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Thai attacked over coronavirus ‘Asian prejudice’ in London


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Somethings wrong with this story.

First. A Thai tax advisor not an accountant.

Then why is embassy staff taking him to hospital and Thai govt making statements?

I'm sure if I get a punch in the nose here I'm not going to my embassy first. Or is he attached to it.

Then if he was what govt official would make a public statement about it let alone a PM.


If the worse thing that happens to one of your citizens overseas is a punch in the nose well...

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13 minutes ago, rod40a said:

Sounds fictitious to me , I spent last weekend With my Thai Girlfriend in central london including China town still very busy did a few nightclubs and then shopping on Sunday no problem , no bad comments no racism 

I think you are wrong.  The Met Police are investigating and presumably the hospital will have a record of him attending A&E.  I rather doubt the guy would make this all up and break his own nose just to create a fictitious claim of assault/racism.






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6 hours ago, evadgib said:

an' not once did you take full advantage of the positive discrimination in your favour had you complained?

I'm calling BS.

And in UK right now, there is a huge amount of positive discrimination, especially in London where ethnicity appears to be more widespread than white English folk are. In London, positive discrimination is a big part of the woke culture which is increasingly a problem for some white UK people, who have started now to feel discriminated against. The wheel has turned way too far (or so it seems to me) and I don't understand why a lack of discrimination against anyone is now less fashionable that reverse discrimination - lots of examples spring to mind lest the honesty of what I'm saying be doubted.


We should all fear the wheel re-balancing, which would logically see once again the rise of an unacceptable discrimination, which would bring widespread violence since the ethnic content of the population has increased since discrimination really began in the 1970's (or so I recall). The content of the English population just isn't the same now, which I think is good, but it will create it's own problems as the wheel turns back while rebalancing. Inevitable I fear.

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5 hours ago, KhunFred said:

The obvious solution to the problem: attack or kill a sick person. Rather reminds one of Hitler's regime.

Only to those who seem obsessed with the (what are now seen as the) aberrations of the Hitler regime. It seems to me that wheel has also turned to the extent that the regime headed up by Hitler has been replaced, not by a more liberal society, but an equally aberrant alternative (but equally rapacious) society intent on furthering it's own benefit at the expense of the interests of humanity as a whole.


History repeating, and around and around we go. It seems to be the nature of things.

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13 hours ago, Crispyman said:

seems to me you have prejudice against Thais yourself the tone of your writing, somewhat a contradictory. Quote “Who behaves badly on the assumption that they are better than..... etc” the rest of you white folks don’t have the same assumption? black salves, Stole half the world Treasure from other nations, Brexit. Oh don’t we get Donald trump. USA have a racist as their president????. I hope you are not living in Thailand. If you do, I suggest you fly back to where ever you are came from. 


You must be very hard up for things to hate if you really believe what you wrote. But hey, it's your life, waste it in whatever way you feel is best for you.

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9 hours ago, rod40a said:

Sounds fictitious to me , I spent last weekend With my Thai Girlfriend in central london including China town still very busy did a few nightclubs and then shopping on Sunday no problem , no bad comments no racism 

So you spent a weekend in London and didn't get attacked therefore the reported attack didn't happen.  And I bet you are the kind that speaks about "Thai logic".  The mind boggles.

Edited by josephbloggs
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Foreigners face rascism everyday in Thailand. So now Thais want their cake and eat it when they go abroad?


If the world was more aware how badly foreignes get treated in Thailand, purely based on race, I think you will find increased hostilty elsewhere in the world against Thais.

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13 hours ago, Janner1 said:

IF this is true reporting I can assure you that the British police will try very hard to find the perpetrator “s” and   Press charges of racial attack and grievous bodily harm and him /they will go to prison.

We do not do wais in England where racism and bodily harm are treated severely with every possibility for the victim to sue the perps for compensation once found guilty.

We proudly have a police force in England that does it’s job

I guess you missed the joke ????

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6 hours ago, ParkerN said:

Only to those who seem obsessed with the (what are now seen as the) aberrations of the Hitler regime. It seems to me that wheel has also turned to the extent that the regime headed up by Hitler has been replaced, not by a more liberal society, but an equally aberrant alternative (but equally rapacious) society intent on furthering it's own benefit at the expense of the interests of humanity as a whole.


History repeating, and around and around we go. It seems to be the nature of things.

but an equally aberrant alternative 


I don't think we live on the same planet ! Modern day Germany is as bad as Hitler - that comment speaks for itself. 

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15 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

but an equally aberrant alternative 


I don't think we live on the same planet ! Modern day Germany is as bad as Hitler - that comment speaks for itself. 


You forgot to state an opinion as an opinion and not a fact. Modern-day Germany is nothing like Hitler's Germany.


I'm sure it was an oversight that caused this, and not bigotry or anything.


Still... I think we can agree that you and I are quite a long way apart in our opinions.


Edited by ParkerN
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14 hours ago, rod40a said:

Sounds fictitious to me , I spent last weekend With my Thai Girlfriend in central london including China town still very busy did a few nightclubs and then shopping on Sunday no problem , no bad comments no racism 

That makes sense.Nothing happened to you so nothing happened to anybody else.In fact anyone who says something did happen to them is making it up.

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15 hours ago, Toadie said:

Somethings wrong with this story.

