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Coronavirus? You should be more worried about Thailand’s deadly roads - 1602 killed so far in 2020


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2 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

Perhaps you didn't see the smiley I gave to you before answering ?  

Like this one :  :cheesy:

You are Right... I didn’t see ????????

now you got the cup.

Edited by Tarteso
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What kind of utter nonsense.

Downplay the situation which is obviously run out of control by comparing this with any other deaths.

Instead of implementing prudent measured they display two patience which recover and the tourist police must play punc-and-judy show in front of the media. What a disgrace.

Why they didn't report about the severe cases or the 45 sitting in quarantine and the cases of the 350  "under investigation"


Did they test them? Did they test the people which recovered? did they test the people died recently? How many they can test per day did anybody mention this? What are the criteria to be a PUI? Did they change those criteria? etc. etc. etc.

We also know fortunately that there is still no evidence that asymptomatic people can spray the virus as the German Robert Koch institute admit errors in the reporting. The Chines woman which gave the virus to a couple of colleges  had allegedly already mild symptoms. That are good news but this does not change anything as mild symptoms are most likely without fewer hence not detected by temp. screening.

It would be so good if the whole thing is more transparent instead of downplaying the case.

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6 minutes ago, StGeorge said:

To detract from one danger, by comparing to another danger, is the ploy of morons.


I had a similar situation in the 80s at work. I asked for specialist protective gear before i handled a PCB ( Polychlorinated biphenyl) product. I was offered surgical gloves. I refused and was threatened with the sack. My manager called in the company health & safety rep. He saw my M/bike and said i had more chance of dying on the roads than getting cancererous infection from PCB, and that there were ongoing tests to determine long term exposure to PCBs.

I replied it was my choice to ride a bike, but the company was forcing me to use the PCB, and the same tests determined eventually the Asbestos was a danger. 

My manager turned to my supervisor, and said "get him everything he wants".


Maybe Thailand should be making more of an effort to bring road accidents down, inline with the effort they have put into saving their tourist industry.

Spot on!!

Exactly all this comparison is made from people which want to downplay the threat or don't agree with the reality.

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17 hours ago, EricTh said:

People are always paranoid due to what the media writes. Right now, the media focus on virus but not accidents which killed more people looking at how Thai drivers drive.

So lets be Conservative with the figures; lets say 60% of Thai drivers are terrible by your comment you are saying 2% of these bad drivers will die.

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It makes a lot of sense to compare road fatalities (which are easily preventable) with deaths from coronavirus.


There are already 1602 killed on Thailand's roads in 2020 this is a very real and preventable problem.


Deaths from coronavirus will be less than 400 in 2020, even if the worst of the worst should happen, looking at the most sophisticated estimates from universities that use computer models.


This puts the size and nature of the 'threat' from coronavirus into perspective. There is no need for hysteria with cov, there is very much a need for action to make the roads of Thailand safer.


But thanks to coronavirus hysterics massive resources are diverted to deal with this supposed mega-threat, whereas the real mega-problem, the driving of Thais goes unnoticed and untackled.

Edited by Logosone
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3 hours ago, RBOP said:

I drive a tank so I'm not worried. Stupid comparison. 

Your barking up the wrong tree ( pun intended) Submarine is the way to go, it worked in the 1962 movie "Day of the Triffids" with a little help from an ice cream van. Oh stupid me i was thinking about that silly virus that is 100% under control.

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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

Do not worry, our leader has it 100% under his personal control along with everything else that ails thailand. 


That was last week, by now he will have forgotten that, he must move on and take control of more pressing items busy man! 

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26 minutes ago, Logosone said:

But thanks to coronavirus hysterics massive resources are diverted to deal with this supposed mega-threat, whereas the real mega-problem, the driving of Thais goes unnoticed and untackled.


Here, relying on the government to protect your safety from pretty much anything is a fool's errand. So it comes down to people taking responsibility for their own safety.


And in this case, when looking at road safety and health/the CV,  there are two entirely different sets of precautions that people can take to protect themselves. So it's not an either/or situation. It's a situation where a prudent person would take BOTH sets of precautions:


Roads - don't drive on Thailand's roads as much as possible. Certainly don't drive or be driven late at night. Prefer a car to a motorcycle if you have to drive. Drive defensively. Seatbelts and helmets and other protective gear, etc etc.


