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Car Phone Ban


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A very tasty "decision" from the Cabinet...

"A proposed ban on using mobile phones while driving has failed to win support from the cabinet, which felt it lacked the information to make a decision.

Justice Minister Charnchai Likhitjitta said police had been told to provide adequate statistical information to convince the cabinet of the merits of the ban.

Deputy Prime Minister Paiboon Wattanasiritham said a careful study was needed because the proposed ban could have a bearing on human rights issues. "



I never really considered myself intelligent but sometimes statements from high ranking Thai government officials really boost my ego and makes me think I'm pretty close to Einstein and they're close to single celled organisms.

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I always thought I could drive and talk at the same time. I am an accomplished athlete, and I figured my reflexes and concentration were better than most, so I would have no problems.

A couple months ago, while driving in California and talking on my cell, I blew through a red light, almost crushing another car. I even started to get riled up at the other car before I realized I was the one at fault.

No, whether in Thailand or the US, I pull over to the side of the road to speak on the phone. It just isn't worth hurting anyone.

Edited by bonobo
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I always thought I could drive and talk at the same time. I am an accomplished athlete, and I figured my reflexes and concentration were better than most, so I would have no problems.

A couple months ago, while driving in California and talking on my cell, I blew through a red light, almost crushing another car. I even started to get riled up at the other car before I realized I was the one at fault.

No, whether in Thailand or the US, I pull over to the side of the road to speak on the phone. It just isn't worth hurting anyone.

Good post Bonobo - Highlights the point perfectly, I know im looked at strangely if I pull over to answer my phone but I do it and if I miss a call the caller ID lets me call them back when I have stopped - Im selfish I do this for my safety!!!

cheers everyone

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Personally I think that talking on a mobile whilst driving (or riding) is a bit more complicated than discussed so far.

The law already has a provision for driving without due care and attention (as with most countries) and so there is no real reason to specifically ban talking on a mobile...unless you also ban...eating, smoking, listening to the radio or other activities that may distract the driver.

The key here is driver distraction...In a queue of traffic travelling at under 10 km/h there is not much wrong with answering the mobile, combing your hair, having a shave etc. People can pretty much multi-task in this environment. However, at greater speeds and where concentration is paramount, doing anything that distracts you from driving is plainly dangerous.

The point is...it is too easy for the police to do someone for using the mobile whilst at traffic lights, or in a queue of traffic...and they are then not driving without due care and attention. I have never seen police check anyone except at stationary checkpoints. Until this is changed the law is totally useless.

Speeding and undue care and atention are minor offences in Thailand compared wih the reckless overtaking, failing to give way and travelling the wrong way up the road that I see every time I take to the road. It is these offences that KILL and these offences that should be stopped by law enforcement ASAP.

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I was just thinking about the proposal to ban hand-phone ownership for foreign workers in Phuket (correct me if I am wrong) and this debate.

Ridiculous, really.

add Samui to that list ..............

and yes , totally

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