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Two timing Thai wife and lover stabbed repeatedly after being found in bed together by husband


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13 hours ago, steven100 said:

they both deserve what they got. Only negative is they didn't die.

Poor ole Worapong copped the worst treatment , but  perhaps he did'nt know that she was married, it has happened to me, but luckily no knife was involved, she should have come off worse.


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11 hours ago, NanLaew said:

I didn't.


But in my defense, when my Laotian ex-wife, on (yet another) hysterical, jealousy-driven tirade held a gun to my head and dared me to dare her to shoot me to which I obliged and she pulled the trigger... I didn't react violently. I just took the jammed gun from her suddenly shaking hand, looked deeply into her clearly startled eyes and said in a slow, even voice, "I really think we need to start seeing other people" pocketed the gun and left the house.

Very respectful. The smell must have been revolting.

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22 hours ago, Kurtf said:

Too bad he didn't kill them both. Cheating and breaking a trust is the worst thing one person can do to another in my opinion. 

This has to be the most despicable comment I have ever seen on TV. Even worse is how many others agree with it. She is not his property and is free to do as she wants. If he was so perfect why did she want another man? If my wife wants another man it is my fault 

My fault for marrying the wrong woman.

My fault for not keeping her satisfied. 

My fault for not being good enough. 

I have made it quite clear that she has one life and if she thinks she will be happier with another man then she is free to go. We now have a son so things aren't that simple anymore but I still would never expect her to stay against her will. 

On the other hand violence is never acceptable unless used against someone who is using violence first. I have known many people who have cheated and not one deserved any kind of physical punishment. If you're not happy with your partner you sort things out or split up. Society needs protecting from anyone who reacts like this selfish psycho. Jealousy is something we should all be able to control but sadly many cannot, largely due to the way they are brought up. 

As for being the worst thing someone can do - you must have had a very sheltered life and need to get out and see how people actually behave. I don't like lies and cheating but when it happens to me, I learn and never forget then adjust my attitude and relationship to that person as needed and if required let them know why. If I trusted them too much it was my poor judgement. 

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First page reveals some distressing brain wave patterns in some of you.  Scary.    We are just sharing space with others  as we ride this spaceship.    Come and go, enjoy each good day.   

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23 hours ago, Kurtf said:

Too bad he didn't kill them both. Cheating and breaking a trust is the worst thing one person can do to another in my opinion. 

Are you serious? Millions of couples have great relationships, and fidelity is not even a part of their lifestyle. It is an individual thing. Many couples do not even have sex, especially with women over 40, many of whom are indifferent to sex, or do not want it at all, so what is the man supposed to do? Fidelity is so over rated. It is a personal thing, and every couple is different. 


OK, I can see this guy was upset. But, who knows what the circumstances were? He could have been cheating on her constantly, but lost his mind at the thought of her doing the same to him. 

Edited by spidermike007
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3 hours ago, chang1 said:

This has to be the most despicable comment I have ever seen on TV. Even worse is how many others agree with it. She is not his property and is free to do as she wants. If he was so perfect why did she want another man? If my wife wants another man it is my fault 

My fault for marrying the wrong woman.

My fault for not keeping her satisfied. 

My fault for not being good enough. 

I have made it quite clear that she has one life and if she thinks she will be happier with another man then she is free to go. We now have a son so things aren't that simple anymore but I still would never expect her to stay against her will. 

On the other hand violence is never acceptable unless used against someone who is using violence first. I have known many people who have cheated and not one deserved any kind of physical punishment. If you're not happy with your partner you sort things out or split up. Society needs protecting from anyone who reacts like this selfish psycho. Jealousy is something we should all be able to control but sadly many cannot, largely due to the way they are brought up. 

As for being the worst thing someone can do - you must have had a very sheltered life and need to get out and see how people actually behave. I don't like lies and cheating but when it happens to me, I learn and never forget then adjust my attitude and relationship to that person as needed and if required let them know why. If I trusted them too much it was my poor judgement. 

Well said.

I would probably substitute "inabilty with that person", as opposed to it being a "fault" in your makeup or skills

I am also astounded at the absolute unbridled toxic masculinty I sometimes read, not mention downright mysoginy 

Edited by RJRS1301
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7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Well said.

I would probably substitute "inabilty with that person", as opposed to it being a "fault" in your makeup or skills

I am also astounded at the absolute unbridled toxic masculinty I sometimes read, not mention downright mysoginy 

Thanks. I suppose it comes down to how fault is defined. I was thinking something like fault = unable to do what he/she/it is expected to do to an acceptable standard. But I admit I am not the most articulate. 

We are all free to do what we want but have to accept the consequences. If our partner behaves in a way that is  unacceptable we need to sort it, accept it or move on. Never resort to violence or controlling behaviour. They are doing what they want - it us that has the problem (with it). 

