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Coronavirus? You should be more worried about Thailand’s deadly roads - 1602 killed so far in 2020


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Not sure what this nonsense is about! The traffic fatalitiesare horrifying but have nothing to do with a pandemic virus infecting thousands. Virus death are in addition to traffic deaths and you should worry about every case.


But there are indeed similarities. Namely how the officials are responding is similar. In both cases they do nothing adequate to fix the issues. Complete incompetence and a stupid mentalityof not admitting errors, not learn from them, and actually never correct them.


That's truly Thai.

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19 hours ago, EricTh said:

People are always paranoid due to what the media writes. Right now, the media focus on virus but not accidents which killed more people looking at how Thai drivers drive.

Or how the roads are not policed except when tea money funds are low, if the high ranking Lt/Cols and Maj/Gens would stop preening themselves and get the ordinary police to get out on the roads and do their jobs. 

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6 hours ago, sahibji said:

do not quite agree with this view about worrying about road deaths. yes that is important but with little known about the corona virus and its possible modes of transmission this is something to worry about. you do not know what an unknown enemy can do and corona virus, at this juncture, is an unknown enemy.

If an idiotic driver kills you or members of the family, isn't that "an unknown enemy" ?  ????


You have to worry about both "enemies". Both pandemics are not related to each other. But the government should fight both separately and seriously.


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I recently heard a talk on Youtube by a VERY highly respected and placed monk on the topic of Karma.  I mention this because it might somewhat explain why Thais drive with such recklessness. 


Anyways, to explain the power of Karma, this monk gave an example.  He said, "If someone chooses to drink alcohol, then ride a motorcycle or car and then get in accident while driving and then go to the hospital and then have a huge bill, the reason for this is that he had bad karma."



Edited by MASSMAN
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Richard Barrow in Thailand

13 mins · 

The Thai Minister of Public Health today angrily said all of those [CENSORED] farang tourists should be kicked out of Thailand if they refuse to wear face masks. He went on to say that the Chinese and other Asian tourists accepted the face masks he handed out, but not those [CENSORED] European tourists.

* The word I censored is ไอ้พวกฝรั่งนักท่องเที่ยว which is a very derogatory way to refer to people. I don’t want to say it in English. The last part is “farang tourist” meaning Caucasians.


Welcome to Thailand. The Land of Smiles.

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6 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Roads very rarely if ever kill people, it's the idiots in the vehicles 

I believe that bad roads are responsible for many motorcycle deaths and injuries, I could take you to places near where I live that have deep potholes that have been there as long as me. I would bet that there are lots of motorcycle deaths that go unreported just like underage riders deaths.

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It's not just the potholes. In Thailand roads have a myriad of joining side roads that come out of nowhere. That causes accidents.


The whole U-Turn system is one of the most dangerous ways to drive, instead they should build proper exit roads. 


Lanes appear and disappear out of nowhere.


Yes, Thai drivers are the biggest cause of accidents, but the road system in Thailand needs a general re-think. The massive traffic lights that make you wait ten minutes could be turned into free flowing roundabouts if Thai drivers knew how to drive.

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8 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

Richard Barrow in Thailand

13 mins · 

The Thai Minister of Public Health today angrily said all of those [CENSORED] farang tourists should be kicked out of Thailand if they refuse to wear face masks. He went on to say that the Chinese and other Asian tourists accepted the face masks he handed out, but not those [CENSORED] European tourists.

* The word I censored is ไอ้พวกฝรั่งนักท่องเที่ยว which is a very derogatory way to refer to people. I don’t want to say it in English. The last part is “farang tourist” meaning Caucasians.


Welcome to Thailand. The Land of Smiles.


The Europeans probably don't take the masks because they're these inferior quality paper masks that are open on the sides. Most have got proper respirator masks by now surely.


I can't wait to go out without a mask and cough profusely now.

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4 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

In no particular order...


*Road rage

*Soi dogs causing an accident

*Liver failure (alcoholism)

*Lung disease from air pollution (self induced, if nicotine addict)

*White bread (diabetes)

*Colon cancer (predominantly Western diets)

*Girlfriend or wife poisoning you for life insurance money

*Ladyboy stabbing you in Pattaya (don't negotiate, LOL)

*Accident on motorcycle at 2am while intoxicated riding with no helmet

*Opioid overdose (for junkies)

*Meth or cocaine causing heart attack (for speed freaks)


Did I miss any? ????

Mosquito carry diseases 

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22 minutes ago, Logosone said:
32 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

Richard Barrow in Thailand

13 mins · 

The Thai Minister of Public Health today angrily said all of those [CENSORED] farang tourists should be kicked out of Thailand if they refuse to wear face masks. He went on to say that the Chinese and other Asian tourists accepted the face masks he handed out, but not those [CENSORED] European tourists.

