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Travellers from Thailand...


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Travellers who have returned to the UK from a series of Asian countries in the last two weeks and are showing coronavirus symptoms should self-isolate and seek medical advice over the phone, the country’s chief medical officer has warned in updated advice.

People who have returned from countries including mainland China, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and are experiencing a cough, shortness of breath or fever are being advised to stay indoors and contact NHS 111.

The Government advice says: “The UK Chief Medical Officers are advising anyone who has travelled to the UK from mainland China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau in the last 14 days and is experiencing cough or fever or shortness of breath, to stay indoors and call NHS 111, even if symptoms are mild.

“These countries have been identified because of the volume of air travel from affected areas, understanding of other travel routes and number of reported cases. This list will be kept under review.”

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