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The week that was in Thailand news: Investing in Thailand? Plenty have done very well, thank you very much.


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What idiot would invest in Thailand? What simpleton would buy a house rather than rent? What buffoon would deposit money in a Thai bank? What imbecile would start a business especially employing lazy, unreliable Thais? What birdbrain would even consider putting any roots down in a country that exists merely to skin you alive!


The answer to these compelling questions may surprise you...look for a reflection in the window...☺

Edited by Puchaiyank
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3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I'm assuming you meant 'the bottom of their beer bottles contained in those ghastly holders'?


In that case I too must be described as a snob, as I just can't drink directly out of a bottle, For me I end up swallowing the gas in the liquid too - whether it's beer or pop. A glass is so much more practical in my opinion.


Yes, I'm clearly getting my bottles and my glasses all mixed up. Looks like Chiang Mai and the dementia farm for me. The children have always said when they are rich enough that is my "fate".



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3 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

I love you man...thanks for that outstanding advise...????

Your welcome. There is nothing I wouldn´t do to try to get somebody´s mind back on track. The big question is if you are going to take the advice, or not?

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6 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

Yes, I'm clearly getting my bottles and my glasses all mixed up. Looks like Chiang Mai and the dementia farm for me. The children have always said when they are rich enough that is my "fate".



It must be nice to have such caring children. I wish them a hasty prosperity and all the best in life. ???? 

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6 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

It's been scientifically proven that the grass in the US of A is 17.3% greener than Thailand. 


Trump said. 



Yep, that man would say anything to get his daily kick of Twitter likes.

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14 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

What idiot would invest in Thailand? What simpleton would buy a house rather than rent? What buffoon would deposit money in a Thai bank? What imbecile would start a business especially employing lazy, unreliable Thais? What birdbrain would even consider putting any roots down in a country that exists merely to skin you alive!


The answer to these compelling questions may surprise you...look for a reflection in the window...☺

Id say gormless,never mind eh!  once skinned alive never to repeat(not enough skin left)

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3 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

I am one of those who did all of the above, frequently against the advice of those who know nothing but think that they are experts.


I have worked hard, employed hundreds of Thais, made smart investments and while none of it was easy, I have learned alot, prospered greatly and am living a fantastic life here.

There's always one person who's the "exception that proves the rule" who thinks that everyone can do what they have done. Thailand is a country for the "rent-seeker" type of business

Edited by ThaiBunny
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1 hour ago, Jane Dough said:

Yes, I'm clearly getting my bottles and my glasses all mixed up. Looks like Chiang Mai and the dementia farm for me. The children have always said when they are rich enough that is my "fate".



Rooster on a farm, what more could you want? I bet you'd be able to hear the cock crowing.


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13 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

"When someone pops up who has been successful in Thailand they are aggressively pooh-poohed as liars, lackeys and loons who"


that is so weird that you should say that because that is exactly what happened to me on this forum during the demeaning poster of the year election.


I was told by the scum on this forum I was a liar, but not only a liar but a psychopathic liar and that it was impossible that I could have done any of the things I talked about in my life and career. 


over and over more than 50 comments had to be deleted.


also I started a topic "I am living the life in Thailand". I just wanted to talk about success and positive experiences I had.


But there were so many haters and trolls they locked my topic! 


Many sick haters here. The funny thing is my number one hater is not even in Thailand.  

What do you care about all these miserable people who failed in life and want you to fail same them ...?

Do not waste your time with them and just ignore ...!

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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

"When someone pops up who has been successful in Thailand they are aggressively pooh-poohed as liars, lackeys and loons who"


that is so weird that you should say that because that is exactly what happened to me on this forum during the demeaning poster of the year election.


I was told by the scum on this forum I was a liar, but not only a liar but a psychopathic liar and that it was impossible that I could have done any of the things I talked about in my life and career. 


over and over more than 50 comments had to be deleted.


also I started a topic "I am living the life in Thailand". I just wanted to talk about success and positive experiences I had.


But there were so many haters and trolls they locked my topic! 


Many sick haters here. The funny thing is my number one hater is not even in Thailand.  

Couldn't agree more, too many haters.


I have not been here too long (thankfully!) but I now rarely post anything, as even an innocuous post or opinion somehow gets twisted by what you accurately describe as 'scum' into an insult ar a put-down. There are a lot of lost-cause, bitter, dare I say old, men out there with not a lot to do. Why live in an exciting place like Thailand and sit on your computer all day looking for posters to wind up?


For a forum with alledgedly tens of thousands of members, it seems only a very small clique actually participate. I wonder why?


As to the OP, a very humorous look at the news. I should add investments at home can carry the same risk as here, as can virtually all investments. A flat I bought 8 years ago in the UK is now worth 10% less than my purchase price. Win some lose some.


Also the many horror warning post from 'losers' just backs up the theory that bad experiences are more likely to be aired than good ones.


Incidentaly NCC I voted for you but gave up on what turned into a boring thread (uness you were part of the clique, in which case it was probably hilarious ???? )




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Another chapter in the Rooster self appreciation society, why is this always about HIM, 12 paragraphs of an excerpt of his biography ? then we start to get relevant content to the topic title, not the life and times of Rooster !