* The word I censored is ไอ้พวกฝรั่งนักท่องเที่ยว which is a very derogatory way to refer to people. I don’t want to say it in English. The last part is “farang tourist” meaning Caucasians.


Welcome to Thailand. The Land of Smiles.

Maybe he’s angry because a farang might be   (Censored)his wife and daughter


Edited by Foghorn
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This week I drove in Hua-hin, near the trainstation, a foreigner try to crossing a marked crossing place, an Thai woman on a motorbike showed no brakes and drove on while she pitying her head.

Can you imagine.

It must be complete empty up there, where your brain is normally.

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23 minutes ago, Logosone said:

It's not just the potholes. In Thailand roads have a myriad of joining side roads that come out of nowhere. That causes accidents.


The whole U-Turn system is one of the most dangerous ways to drive, instead they should build proper exit roads. 


Lanes appear and disappear out of nowhere.


Yes, Thai drivers are the biggest cause of accidents, but the road system in Thailand needs a general re-think. The massive traffic lights that make you wait ten minutes could be turned into free flowing roundabouts if Thai drivers knew how to drive.

Could not have put this better myself.

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21 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

Yeah...because crossing a busy street in bangkok is about the same, as being subjected to a (probably) deadly virus!

Because we are all looking at a pandemic of stupid drivers!

(Well...we kinda are, but...you know, what I mean!)


Who writes such crappy articles?


Who is insane enough to cross a busty street in Bangkok? What are the pedestrians bridges for? 

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The difference between the Chinese virus and driving a car or motorbike, with the virus you don't get a chance to choose, it will come to you, either you walk fast or slowly, but you have the choice to drive or not.

Edited by Moo 2
could not finish my reply
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"Another 41 people on a cruise ship off the coast of Japan have tested positive for the new coronavirus, bringing the total number of cases on board to 61.

The new cases on the Diamond Princess bring Japan's number of confirmed cases to 86, the second highest figure after China."


TAT - we need you!


Edited by sambum
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Couldn't agree more. The SARS Coronavirus was all the overblown rage and "PANDEMIC," ???? that was gonna wipe out the world nearly 2 decades ago. In the end...a mere 774 total deaths worldwide and not a case reported in 15 years. 


Be very scared in or on a motor vehicle anywhere on the planet and especially here. Don't concern yourselves with media hyped panic. How many people here even knows someone that knows someone that has it??? 


Oh and BTW...while this coronavirus is more contagious, it's not as lethal as the SARS virus. 


SARS had a fatality rate of 9.6% compared to the (current) fatality rate of 2.1% so far for this new 2019-nCoV strain of coronavirus,

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Was standing on the footpath the other day and the traffic was built up due to red light I looked at 2 girls in the car They were texting on their phones driver was one of them  This phone business is one cause of road accidents but the 2 other big ones are Thais have no respect for road rules and Thai drivers know that their police  force will do nothing to enforce the law hence free reign to kill yourself or some somebody else

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23 hours ago, zydeco said:

There was an article yesterday from Dr. Turner, I believe, which explained that many/most Thai news outlets have completely outsourced their coverage of the virus to Xinhua. And this is part of China's news strategy. It aims to deflect coverage of the corona virus in China to questions about the regular flu in the US or, in this case, road accidents in Thailand. It's an MO to hide, deflect, and evade coverage of their immense blunder with this corona virus outbreak.

darn this sound like a trump strategy  ..

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The consumer believes what they want to believe, and, at the moment, a lot are wetting their pants  over this virus.


it is right that sensible precautions should be taken, just as you would when on the roads.


Not So 'well mannered' when behind the wheel of a car or on the bike as some would hope.


I would say it's worse than Paris or Rome, but better than anywhere in northern Africa. Even though Thailand is number 2 in the world for road deaths.

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3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Couldn't agree more. The SARS Coronavirus was all the overblown rage and "PANDEMIC," ???? that was gonna wipe out the world nearly 2 decades ago. In the end...a mere 774 total deaths worldwide and not a case reported in 15 years. 


Be very scared in or on a motor vehicle anywhere on the planet and especially here. Don't concern yourselves with media hyped panic. How many people here even knows someone that knows someone that has it??? 


Oh and BTW...while this coronavirus is more contagious, it's not as lethal as the SARS virus. 


SARS had a fatality rate of 9.6% compared to the (current) fatality rate of 2.1% so far for this new 2019-nCoV strain of coronavirus,

Well, I would imagine a few Chinese families who have lost a relative to the new virus might answer your 'who knows anyone' question.

