Bangkok Bank. Slightly more expensive.


My extension (retirement) was due on December 20th, so I went to my local BKK bank branch late November and asked for 12 months worth of statements. This caused a lot of confusion in the branch with them insisting that I could do it on line. After them trying it themselves, they admitted that they would have to apply to head office for it as they could only go back 6 months for statements in branch (which I'd told them several times). It would would take one week. A week later the bank phoned me to say that the statement had arrived. When I went in to the bank I descovered that they had sent one statement for the month of December 2018! After a lot of explaining to them and helping them to fill the form in, they reapplied to head office for the statements. I'd already paid them 200 baht for the service and they didn't ask me to pay again. After another week, the statements arrived, showing 11 foreign transfers, January to November inclusive.


A couple of days later, I went back to the bank, deposited 1000 baht cash, updated my book and got a letter from the bank to confirm my account and the amount in it. 100 baht, I think.


I had previously downloaded 3 months worth of current account statements, from my UK current account onto a pen drive, showing at least 3 entries for both my state pension and my company pension. I did this as Ubon Joe had stated that Jomtien would ask for proof that the money came from a pension. I also took a P60 from my company pension provider which showed, with that alone, I had more than enough to cover the 65k baht/month.


I went to my local copy shop and copied my UK bank statements, all pages from my bank book, the relevant pages from my yellow house book and relevant pages from my passport. I already had a spare passport photo. I signed every photocopy page.


Went to the reception desk at Jomtien, obtained the relevant form (TM7?) filled it in (remember it's 2 sided) and went back to the desk. 12.40. Closed 12.00-1.00. Actually got my ticket at 12.55. Went to desk 8 and saw that my number was next up.  At 1.00, the assistant called me to the desk and went through my paperwork. He went through my BKK bank statements thoroughly, marking every line showing a foreign transfer, then spent another couple of minutes totting every entry up and re checking them. Seemed to be the most important document by far. Had a cursory look at my UK bank statements, not long enough to really digest the content of them. I didn't hand him the P60. I got the impression that it wasn't really nessecary to prove that the money was sourced from a pension. All done. Was given a tally to collect my passport the next day. Out at 1.20, sat in a local restaurant at 1.30 having lunch. Painless.


My wife went back the next day but couldn't collect my passport as you need to be there to have your photo taken. Went back the next day and collected my passport.


Next year I plan to go to my local bank in June and obtain 6 months of statements, December-May inclusive and again late November and obtain another 6 months of statements June-November inclusive. This should avoid having to send off to head office for 12 months of statements.

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23 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Here's my complete experience of obtaining an extension at Jomtien a couple of weeks ago. Includes the bank statement issue.


I have always transferred more than 65k baht/month from my UK bank account to my Thai bank account but always transferred it by withdrawing it on my UK credit card, in the bank, then re depositing it in my Thai bank account (Bangkok Bank). As of January last I did a bank to bank transfer (SWIFT) from my UK bank to Bangkok Bank. Slightly more expensive.


My extension (retirement) was due on December 20th, so I went to my local BKK bank branch late November and asked for 12 months worth of statements. This caused a lot of confusion in the branch with them insisting that I could do it on line. After them trying it themselves, they admitted that they would have to apply to head office for it as they could only go back 6 months for statements in branch (which I'd told them several times). It would would take one week. A week later the bank phoned me to say that the statement had arrived. When I went in to the bank I descovered that they had sent one statement for the month of December 2018! After a lot of explaining to them and helping them to fill the form in, they reapplied to head office for the statements. I'd already paid them 200 baht for the service and they didn't ask me to pay again. After another week, the statements arrived, showing 11 foreign transfers, January to November inclusive.


A couple of days later, I went back to the bank, deposited 1000 baht cash, updated my book and got a letter from the bank to confirm my account and the amount in it. 100 baht, I think.


I had previously downloaded 3 months worth of current account statements, from my UK current account onto a pen drive, showing at least 3 entries for both my state pension and my company pension. I did this as Ubon Joe had stated that Jomtien would ask for proof that the money came from a pension. I also took a P60 from my company pension provider which showed, with that alone, I had more than enough to cover the 65k baht/month.


