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Two queries - "Health Farm" & "Spiritual Healing"


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Hello Everyone,


I hope you had a wonderful Xmas and that the NY will be a good one for you all, especially on the health side!


I have two queries from two different friends living outside Thailand and since I don't know the answers I said I would try and see if I could find any for them.


1) Some friends plan to visit a health farm to detox for around 10 days when they visit next year. Has anyone any experience with any in particular and are there any recommendations? They mentioned "New Leaf" in Koh Samui which they found via a Google search, but I have no idea about this subject so hence the request.


2) Another friend is convinced that she needs to undergo some type of healing experience that will bring order and "good luck" back into her life. She says she has bad luck and needs to be "reset". Is there anything that can do such a thing or is it just all in the mind and attitude? Not sure meditation will be the answer but if anyone has any recommendations re: courses they have tried or heard about it would be appreciated.


Many thanks!




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Could be a good idea for some people.


Ko Samui will be very very expensive.


You could try googling the same in Kanchanaburi. There is a place on the way to Sai Yok. Just google something like health farm in Kanchanaburi. They might even get some change out of 10,000 baht

Edited by JAS21
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1) Health Oasis on Samui is probably the most authentic/no frills place for this.


2) It really depends on her. Meditation will certainly achieve an inner "reset" but one has to be sincerely motivated to do it. If she accepts that what needs to change is within herself and not a matter of "luck" then refer her to www.dhamma.org to read up on it, there are several centers in Thailand as well as many other countries including quite possibly her home country.


If she is convinced some sort of external "luck" is the problem, many temples  for a donation will conduct various rituals.  No specific resorts etc than I know of for this, Thai people go to a temple for it.  There will be some placebo effect but not much more than that.

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On 12/30/2019 at 1:45 PM, Korat88 said:

Another friend is convinced that she needs to undergo some type of healing experience that will bring order and "good luck" back into her life. She says she has bad luck and needs to be "reset". Is there anything that can do such a thing or is it just all in the mind and attitude? Not sure meditation will be the answer but if anyone has any recommendations re: courses they have tried or heard about it would be appreciated.


An extended water fast would detox her body, reset her system as well as calm her mind and nervous system.  A nice quiet environment while fasting is a plus and it's best to stay away from TV, phone and computers while fasting really helps too (which is another form of fasting - from the tech tools that we are all addicted to).


Tell her to research water fasting first and to make sure to break the fast with nothing but fruit juice and watery fruits for some time after the fast (if she chooses to try this method)


It's no pleasure cruise, but the end result and benefits are well worth the effort (not to mention it costs nothing and you actually save all the money you would have spent on food during the fast).

Edited by MeePeeMai
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