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Senate acquits Trump in historic vote as re-election battle looms

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55 minutes ago, ExpatOK said:

In 2012 the left viewed Romney as a racist misogynist. Now he's the most noble man ever.

Your statement in this instance is like propaganda. People who felt Romney was a racist misogynist (if they did, I'm not sure) can still think that in this instance his choice to stand up for what he believed in was a noble act. It does not mean that they now believe that every aspect of what Romney say and does is noble.


Do you really not understand that concept? How you got through life without the fundamental ability to make such a distinction is astounding.

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7 minutes ago, chokrai said:

Pretty sure that Trumps taxes have been looked over every year for the last 40 years. If they had any thing on him it would already be leaked. 

It has been, yet his position of privilege stops any further investigation. There is documentation that figures for some of his properties were overinflated to secure bank loans and the same buildings income figures were deflated for income tax reporting.


That is on public record but is yet to be fully investigated. Seek and you shall find.



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33 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Yes it wil and History will brand Trump and his minions  exactly what they are- a selfish, narcicistic rabble whose policies caused massive divisions in the US and Overseas.


While the US economy may be flourishing much of it is smoke and mirrors paid off the backs of selfish, nationilistic policies; tarrifs and confrontation.\\Trumps legacy is


-A refusal to accept climate change when the whole World knows it is a factEven Trump knows it but is willing to sacrifice future generations so he and his wealthy minions can continue their exploitation  of the poor.


-A  complete disregard for the Health of Americans- by continuing to undo the Affordable Care Act and replace it with nothing while Americans die and go broke from a lack of National Healthcare.


-A massive tax cut the favored the already wealthy; provided an average of an extra $2 per day to the rest of Americans; a refusal to raise the minimum wage which keeps Americans in pverty and a refusal to fund increases in Social Security and Medicare.


-A massive increase in the US defense Department funded off the backs of the working poor by shifting  needed social programs such as welfare and food stamps to the largest military budget in the World.


-Unilaterally ending a nuclear proliferation agreement with Iran, supported by US Allies and adversaries alike causing  near like war conditions; a threat to free flow of oil via the Straits of Hormu and a huge transfer of us Forces to the Middle East.


-Conducting an Immigration policy  in which children are thrown into cages; separated from their parents permanently and violates the basic human rights of people-  and at the same time refusing to put forward a rational and lawful immigration program that allows for temporary worker visas and encourages legal immigration. If Donald Trump was president when  the grandparents of most Americans were alive and emigrated to the US- he wouldn;t have allowed them in.  In fact, Trump's own mother , who was an Immigrant would not be allowed in.


-Encouraging a descent into massive unrest; bigotry and discrimination in the US by personally attacking minorities; all people of color; the disabled; veterans and the news media in an attempt to justify his  racist beliefs; outdated conspiracy theories and his meglomaniac insistence that only he knows the way forward.


-A complete  disregard for the US Constitution and the Us separation of pwers by  soliciting foreign involvement in US elections; ignoring  the will of the Us Congress for  documents and witnesses to give testimony; violating the emoulument clause of the Constitution and  lying on a consistent basis about  everything and anything.


The greatest threat to the US is  from within; believing a demigogue like Trump who cares not for anything or anyone except himself.




What a big pile of steaming <deleted>.  

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Romney has a lot to be aggrieved about.

Remember the dinner that Trump invited him too....lol.

Clsssic dissing.

Now he's got a small footnote in history.

But he's now so toxic no one will touch him.

I think he wouldn't even be accepted into the Dem party.

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4 hours ago, ukrules said:

Trump will win by a landslide in November - just watch it happen!

Of course he will, which shows just how low the electorate has sunk! Ah but he's given his total endorsement to the 2nd Amendment of the constitution, the carnage will continue! NRA, NRA, NRA! 

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5 hours ago, GalaxyMan said:

An expected travesty and total abdication of honor and integrity, Romney excepted. *****BIG SIGH*****


What does interest me a little bit is the guessing game going on as to whether Trump has ‘learned his lesson’ or not.


My personal prediction is that this will set him loose. We’re going to see Trump on steroids, totally emboldened, more full of himself than ever, convinced that he is for all intents and purposes a king who doesn’t have to answer to anyone. At least until November.

Long Live The King.   TRiUMPhant.  image.jpeg.1449a2ed4b3451289cf32f4e5cfc1661.jpeg????



14 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

. . .

I think he wouldn't even be accepted into the Dem party.

Dems like him right where he is -- undermining Republicans.


If they did welcome him into the party, they would only 'use' Mitt like they use 'independent' Bernie.  

4 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


It isn't Trump that suffered out of this. It worked out perfectly for him. The case was basically thrown out.

What case?

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Senate acquits Trump in historic vote

misleading information, corrected to ....  "Republicans acquit Trump in historic FARCE vote"

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:


Oh yes...she planned it.....these guys and their 'resistance'...laughable and deplorable.

be patient, sit back and wait, the farce will stop soon..... truth always prevails

3 minutes ago, rabas said:

The constitution has saved us again.

the constitution has nothing to do with it, corrupted senators do(did), they didn't respect the constitution

5 minutes ago, rabas said:

Nancy has been trying to tear it up but the best she could do was rip up his speech that promised a better America. The constitution has saved us again.

Speech or just rally speech of blatant lying and falsehood. Nancy did the right thing to rip that ‘speech’ . 

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Just now, Baerboxer said:

No the didn't. The Democrats have shown repeatedly they have no respect for the constitution, rule of law and can't abide any other opinion but theirs.

Sounds like the typical TV poster

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