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Thailand expects Chinese tourists to fall by two million this year


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Just weeks after the disease emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan, it has already infected more than 4,500 people and killed at least 106.

Thailand, the top destination for China’s holidaymakers, forecast that Chinese tourist numbers would fall by as much as 2 million this year from 11 million in 2019.

“If they close China, we will die,” complained Teerawat Buakaw, 33, who sells clothes at a Big C store popular with Chinese tourists in Bangkok, the world’s most-visited city because of its Chinese tourist numbers.

“All the shops around here will go. What will we do?”

China’s boom in outbound tourism has created a pattern of international travel unprecedented in human history and driven the growth of businesses to serve Chinese travelers around the world. From a trickle in the 1980s, Chinese tourist numbers grew to estimates of more than 160 million in 2019.

Coronavirus may have pulled the plug.



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40 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

Just weeks after the disease emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan, it has already infected more than 4,500 people and killed at least 106.

Thailand, the top destination for China’s holidaymakers, forecast that Chinese tourist numbers would fall by as much as 2 million this year from 11 million in 2019.

“If they close China, we will die,” complained Teerawat Buakaw, 33, who sells clothes at a Big C store popular with Chinese tourists in Bangkok, the world’s most-visited city because of its Chinese tourist numbers.

“All the shops around here will go. What will we do?”

China’s boom in outbound tourism has created a pattern of international travel unprecedented in human history and driven the growth of businesses to serve Chinese travelers around the world. From a trickle in the 1980s, Chinese tourist numbers grew to estimates of more than 160 million in 2019.

Coronavirus may have pulled the plug.




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48 minutes ago, simtemple said:

Well , I looked at the video .

If , what she says , is true , that there are 90000 people already infected and that the Virus is in it's second mutation phase , there are hard times coming ...

She also says " we do not care what the government says " ... That might be the origin of the problem , as the market where the Virus originated , was selling ILLEGAL wildlife .

It is quite normal for Viruses to mutate and to become even more contagious .


New coronavirus may be much more contagious than initially thought .

... there is still much we don’t know about the virus, and some researchers suggest that it could spread more quickly than estimated. One study, based on data collected between 10 and 21 January, estimates that each person with the virus can pass it to between 3 and 5 other people. The work, by Shi Zhao at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his colleagues suggests that the virus is much more contagious than originally thought.

Thompson’s estimate was calculated based on the assumption that the virus isn’t contagious until symptoms show – and this no longer seems to be the case. “If the virus is able to spread before symptoms show, that could certainly explain why the virus is spreading quicker that SARS,”


Right now, we don’t know the transmission efficiency for the new virus. A case was reported from China where one patient apparently infected 14 health care workers at the hospital, and it’s possible that some patients, known as super spreaders, are more infectious than others. We don’t know whether that particular patient was a super spreader or whether this reflects the fact that this virus is already very efficient at human-to-human transmission.

Until we know, we have to make the assumption that this is a virus that spreads quite efficiently, which is why there are now mandatory screenings at airports and enhanced monitoring in local hospitals here for possible cases of 2019-nCoV infection.

Will this virus mutate?

The virus has already likely mutated to acquire the capacity to “jump” from animals to humans and to be transmitted person-to-person. Since this is an RNA virus, it will continue to mutate as long as it continues to circulate in humans. Additional mutations as the virus adapts to the human host may make the virus less severe or more severe, or less or more efficient in spreading. It’s too early to tell what will happen, which is why ongoing surveillance by sequencing virus genomes is so important.




Edited by nobodysfriend
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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

Revelations 18:8. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong [is] the Lord God who judgeth her.

Do you think this is the Apocalypse ...?

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