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Why are All TV series just left wing propaganda now?

ivor bigun

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18 minutes ago, Donutz said:

555, going down that path, Plaek Phibunsongkhram -who admired Mussolini- must also have been a commie. Destroying the country from within. 


Or someone here (UbonThani) hasn't quite figured out the left vs. right scale and authoritarian vs. libertarian. That Mussie, Hitler and friends where extremely authoritarian doesn't make them left winged (or right winged). There policies and views clearly put them on the right hand side of the political axis. 


But to move this back on topic... I'd love to see a good TV show or movie on Plaek, Pridi etc. 

They grew up lefties. Both of them. They became more extreme later on. They did not come from the right. They placed stateism ahead of individuals. That  makes them lefties. 90% of their writings and speeches supported lefty ideas. If someone eats 10% plants and 90% meat they arent 100% carnivores.


Yet the modern left label anyone far right if they disagree. It just shows how out of touch the left are with reality. No concept of history and how views were formed. They live in a bubble.

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You are observing well the changes in our political world. Since a large part of the moderate politicians and left ones moved to the extreme left end of political spectrum whilst the the remaining part of moderates kept their position and become the new extrem rights by the extreme leftists. This was the start of the race for power by the fahr lefts.  

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

I don't agree that it is propaganda, some of it might be, but if all tv series have a left wing orientation , it is only because they are made by successful people in the industry, and successful people tend to be intelligent.


Dianne Abbott is successful, as are quite a few others like her ,so that shoots that theory down ????

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Mind you there can be the  reverse in some shows ,in Silent Witness the wheelchair bound forensic scientist lady who originally was included for diversity they portray as having a husband when they should have gone the whole hog and had her being a lesbian with a wife .

Oh wait a minute ,in real life she is.

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1 minute ago, DannyCarlton said:

You mean there's someone else like her? Name names.

You mean that literally, or just people that can be deemed as "successful" who show somewhat lacking in the intelligence stakes? 

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Just now, ivor bigun said:

Mind you there can be the  reverse in some shows ,in Silent Witness the wheelchair bound forensic scientist lady who originally was included for diversity they portray as having a husband when they should have gone the whole hog and had her being a lesbian with a wife .

Oh wait a minute ,in real life she is.

Nooo. Thats one lesbian show I don't want to see.

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4 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

He's not a woman (probably), he's not black and he's competent at maths. Try again.

Oh come on off the top of my head at this time of night ? we all know many who get into high office are succesful and earn loads of cash ,but are not that bright ,Dianne Abbotts son for one ,she gave him a really good job with a great salary ,but look what he did ,

back home i knew a guy who had a great job ,earned a fortune ,but was like two planks ,got the job through family connections .

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5 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Oh come on off the top of my head at this time of night ? we all know many who get into high office are succesful and earn loads of cash ,but are not that bright ,Dianne Abbotts son for one ,she gave him a really good job with a great salary ,but look what he did ,

He noshed on a copper, we've all been tempted to do that at some time in our lives. Anyway, innocent until proven guilty.

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3 hours ago, UbonThani said:

Not much. 90% plus from the left. You need to get out more and experience the world.

So the national socialists in Germany were an anomaly, not representative of other right wingers as yourself? Or were they the 10%?

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37 minutes ago, androokery said:

After reading through all the posts my conclusions are:

  • UbonThani thinks TV shows are left wing because he/she is far right
  • UbonThani thinks Wikipedia is left wing because he/she is far right
  • UbonThani is desperately trying to interpret history to say that Hitler and Mussolini were left wing so that he/she can maintain an extreme right wing position without taking responsibility for atrocities committed by the aforementioned individuals and their organisations. 

All the above points are quite common in History forums-especially those in which Americans tend to dominate.


They utilise an authoritarian/corporatist (leftist)-Individualistic (rightest) spectrum.As a model it certainly leads to some interesting points of view....

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When a large number of people think that TV shows, wikipedia, and history are left-wing, as they do... then you're contrivance breaks down rather dramatically. This phenomena has been observable in the UK since the 1990s, and coincides with the rise of New Labour, and the wokewashing cult. QED.

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11 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

I've just given up watching the series Granchester set in a village in the 60's, don't know if any of you watch it ,a few series back they made one of the vicars gay ,well no real problem with that ,but in the latest series there is always a mixed race couple ,gay couples and more and more black people ,why ? in modern series i can see that there would be more people of colour but now even in the olden day series more and more are taking center stage ,that and men married to men or visa versa.

Am i racist or is it that we are constantly being told through the media that minorities are the Norm?

by the way my second most favourite cop show is Luther ,

anyway that's my rant for the day ,if you want you can have a go at me ,lol but what do you think?

It's spread to Google as well. If you search eg American inventors, you get another bizarre result.

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9 hours ago, androokery said:

So the national socialists in Germany were an anomaly, not representative of other right wingers as yourself? Or were they the 10%?

The Nazi's were all three. They were socialists ( they took over them means of production and set price controls). They were fascists, (they insisted on unity of ideology discarding democratic practice, enforced dogma with violence). And they were nationalists, in which they chose the Jewish people to represent their mortal enemy, as well as other cultures that offended their nationalism.

All of these things fit on the left side of the spectrum, but it is not to say that right wingers cannot be nationalist or fascist. And communist nations are often the most nationalist of all. The right left analogy is not very effective, except that demonstrates polarity.

The world is not necessarily being split right to left, but rather from light to dark. In other words we are being pulled by humanists away from wisdom attained in the age of enlightenment and towards the moral decay that represents the collapse of empires.

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9 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

All the above points are quite common in History forums-especially those in which Americans tend to dominate.


They utilise an authoritarian/corporatist (leftist)-Individualistic (rightest) spectrum.As a model it certainly leads to some interesting points of view....

Historical facts are that Hitler and Mussolini mostly had left wing views. Read their speeches.


Only the ignorant and far left claim otherwise.


Was Greg Norman a golfer or a tennis player?


The far left would say he was a tennis player cause he married one.

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 The economics of Italian Fascism is often ignored or trivialized because so much of it is found in today’s world economies. Consider some of the components of fascist economics: central planning, heavy state subsidies, protectionism (high tariffs), steep levels of nationalization, rampant cronyism, large deficits, high government spending, bank and industry bailouts, overlapping bureaucracy, massive social welfare programs, crushing national debt, bouts of inflation and “a highly regulated, multiclass, integrated national economic structure.”1


That's socialist by today's definition.


Mussolini would belong to any modern day socialist party if alive today.

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10 hours ago, Thainess said:

They aren't left-wing propaganda in the slightest. The problem is most likely that you have aged and become a brainwashed right-wing nut who paranoiacally sees left-wing propaganda hidden everywhere. Consult your friendly local psychiatrist.

Oh careful ,you might melt ,its to hot over here for snowflakes.

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11 hours ago, Thainess said:

They aren't left-wing propaganda in the slightest. The problem is most likely that you have aged and become a brainwashed right-wing nut who paranoiacally sees left-wing propaganda hidden everywhere. Consult your friendly local psychiatrist.

Nah, everything on the Tv/Cinema is pandering and worshipping women these days.

And the results are plain for everyone to see, just look around at the good looking young white male tourists, and their fat girlfriends. White men no longer have any pride or sense of worth. Anyone who dares to speak out will have their facebook, youtube and twitter accounts removed.

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