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28 minutes ago, Captbonio said:

That equates to 28000 Baht per month. Thai average salary is 12/20,000 per month so in theory it is doable if you are prepared to live a local lifestyle. i know people who do. However, you would need to own your own house, or be prepared to pay a quarter of your income on rent and have 800,000 Baht in an account to cover your Visa requirement. Beer and Bar girls would be a luxury item. Suggest you look at Romania. 

He's 31, 800k won't do him any good unless he gets married or buys an elite visa


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13 minutes ago, BTB1977 said:

You should be working at your age. At 717 you will be spanking you own monkey let along have money to afford to pay someone.  Even double that has its limitations.  When you have 3 times that, than think about the move. But thanks for the laugh. 5555

On an army pension at 31 makes you wonder what disability he may have. If it is significant he may not be able to work. Agree the thread is a joke. Still it's a nice change from Brexit/TM30/coronavirus.

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3 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

Seems the rum with coke and ice is the only good cheap deal, too bad that would result in drinking alone, not needed for me in that case.
Happy to share some with another drinker though.

Red Cock Vodka is half the price of Hong Thong, 150bht for 700ml from Tesco.

Vodka Mojito's go down well.

Edited by BritManToo
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15 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

From Yorkshire? Surely you jest. The lad can barely string a sentence together.

yeah ... but he's matured now, he's unemployed, 20k saved, 31 years old and wants to retire in Thailand so he can sleep with all the bar girls ....  what could possible go wrong  ??

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5 minutes ago, steven100 said:

yeah ... but he's matured now, he's unemployed, 20k saved, 31 years old and wants to retire in Thailand so he can sleep with all the bar girls ....  what could possible go wrong  ??

I wish I'd thought of doing that when I was 31.

That would have saved me 20 wasted years with a frigid Brit wife.

I had to wait until I was over 50 to experience frequent dirty sex with multiple young female partners.

Edited by BritManToo
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11 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I wish I'd thought of doing that when I was 31.

That would have saved me 20 wasted years with a frigid Brit wife.

I had to wait until I was over 50 to experience frequent dirty sex with multiple young female partners.

Wish i started at 19. Wasted a decade on silly white moles.

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Why the hell would you want to live in Thailand? So many things are more expensive and of far inferior quality than in the UK. If you're looking for somewhere with a better climate then Spain or Portugal might be the answer. Cheaper than the UK too for many things. Easy to pop back now nd then to see friends and family too.

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3 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Weather, women, cheap rent, food. Thailand is way cheaper the the UK. Where in the UK do they have 5,000 baht rooms and 40 baht meals? Your are kidding.

Weather....yes I get that. Women..... every country has women. 5,000/room.... can’t comment as I’ve never seen one but can’t imagine I’d want to live in one. 40 baht meal...... it’s a dish rather than a meal but cheap supermarkets in the UK have cheap ready meals for £1 so about the same.

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1 minute ago, maprao said:

If you already have a house or condo . A car paid for yes more than enough. 

Thailand is no longer cheap but £717 will go further than it does in the UK.

In the UK without a mortgage or rent to pay and no car £717 could afford you as good a lifestyle as Thailand under certain conditions.

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1 minute ago, Fairynuff said:

Weather....yes I get that. Women..... every country has women. 5,000/room.... can’t comment as I’ve never seen one but can’t imagine I’d want to live in one. 40 baht meal...... it’s a dish rather than a meal but cheap supermarkets in the UK have cheap ready meals for £1 so about the same.

Depends how fat you are but 40 baht curries dont exist in UK restaurants. Fat UK women vs Thai women. That's a no brainer.


Ready to go supermarket meals are great if you like eating plastic and chemicals.

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1 minute ago, Fairynuff said:

In the UK without a mortgage or rent to pay and no car £717 could afford you as good a lifestyle as Thailand under certain conditions.

Rent is 40 to 50% of your budget. Comparing the price of deoderant is silly stuff when it's 1%.

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2 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Depends how fat you are but 40 baht curries dont exist in UK restaurants. Fat UK women vs Thai women. That's a no brainer.


Ready to go supermarket meals are great if you like eating plastic and chemicals.

In BKK you might get a curry in a food court for 40 baht. Are all women in the UK fat? And as for food full of chemicals..... Thai food is as full of chemicals as anywhere else, especially MSG

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1 minute ago, Fairynuff said:

In BKK you might get a curry in a food court for 40 baht. Are all women in the UK fat? And as for food full of chemicals..... Thai food is as full of chemicals as anywhere else, especially MSG

 thonburi restaurants have 40 baht meals. Some great food there.


Supermarket packets are just <deleted>.

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 On average, the UK pays some of the highest electricity prices in Europe. In 2017, the average annual domestic electricity bill for those with an electricity consumption of up to 3,800 kWh was 583 British pounds. ..


Add expensive rent and on a low budget you are rooted in the uk


Cant afford 2 beers

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31 minutes ago, UbonThani said:

Depends how fat you are but 40 baht curries dont exist in UK restaurants. Fat UK women vs Thai women. That's a no brainer.


Ready to go supermarket meals are great if you like eating plastic and chemicals.

Bit on the embittered side there ! 40baht curries are not a full meal for most Westerners and loaded down with MSG most of the time, and I have seen plenty of very fat Thai women and truly ugly as well so best not to stereotype.

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4 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Just about anything beats living in the UK mate.

I miss living in the UK... Then I go back for a 2 week visit & can't wait to escape again !!!


Joking aside, there is a lot to miss about the UK, really miss hiking in the Lakes. shopping for decent gear (clothes) & even a simple Pub Lunch with a decent pint... 


Oh & Mum's cooking obviously (That's the real reason I go back 3 times a year ????


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