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Today it's reported


"Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Chinese government has been taking the most comprehensive and rigorous prevention and control measures with a high sense of responsibility for people’s health. Many of these measures go well beyond the requirements of the International Health Regulations."


whereas the Thai government has been behind the curve and unwilling to be decisive in terms of public health versus lost tourist revenue.

even now there is an unwillingness to act pre-emptively with arguments over stopping granting visa on arrival to Chinese tourists. The Chinese themselves have taken action to stop flights etc. The numbers of infected will be ramping up though largely hidden at the moment.

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It is correct in my view. I have read reports that Chinese authorities halted flights out from wohan, whereas also airlines have independently stopped as with BA in UK.

Chinese or airlines doesn't negate the point I was making in that the Thai action has imv been late and is often insufficient as more interested in other economic aspects! Tourism, revenue.


The number of infected is already ramping up. The infected are increasing in a strong upward trend. And furthermore, in a trend that's been going in the opposite direction in terms of transparency (the number of infected was stuck at 14 for days as updates not being reported, until it was updated yesterday/today to 19 only because the first human to human transmission could not be suppressed) With up to 14 days before symptoms show then it's not surprising that infected numbers are going to ramp up until they reach a maximum between late March and May due to the weak and late response here in Thailand. 


on CGTN that’s a Chinese news network they said Thailand was not doing nearly enough to fight this. And that local Chinese people were doing more on their own


Edited by twix38
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Exactly SteveK 


It's nothing more than looking at what's happened, the trend, the incubation period and applying common sense. IF we get on top of this it will peak worldwide between late March and May. Aimho

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Still no deaths reported outside of China as yet?One could extrapolate figures from the number of infections outside of China with the number of deaths from the 2019coronavirus outside of China to find that the virus is completely harmless unless you are in China!If this continues then questions will be raised!

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8 minutes ago, stouricks said:

What's the difference between suspending a flight, and cancelling it, anyone please?

Suspending means it is put on hold like a delayed flight which may leave at a later time or date  where as cancelled the flight won't take place at all.

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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Suspending means it is put on hold like a delayed flight which may leave at a later time or date  where as cancelled the flight won't take place at all.

So all the BA 'suspended'flights will be going to Wuhan/China next May, but the cancelled ones will not.   555

Or maybe you cannot get your money back if suspended, but can if it is cancelled.

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I was told a chinese lady died in Thailand from coronavirus a couple of days ago and in the Thai news somewhere. I really dont know if its correct or not but it is only a matter of time until the first death outside China. Please don't suspend common sense.


Imv the coronavirus danger is in its contagion rather than it's morbidity. I hope it will kill a low percentage but problematically it looks like infecting a high percentage. So both nominal numbers could be large.

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