More self waffle next week I guess.

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20 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

What idiot would invest in Thailand? What simpleton would buy a house rather than rent? What buffoon would deposit money in a Thai bank? What imbecile would start a business especially employing lazy, unreliable Thais? What birdbrain would even consider putting any roots down in a country that exists merely to skin you alive!


The answer to these compelling questions may surprise you...look for a reflection in the window...☺

so. you come back here to name call and bad mouth people who live here happily and succesfully? 


no use in describing what a hapoy wonderful life I have with a terrific Thai family... 


but you are gone now.. why nasty bad mouth ours? Get a life. 

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45 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

so. you come back here to name call and bad mouth people who live here happily and succesfully? 


no use in describing what a hapoy wonderful life I have with a terrific Thai family... 


but you are gone now.. why nasty bad mouth ours? Get a life. 

Because you would have no one to tell "the rest of the story"....Why don't you give supporting evidence to support your position...instead of attacking me personally? The Thai Immigration fiasco needs to be exposed for exploiting expats...

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2 hours ago, Saltire said:

Couldn't agree more, too many haters.


I have not been here too long (thankfully!) but I now rarely post anything, as even an innocuous post or opinion somehow gets twisted by what you accurately describe as 'scum' into an insult ar a put-down. There are a lot of lost-cause, bitter, dare I say old, men out there with not a lot to do. Why live in an exciting place like Thailand and sit on your computer all day looking for posters to wind up?


For a forum with alledgedly tens of thousands of members, it seems only a very small clique actually participate. I wonder why?


As to the OP, a very humorous look at the news. I should add investments at home can carry the same risk as here, as can virtually all investments. A flat I bought 8 years ago in the UK is now worth 10% less than my purchase price. Win some lose some.


Also the many horror warning post from 'losers' just backs up the theory that bad experiences are more likely to be aired than good ones.


Incidentaly NCC I voted for you but gave up on what turned into a boring thread (uness you were part of the clique, in which case it was probably hilarious ???? )




Who won? 

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Agree with most of this - from my armchair warrior perspective 95% of the people I know have not created a succesful business in Thailand - I could be hanging around with the wrong people ????


But a brilliant post by Rooster I read this every week.

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On 1/19/2020 at 5:19 PM, Puchaiyank said:

Why don't you give supporting evidence to support your position...instead of attacking me personally? 

supporting evidence? for what? you can attack all Thai people, calling them stupid and bad mouthing but you don't like to be called out for it?


and sorry, I do not see anything exploitive about immigration here. I meet the requirements and nothing has changed in 20 years... I would venture a guess that there are many who no longer qualify because they can't go into the embassy and lie and then swear to it... happy mlk day to you... 

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5 hours ago, kenk24 said:

supporting evidence? for what? you can attack all Thai people, calling them stupid and bad mouthing but you don't like to be called out for it?


and sorry, I do not see anything exploitive about immigration here. I meet the requirements and nothing has changed in 20 years... I would venture a guess that there are many who no longer qualify because they can't go into the embassy and lie and then swear to it... happy mlk day to you... 

Personally I refuse to use the word stupid...but in your case I will make an exception...????

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Yes Rooster, this IS a True story, that I Put here below, ... (Cut from the Normal feeds ? But well ???) But now verified by the People that know these ? Poor men from Cambodia ?.....


....   Yes, .... I am Glad, that I got a technical Education ! and never had to Teach, in Thailand, ..or any there else. 


I have known that the Top Schools ? … Well, schools in Thailand have been doing this sort of moral corruption, for a long time now. … Like I make a joke that "Thailand is the only country that I know, where the Schools are more corrupt than the Cops" !!! ...


… Well possibly I do not know about to many Schools in other Countries I suppose. … Right ?


Yes briefly,


 .... There were 5 seemingly OK Brits working for a Top School somewhere in Bangkok, like Teaching, and also football coaches I think. .... The School had got them their work permits etc. .. Things went OK for a while .... or Oh about 12 Months I guess, if I remember the story correctly, ... But then one of them died of a clear, drug Over Dose. … And boy there apparently was a great scandal then !!!


… So the School decided just to sack them ALL !!! ... And they did !!! … And to add Insult to Injury, they considered that they probably were all guilty, so  they refused to pay them for their last month of work also ! 


… The men got a lawyer who said that the case was open and shut, and that the school owed them the Months’ Pay !!! … So they took the School too caught. !


  So the School, then Bribed the Cops, so the men said, and they were arrested before the law case was able to be heard, on the Charges of having forged Teaching work permits !!! ... Like the Permits that the School had given them !!!


This was Bad, and they decided to make a run for it ... but got stopped at the Airport. ... and well, got offered the Choice of paying $4,000 US cash, under the table, or facing a Goal term, and they were then just detained in the police station at the airport.  ... Well they all decided to Pay, so were allowed to leave, ... but they were all Black listed also, and all of the rest of it. ...


I met them in the Number - 9 Guest House on the lake in Phnom Pen, the Great old Reefer and sunset over the lake, to the bells and gongs of Sweet music from the local Monastery !!! Place. ... The best Place in the world I reckon! Until the Korean developers Bribed the government there, and filed in the lake in and Build Condos and Shopping centres on it ! 



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