I went to my local copy shop and copied my UK bank statements, all pages from my bank book, the relevant pages from my yellow house book and relevant pages from my passport. I already had a spare passport photo. I signed every photocopy page.


Went to the reception desk at Jomtien, obtained the relevant form (TM7?) filled it in (remember it's 2 sided) and went back to the desk. 12.40. Closed 12.00-1.00. Actually got my ticket at 12.55. Went to desk 8 and saw that my number was next up.  At 1.00, the assistant called me to the desk and went through my paperwork. He went through my BKK bank statements thoroughly, marking every line showing a foreign transfer, then spent another couple of minutes totting every entry up and re checking them. Seemed to be the most important document by far. Had a cursory look at my UK bank statements, not long enough to really digest the content of them. I didn't hand him the P60. I got the impression that it wasn't really nessecary to prove that the money was sourced from a pension. All done. Was given a tally to collect my passport the next day. Out at 1.20, sat in a local restaurant at 1.30 having lunch. Painless.


My wife went back the next day but couldn't collect my passport as you need to be there to have your photo taken. Went back the next day and collected my passport.


Next year I plan to go to my local bank in June and obtain 6 months of statements, December-May inclusive and again late November and obtain another 6 months of statements June-November inclusive. This should avoid having to send off to head office for 12 months of statements.

Thanks I’m good on my deposits I already checked with immigration but I’m really just wondering how long that same service will take SCB to produce one year worth of bank statements. I always ask for my credit advices every month after payday which shows even more details about my deposits but immigration wants it to be official which is fine I still get my credit advices for my own records because they’re perfect for keeping track of each exchange rate I receive every month. 

Edited by DennisE
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35 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Next year I plan to go to my local bank in June and obtain 6 months of statements, December-May inclusive and again late November and obtain another 6 months of statements June-November inclusive. This should avoid having to send off to head office for 12 months of statements.

Good plan. I have always had to wait 'about a week' to get the annual statement from BB's head office. I made a note on my calendar to make sure I downloaded the complete first 6 months of online statements before they started dropping off their 6-month availability calendar. Back then, it was just a .csv file which has all the details they need and could be viewed with a bit of editing in a simple spreadsheet but that lacked the bank letterhead and anything remotely 'official' looking. So I just bit the bullet and ordered the 1-year printed one from head office. I admit I didn't try the spreadsheet with any IO's and went with what I knew they accepted but if someone has used it and it has been accepted, that may be good to know.

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20 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

I can only comment on my experience with Bangkok Bank. Should take one week but took 2 weeks due to a branch cock up.

This is why I always do it a minimum of 30 days early every month in case I run into any issues like you did at the bank. 

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15 minutes ago, Martyp said:

I’ve always heard that you can easily get 6 months of bank statements same day but one year was going to take longer. Several days. Maybe a week.

Yeah I heard it takes a week at Bangkok Bank for sure but apparently some might be able to do it quickly. Oh well I guess I’ll find out on Thursday. I was really just trying to plan ahead of time exactly what day we’re going to immigration but that’ll depend on how fast SCB does it. Looks like we’ll go either on Friday or the following week depending on how long my one year bank statement takes SCB. 

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1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

I just keep over 400k in the bank permanantly so i usually just get a letter from the bank on the day ,my balance rarely changes ,i use another bank for day to day ,

That’s like $13K USD which would not be a bad idea at all but I don’t want to get in the habit of transferring that much money to Thailand every year so I just go by my monthly pension payments. 

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10 minutes ago, DennisE said:

That’s like $13K USD which would not be a bad idea at all but I don’t want to get in the habit of transferring that much money to Thailand every year so I just go by my monthly pension payments. 

Why would you transfer money every year? If you keep it in your account permanently then it is there for use next year. That is what I do with my 800K. I guess I should mention that you don't have to show that the banked money comes from overseas like you do for the income method. The income method is fine too if you have the proof of overseas origin worked out.

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So does anyone know if it also takes SCB a week to provide the one year bank statement? Either way I guess I’ll find out Thursday or Friday and honestly I don’t feel like going to immigration till next week anyway so I guess it doesn’t really matter if it takes a few minutes or a week. But if anyone knows who’s done it before through SCB just let me know. Thanks happy new year. 