CV - avoid places with Chinese tourists. Practice good hand hygiene and wear a face mask when you're going to be in close contact with people outside. Monitor your health and see a doctor if any symptoms develop.


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16 hours ago, Logosone said:

I've travelled the world and the seven seas. I thought I'd seen it all. I have never seen such idiotic driving as in Thailand. 


How is it possible that an ostensibly well mannered people drives in such an inconsiderate, reckless and dangerous way? I've never seen anything like it.


No indicating! When you change lane the car behind you actually speeds up to prevent you from doing so. Scooters driving into you. Cars driving into you at speed. Nobody giving way when you change lanes. Lanes appearing out of nowhere. Lanes disappearing out of the blue.


Why is nobody doing anthing? They knew I was coming!


You missed the Philippines obviously.

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I see a lot of the rational, logical Thai bashers, so proud of their superior western intelect are all being irrational and illogical, go figure ????


The virus is not a superflu that is about to wipe out most of the population. It is a strain of flu, the very same flu that kills around half a million people a year, but I don't see you all cr@pping your pants about that.


Yes, they should try and contain it, cos it is dangerous to older people or people with underlying health conditions, just like the normal flu (cos it is the flu) - but the hysteria and hyperbole is getting beyond a joke

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

Those infected both in China and in Thailand have been elderly, had pre existing health conditions and weakened immune systems. 


Tell that to this guy, the Chinese doctor who was one of the first to spot the emergence of the virus, only to be rebuked and threatened by the Chinese govt. at the time. He died yesterday after contracting the CV from one of his patients.






Or to these newborns:




Newborn tests positive

An infant in Wuhan has reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus just 30 hours after birth, raising concerns that the infection could be contracted in the womb.


Citing sources from the city’s children’s hospital, state broadcaster CCTV reported that two infants were infected with the virus, the youngest just 30 hours old.


“The mother of the newborn was a confirmed patient of the coronavirus. At present, the infant’s vital signs are stable,” the report said.



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It's all about the money...money...money. You dont encourage tourists by having to acknowledge you have extremely dangerous roads, no virus control and so much air pollution that everyones respiratory system has been Corona readied.........its better to just close your eyes, cross your fingers and wish away.

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25 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Here, relying on the government to protect your safety from pretty much anything is a fool's errand. So it comes down to people taking responsibility for their own safety.


And in this case, when looking at road safety and health/the CV,  there are two entirely different sets of precautions that people can take to protect themselves. So it's not an either/or situation. It's a situation where a prudent person would take BOTH sets of precautions:


Roads - don't drive on Thailand's roads as much as possible. Certainly don't drive or be driven late at night. Prefer a car to a motorcycle if you have to drive. Drive defensively. Seatbelts and helmets and other protective gear, etc etc.


CV - avoid places with Chinese tourists. Practice good hand hygiene and wear a face mask when you're going to be in close contact with people outside. Monitor your health and see a doctor if any symptoms develop.



The only way Thailand's roads will get safer is if the government does something. No enforcement by police of any laws, lax driving tests, vehicle checking. Thailand is not such a huge country that it is impossible to put in place effective car safety measures. Only the government and police and other authorities can do that. They do an excellent job in dealing with viruses, commended by the WHO, with SARS only 2 people died. Two. Why can't they do such a good job with road deaths?


The advice you give regarding roads is a fool's errand in itself. I have to drive on Thailand's roads, there's no choice involved. I don't drive late at night but I see an accident almost every single day.  


The advice re corona, why should I wear a mask if the virus is airborne and can enter via the eyes? Since studies have shown that Cov stays alive on plastic, glass, wood and such for 4 days it would be much safer to wear gloves rather than masks, but nobody is doing that. 

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The Thai government don't care, The Thai police don't care and the Thai people don't care so as I see it, the death toll from road incidents  is now part of the Thai culture. Seems the only ones that care are the foreigners that live here so the only thing that you can do is drive safely and defensively and try not to get killed by some lunatic.