First. A Thai tax advisor not an accountant.

Then why is embassy staff taking him to hospital and Thai govt making statements?

I'm sure if I get a punch in the nose here I'm not going to my embassy first. Or is he attached to it.

Then if he was what govt official would make a public statement about it let alone a PM.


If the worse thing that happens to one of your citizens overseas is a punch in the nose well...

Yes the Embassy role doesn't make any sense at all.Incidentally it is very common for a tax advisor to be a qualified accountant: indeed the best ones often have this background.This guy isn't some gormless tourist stumbling into trouble but someone very well familiar with the UK with a public school and Cambridge background.The incident is very shocking.

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1 minute ago, sambum said:

Possibly not wanting to "offend" a "minority"? 

It is certainly very odd that there is no description of the attackers whatsoever despite dozens of witnesses and the account of the victim himself who seems a very articulate and decent type.


Is it actually police or newspaper policy not to provide descriptions of the alleged offenders?


I know that part of London well.It's affluent and generally very safe but as always in London one has to be a bit careful.And before anyone jumps to conclusions on what I'm driving at, there are out of control kids of all ethnicities in that area.

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On 2/18/2020 at 12:51 PM, monkfish said:

Personally ha to say hate racism I have experienced both with my Thai wife in the UK and personally here in Thailand.

Hopefully as he was able to take their photo they will be arrested soon.
One thing I do not understand from the whole story is WHY he chased after them?

And asking "Why are you doing this?" Maybe forgot where he was, and expected a back up team of Thai taxi drivers to appear out of the blue and rush to his "assistance?

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I am quite familiar with that area and witnessed two attacks myself .

Both times it was Black men/kids attacking White men 

First victim was a Scottish guy wearing a kilt and the second victim was bald guy who got mistaken for a skinhead .

  The Scottish guy wasnt really a victim though , he picked up a lump of wood and chased them off  

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On 2/18/2020 at 2:16 PM, lovethai123 said:

Thais know only a few countries.






 They know a fourth one too. Dum dum. But I think it's an abusive term for people who hail from Africa. Sorry for my ignorance.




Bearing in mind what the OP says, you've forgotten the main one!

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On 2/18/2020 at 8:58 AM, Dogmatix said:

The ignorant skinheads who beat this guy up were looking for Chinese to rough up, feeling that they have brought this virus on the world through their nasty habit of eating bats, snakes, civet cats & etc. Unfortunately the only Thais who have money to go to London are Thai-Chinese which puts them at great risk of being targets of this type of anti-Chinese discrimination and violence there and elsewhere in the West.

OMG, are you still living in the 70s?

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18 hours ago, ParkerN said:

Last response. No, they disappear for the same reason they disappear in Japan or Korea or Europe, so they can work without a permit and live outside of Thailand without permission. Thais are not welcome because they think the law does not apply to them, so naturally, the USA customs look at their documentation and money very carefully. This is no different from the UK, who also treat Thais with scepticism for the same reasons. Many countries do not welcome Thais. Understandably. Thais think they are special but they just aren't unless you take 'special' to mean poorly educated, and generally uncaring about the laws in their destination country. They appear to think all countries are just like Thailand. There are even some cases of rich Thais trying to bribe traffic cops in USA, after being pulled over. Mistake.

I heard (from an ex British Embassy employee) that one of the main criteria they expect from a Thai girl wanting a visa to visit the UK is a valid reason to have to come back to Thailand (Family, Bank Account, House, Rice Farm etc) and the reason for that is exactly as stated in the above post.

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19 hours ago, lovethai123 said:

So you just assumed their gender. What if they identify themselves as a she/her? 



“I’d just got off the bus at Fulham when I heard a faint sound directed at me from my left across the street,” he told the Observer. “I had these noise-cancelling headphones on and took them off as these guys just shouted ‘Coronavirus! Coronavirus! Ha, ha!’ in my face while filming me. I didn’t get a chance to say anything – ‘Please stop’, or ‘Why are you doing this?’ – when one of them snatched the headphones from my neck.”......."When I reached the traffic island he turned round and punched me to the ground. There was blood everywhere.”

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19 hours ago, jamesmith said:

London is one of the worst racism city . I lived in London for 8 yrs. I had so many bad experience there. I think because I am a skinny , small Chinese., I am always the target . Almost at least once a week.  Not even the people in London, but also immigration at Dover . I came back from France , when I arrived at Dover immigration, I gave my passport to the female officer, she threw my passport on the floor and told me to leave because she could not see my visa in the passport, I told her I had student visa , she said " get your passport up and show me " She was rude. Everybody behind me was shocked .   Once I went to Victoria station  to get the train to Croydon, as I was in rush so I asked few people who worked at the station, i knew they were staffs because they had the uniform so I asked them which was the perform to get train to Croydon. My God ! everyone of them swore at me and one called me " Foreign Baster , <deleted> Off"  After these incident I decided to leave UK and would not back to Uk anymore.   

You should have reported them. Almost every business in the UK has a complaint section usually, especially the government. Their head offices will always try to at least look non-bias and non-racist. To be fair racism is everywhere not just in the UK. You get that it in USA, in China, in Thailand and the rest. The Indians are the worst because it is in their caste system but the funny thing is they look up to Caucasians despite the English colonized them for few hundred hears.

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