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1 hour ago, Martyp said:

Why would you transfer money every year? If you keep it in your account permanently then it is there for use next year. That is what I do with my 800K. I guess I should mention that you don't have to show that the banked money comes from overseas like you do for the income method. The income method is fine too if you have the proof of overseas origin worked out.

I also don’t want to pick apart my savings account or my TSP account in the United States since I receive guaranteed monthly income. I’m retired US military of 21 years and a 100% disabled veteran so my monthly income is not a problem it’s over 100K baht a month alone not including my wife’s income from US Social Security. So I don’t do that I have my pension payments coming here every month so I really don’t want to bring in more than that or I’ll probably just end up spending it to be honest. 

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1 hour ago, Martyp said:

Why would you transfer money every year? If you keep it in your account permanently then it is there for use next year. That is what I do with my 800K. I guess I should mention that you don't have to show that the banked money comes from overseas like you do for the income method. The income method is fine too if you have the proof of overseas origin worked out.

Oh and a TSP account is a military Thrift Savings Plan that’s basically like an IRA. Same concept exactly you normally only withdraw money from that to buy a house or else the IRS will take a bite. So I don’t want to mess with that and I don’t have to I already have guaranteed monthly income from my pension payments. 

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4 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Next year I plan to go to my local bank in June and obtain 6 months of statements, December-May inclusive and again late November and obtain another 6 months of statements June-November inclusive. This should avoid having to send off to head office for 12 months of statements.

Just beware, though, I can recall a report on here some time ago (from @soisanuk if I recall correctly) stating that Jomtien are insistent on a 12-month statement in a specific format as in the following example:-




Was the 12-month statement which your local Bangkok Bank branch provided you with in November along these lines?

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9 minutes ago, OJAS said:

Just beware, though, I can recall a report on here some time ago (from @soisanuk if I recall correctly) stating that Jomtien are insistent on a 12-month statement in a specific format as in the following example:-




Was the 12-month statement which your local Bangkok Bank branch provided you with in November along these lines?

No, nothing like, it was a proper bank statement showing all entries.

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2 minutes ago, EricTh said:

When I got my bank letter, SCB managed to print the bank statement together within a few minutes.


I don't think you need one week for other banks.



Ok cool, did you get the full one year bank statement or deposit statement I believe is the correct term? 

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4 minutes ago, EricTh said:

When I got my bank letter, SCB managed to print the bank statement together within a few minutes.


I don't think you need one week for other banks.



Really the whole one year bank statement? Did it cost you 200 baht? 

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3 minutes ago, DennisE said:

Really the whole one year bank statement? Did it cost you 200 baht? 

I used the 800k deposit method but immigration wanted to see the bank statement as well because mine was a Fixed Deposit account.


Can't remember how many months they printed but all I needed to show was the two months (and not 12 months) before application.


Yes, it costs me 200 baht for both documents but it was printed nicely on bank letterhead.

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The whole one year bank statement? Did it cost you 200 baht? Well 200 baht is definitely a lot cheaper than the $50 USD it used to cost for the Embassy letter plus no more driving 5 hours down there and all it costs for that. But I can understand why some people might miss the embassy letters if you live near the embassy and can get there easily I guess that one page document would be easier than this but for me I like this way better without the embassy letters I think it’s much better already. 

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3 minutes ago, EricTh said:

I used the 800k deposit method but immigration wanted to see the bank statement as well because mine was a Fixed Deposit account.


Can't remember how many months they printed but all I needed to show was the two months (and not 12 months) before application.


Yes, it costs me 200 baht for both documents but it was printed nicely on bank letterhead.

Ok, well mine still might take a week then I’ll see on Thursday or Friday. But thanks for letting me know I’ll definitely ask. 

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1 minute ago, DennisE said:

Ok, well mine still might take a week then I’ll see on Thursday or Friday. 

I don't think printing a few months versus one year transactions might make a difference if it can fit on one page. I think mine was 6 months transaction or more.


After all, they just print out from their computer system and alter the 'From Date' field.

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