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3 hours ago, ta158 said:

there was a case today were man stabbed his ex girls new man to death.

Is it my perception or is domestic family violence extremely high in Thailand ?

I do not recall seeing any Anti Domestic Violence messages anywhere or community education

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23 hours ago, chang1 said:

If he was so perfect why did she want another man? If my wife wants another man it is my fault 

My fault for marrying the wrong woman.

My fault for not keeping her satisfied. 

My fault for not being good enough. 

You don't know much about women, do you? They're all capable of doing this, if they met the "right" man at the "right" time, in the "right" place. 

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20 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Well said.

I would probably substitute "inabilty with that person", as opposed to it being a "fault" in your makeup or skills

I am also astounded at the absolute unbridled toxic masculinty I sometimes read, not mention downright mysoginy

Never fear ladies, here is a white knight to defend your honour. 


You probably think that honesty, loyalty and integrity are "toxic masculinity", too, eh? You'll never hear a woman talking about those qualities. 

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2 hours ago, MarineEquine said:

Never fear ladies, here is a white knight to defend your honour. 


You probably think that honesty, loyalty and integrity are "toxic masculinity", too, eh? You'll never hear a woman talking about those qualities. 

Oh what a great skill you displayed of conflating one comment, (which was separated in the post)  with nothing even mentioned in the post.

Perhaps read some of what some posters have written in this and many threads,  and try some context




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2 hours ago, MarineEquine said:

You probably think that honesty, loyalty and integrity are "toxic masculinity", too, eh? You'll never hear a woman talking about those qualities. 

Perhaps with the women you mix with that may be true. But I will bow to your superior knowledge on your circle of female friends


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1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:

Never fear ladies, here is a white knight to defend your honour. 


You probably think that honesty, loyalty and integrity are "toxic masculinity", too, eh? You'll never hear a woman talking about those qualities. 

  • For your consideration
  • https://thebookofman.com/mind/masculinity/what-is-toxic-masculinity/
  • Shame, disassociation and avoidance of emotional expression.
  • Extreme self-reliance.
  • Extreme aspiration for physical, sexual and intellectual dominance.
  • Devaluation of women’s opinions, body and sense of self.
  • Condemning anything feminine within another man.
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16 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Is it my perception or is domestic family violence extremely high in Thailand ?

I do not recall seeing any Anti Domestic Violence messages anywhere or community education

domestic/family violence is very high yes, usually between husband and wife, or ex's, but very common among brothers, nephews etc, not too long ago a man shot dead his 2 younger brothers, the same day another man shot dead his older brother, and there was 2 cases of mass shootings family related, first a man shot dead i think it was 6 of his family, just because he did not feel welcome, and recently after another man shot dead his family.


since i wrote that '' man stabbed his ex girls new man to death.'' another man has been killed, a women was seeing the victim, but later got a new boyfriend, things did not work out so she returned to her first boyfriend (the victim), new boyfriend shot him 4 times dead on scene.

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On 1/2/2020 at 3:47 PM, SteveK said:

Great comment. Agree 100%. How could you ever know how you would react unless you have experienced this awful situation yourself?

situation could be celebratory for some as an excuse to party with da boyz

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On 1/3/2020 at 8:15 AM, chang1 said:

This has to be the most despicable comment I have ever seen on TV. Even worse is how many others agree with it. She is not his property and is free to do as she wants. If he was so perfect why did she want another man? If my wife wants another man it is my fault 

My fault for marrying the wrong woman.

My fault for not keeping her satisfied. 

My fault for not being good enough. 

I have made it quite clear that she has one life and if she thinks she will be happier with another man then she is free to go. We now have a son so things aren't that simple anymore but I still would never expect her to stay against her will. 

On the other hand violence is never acceptable unless used against someone who is using violence first. I have known many people who have cheated and not one deserved any kind of physical punishment. If you're not happy with your partner you sort things out or split up. Society needs protecting from anyone who reacts like this selfish psycho. Jealousy is something we should all be able to control but sadly many cannot, largely due to the way they are brought up. 

As for being the worst thing someone can do - you must have had a very sheltered life and need to get out and see how people actually behave. I don't like lies and cheating but when it happens to me, I learn and never forget then adjust my attitude and relationship to that person as needed and if required let them know why. If I trusted them too much it was my poor judgement. 

ok, so why does the wife not sit down and and talk things through? 'sort things out'.  (as you suggest) She say she is not happy, she wants more, another man????,,,,,,,

NO, she tells her husband that she is going to see family or whatever for 2/3 days,    all fine by the husband... BUT NOT, he comes home and cops them rooting in the home, their home!   A situation can only be responded to with love, communication and understanding? I THINK NOT!  And yes, violence comes to mind in an instant!  

How would you react in that instant. ?   Maybe a cup of tea and a scone, a chat whilst your wifes lover puts on his pants one leg at a time and exits unhindered.? 

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