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12 minutes ago, Logosone said:


The advice re corona, why should I wear a mask if the virus is airborne and can enter via the eyes? Since studies have shown that Cov stays alive on plastic, glass, wood and such for 4 days it would be much safer to wear gloves rather than masks, but nobody is doing that. 


Because the mask, especially the N95 type, prevents you from breathing in virus particles thru your nose or mouth, which are larger entry points than the surface of your eyes... But what you say is correct, eyes can be an exposure point as well... And that's why, for me, lately I've also begun wearing glasses (not goggles yet) when I'm in crowded spaces like the BTS or MRT in BKK, in addition to my facemask.


As for surfaces and your hands, the prevailing advice is to perform frequent hand washing with soap and/or an alcohol based gel, and also avoiding touching your hands to your face, mouth, nose, etc until after you've cleaned your hands. Gloves can pick up virus material off surfaces just as much as your bare hands.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Because the mask, especially the N95 type, prevents you from breathing in virus particles thru your nose or mouth, which are larger entry points than the surface of your eyes... But what you say is correct, eyes can be an exposure point as well... And that's why, for me, lately I've also begun wearing glasses (not goggles yet) when I'm in crowded spaces like the BTS or MRT in BKK, in addition to my facemask.


As for surfaces and your hands, the prevailing advice is to perform frequent hand washing with soap and/or an alcohol based gel, and also avoiding touching your hands to your face, mouth, nose, etc until after you've cleaned your hands. Gloves can pick up virus material off surfaces just as much as your bare hands.


Basically y only the correct kind of mask will have any effect.

I could also prevent you from infecting others through coughs and sneezes, so long as they don't escape from the sides of the mask.

However the most common way to get infected is hand to mouth/nose/eyes.

e.g. You touch an infected surface/person/item and then subliminally touch your face in any way and BINGO!

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19 hours ago, Samuel Smith said:

Pollution probably kills more than virus & road accidents combined ????


An estimated 38000 per year in Thailand...


But that's why I had N95 facemasks and HEPA air purifiers long before the CV came along...  And also why I don't drive roadways in Thailand.


I'm trying my darndest to make it out alive... 


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5 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Basically y only the correct kind of mask will have any effect.

I could also prevent you from infecting others through coughs and sneezes, so long as they don't escape from the sides of the mask.

However the most common way to get infected is hand to mouth/nose/eyes.

e.g. You touch an infected surface/person/item and then subliminally touch your face in any way and BINGO!


The value of an N95 respirator mask is it's airtight on your face, unlike the paper drugstore masks that are open around the edges and would still allow you to break in PM2.5, viruses, etc.  But you also gotta regularly clean your hands as well, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, etc until you do.



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14 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Gloves can pick up virus material off surfaces just as much as your bare hands.


Would this not apply to masks as well then?


So all the people wearing masks could be bringing the Cov back home, if they take their used masks back home?

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5 minutes ago, Logosone said:


Would this not apply to masks as well then?


So all the people wearing masks could be bringing the Cov back home, if they take their used masks back home?


The masks are meant to be disposable, not kept and washed. And, good mask hygiene is specifically to avoid touching the outside surface of the mask with your hands.


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Well a lot of people wear not the disposable masks but masks that are washable and wear them more than once a day.


So indeed, if you wear a mask and the airborne virus is in your vicinity and settles on the mask you did not inhale it, you were lucky it did not enter the eyes, but then you take the mask home, touch it in the wrong place, touch your face and you die.



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20 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

Yeah...because crossing a busy street in bangkok is about the same, as being subjected to a (probably) deadly virus!

Because we are all looking at a pandemic of stupid drivers!

(Well...we kinda are, but...you know, what I mean!)


Who writes such crappy articles?


Yes stupid article.


Like saying we shouldn't  be worried aboht deadly roads we should  be more concerned with global warming or nuclear  war.


Virus  is airborne we cannot see it. 


Wearing a mask and washing your hands and taking measures cant do any harm


Also what happens if the virus  mutates 


Also becareful  about complaining about  the roads as this place does have the tendency  to go from one extreme  to the next 


They could ban driving  all together 


wonder how many have died on U turns on high ways


Speed limit  to 90 kmph hasnt done anything  hlw can you travel  across the country  at 90 kmph


Allot of speeding tickets though 



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