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54 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Well, I would imagine a few Chinese families who have lost a relative to the new virus might answer your 'who knows anyone' question.

Well, the article is about the virus IN THAILAND compared to driving IN THAILAND. Similarly, the SARS virus killed the majority in China as the rest of the world FREAKED unnecessarily. The proper steps and precautions are being taken by governments and health officials. The vast majority of humans can carry on as usual.


I was working in and out of Taipei and mainland China during SARS and never wore a mask, nor did I know anyone that knew anyone that knew anyone that had it...so much as die from it. 


No mask then, no mask now. No changes in day to day life or travel or activities or hygiene then...none now. 

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This is a cop out to relax the minds of those who worry about getting sick , because like the road tolls they do sweet FA about both . Just let them keep keep coming in and spend lots of money we don't care about you others 

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4 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Couldn't agree more. The SARS Coronavirus was all the overblown rage and "PANDEMIC," ???? that was gonna wipe out the world nearly 2 decades ago. In the end...a mere 774 total deaths worldwide and not a case reported in 15 years. 


Be very scared in or on a motor vehicle anywhere on the planet and especially here. Don't concern yourselves with media hyped panic. How many people here even knows someone that knows someone that has it??? 


Oh and BTW...while this coronavirus is more contagious, it's not as lethal as the SARS virus. 


SARS had a fatality rate of 9.6% compared to the (current) fatality rate of 2.1% so far for this new 2019-nCoV strain of coronavirus,

don't believe the figures they publish they will not tell you the truth other doctors ? experts say 10% i

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48 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Well, the article is about the virus IN THAILAND compared to driving IN THAILAND. Similarly, the SARS virus killed the majority in China as the rest of the world FREAKED unnecessarily. The proper steps and precautions are being taken by governments and health officials. The vast majority of humans can carry on as usual.


I was working in and out of Taipei and mainland China during SARS and never wore a mask, nor did I know anyone that knew anyone that knew anyone that had it...so much as die from it. 


No mask then, no mask now. No changes in day to day life or travel or activities or hygiene then...none now. 

So basically you're saying you would be happy to go to Wuhan for your easter break?

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11 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

My mate says you cant compare with Vietnam, they seem to do more worse.

Have been myself in Indonesia and was sitting in the back of car with my toes curled. Incredible.

I see a program '" idiots on the road " , dashcam recordings in Russia way of driving.

You cant imagine how stupid they drive over there.

Agree Thailand is also very weird to see how they are driving, but to say Thailand is the only country where there are idiots driving, i dont agree. 


Dont know which world you traveled and on the seas you dont have cars, however stupid captains who collide with other vessels, like the USA war boat. Imagine that, you see the situation coming and still collide. 

Your mate is right. I travelled to Hanoi and I couldn't believe their driving habits. It's a complete chaos. I had a 20 minute walk and I saw 3 accidents of motorcycles hitting each other. The rest of riders and drivers on the road didn't show any concern. Actually, they were annoyed with the situation and suggested the parties involved to stand up and move away, as like nothing had happened. 

On the way to airport for my departure I took a taxi and again I couldn't believe how people drive there. They constantly keep changing lanes and cutting each other. Those drivers who wanted to U-turn, just U-turned without being sure it was safe to do it. Absolute madness. Thailand is way more civilised than Vietnam when it comes to traffic.

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I do sincerely hope that all the 2%ers? are correct in their forecasts, 0% would be better most obviously.

I take no joy from the 'let's see the baht crash' posts and the 'good to see the tourist industry going bad' posts.

Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense.

True there are things I don't like about Thailand, but there are things I don't like about UK.

Do I consider myself to be in danger from this virus? To be honest, yes, simply because I'm in that 'age bracket'.

In an ideal world we would all have confidence in those who actually make decisions about us and ultimately how those decisions affect us. That ideal world has never and will never exist, anywhere. Everyone of us is in control of what affects us but only within the limits put on us by those who are supposed to be the 'great leaders'.

I will wear a good mask, avoid, as much as I can, places where the great unwashed all get together.

For the 2%ers, knock yourself out, go play and shop in the big shopping centres and the tourist hotspots that are still going, it's your decision, and don't gloat, you're only being superior and nasty to people who are now having a hard time.



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"[The Thai Health Minister] said that he, his entourage and the Bangkok media “experienced’ some bad responses from “farang” when offering free paper face-masks at the busy Siam BTS this morning.

“We expected respect and cooperation in mitigating the outbreak from them, not slapping our hands away or looking at us in a demeaning way."


How dare you stupid Falang not treat a wealthy Thai government official with the respect any two year old child richly deserves.


How dare you! ????


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