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U.S. health officials urge Americans to prepare for spread of coronavirus


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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Beijing last week revoked the credentials of three Wall Street Journal correspondents over a column China said was racist. The United States has said it was considering a range of responses to their expulsion.

Maybe the real reason for the expulsion was that one of them reported on the activities of Xi's relative in Australia, plus the recent classification of Xinhua people is the US as foreign agents. Perhaps US could expel Xinhua, People's Daily proportionately, so that since China has four times the population, US expels 12 Xinhua operatives!

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

(HHS) Secretary Alex Azar told a Senate subcommittee there will likely be more cases in the United States, and he asked lawmakers to approve $2.5 billion in funding to fight the outbreak after proposing cuts to the department's budget

This is the main reason for this scare mongering.

2.5 billion for what?

All about the money..

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“But I thought the very stable genius said not to worry!! Maybe that’s why he’s defunding the cdc and po poing science ”


The Center for Disease Controls current annual budget is over 11 Billion. When was the CDC defunded?  Asking for 2.5 Billion now to combat Covid 19 appears to be a proper first step.  The Federal Government is not perfect but most of the time they do a good job in responding to major events.  

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42 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Sounds like you guys are totally happy with this brouhaha...nothing like a "crisis" at election time.


We are all gonna die someday, and Im sure my heirs would love it if I kicked at a stock market high. YMMV.


But, I prepare. I wash my hands constantly and practice the same personal regimin I do during flue season. PLus Im avoiding crowds and airplanes...and China.



I guess when you've got nothing to go with, attack the motives of the messenger. The fact is Trump eradicated a whole pandemic infrastructure that was created under Obama. 


"When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another. Basically, the U.S. pandemic infrastructure was an enormous orchestra full of talented, egotistical players, each jockeying for solos and fame, refusing to rehearse, and demanding higher salaries—all without a conductor. To bring order and harmony to the chaos, rein in the agency egos, and create a coherent multiagency response overseas and on the homefront, Obama anointed a former vice presidential staffer, Ronald Klain, as a sort of “epidemic czar” inside the White House, clearly stipulated the roles and budgets of various agencies, and placed incident commanders in charge in each Ebola-hit country and inside the United States."


Apparently the problem with this system is that it was created under Obama.





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Covid-19 is self-evidently beyond the point of meaningful containment. Virologists and infectious disease experts have known for three weeks that this was highly probable, and certainly not a mere tail-risk as suggested by equity market pricing. We are now there.


The global economy may be heading for some sort of "sudden stop" in supply chains, trade flows and tourism more akin to the outbreak of the First World War than the Lehman or dotcom crises.


Gonna be carnage in the markets today. 




Edited by URMySunshine
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5 hours ago, Skallywag said:

Annual influenza deaths in the USA 12,000 - 61,000

Deaths from Covid19,  zero in the USA

Covid19 deaths in China 3% of those infected.  Nothing out of normal range for any influenza.  Epidemic threshold is above 7.3% according to CDC


14 infected U.S. citizens flown back to U.S. from the Diamond Princess cruise ship a few days ago.  Now CDC say spread of virus is imminent.  Wow - any cause and effect happening here?


Stay tuned, Stay safe, and Stay healthy (how I dont know)





For once I partly agree with you. The panic is doing a lot more harm than the virus itself.


But how many of the 14 infected US citizens infected other US citizens?

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8 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Schumer says "towering incompetence", huh? 

Clearly, he's referring to himself and his fellow Democrats. 


Dividing Americans to gain power for a party going potentially communist!  Can he ever stop at the chance to ridicule the POTUS!

The USA would be a whole lot better without CA and NY representation from the divide and conquer dems!

JC ,Chuck work with us!!!!!!

Edited by riclag
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1 hour ago, sqwakvfr said:

“But I thought the very stable genius said not to worry!! Maybe that’s why he’s defunding the cdc and po poing science ”


The Center for Disease Controls current annual budget is over 11 Billion. When was the CDC defunded?  Asking for 2.5 Billion now to combat Covid 19 appears to be a proper first step.  The Federal Government is not perfect but most of the time they do a good job in responding to major events.  

 In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command. One of many reversals he took trying to get to Obama's accomplishments.



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10 minutes ago, riclag said:


Dividing Americans to gain power for a party going potentially communist!  Can he ever stop at the chance to ridicule the POTUS!

The USA would be a whole lot better without CA and NY representation from the divide and conquer dems!

JC ,Chuck work with us!!!!!!

Not funny your suggesting CA and NY representation are the dividers when it is always trump himself

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12 minutes ago, riclag said:


Dividing Americans to gain power for a party going potentially communist!  Can he ever stop at the chance to ridicule the POTUS!

The USA would be a whole lot better without CA and NY representation from the divide and conquer dems!

JC ,Chuck work with us!!!!!!

Don't worry POTUS has said it will be all done by April. And he is never wrong and never lies. 

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48 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

 In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command. One of many reversals he took trying to get to Obama's accomplishments.



The incompetent hubris of the man is both breathtaking and chilling particularly so in the current climate. He takes all the credit for the stock market advances so logically all the reversals are his as well. 

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Trump has just tweeted that the coronavirus is a conspiracy to cause him to lose the election and panic the markets. What an utter selfish man. I've said for over two years now that the only thing Trump cares about are his precious stock markets. This is the proof. He plans a press conference to label all the corona news as "fake news."  All to save the bubble markets and his own skin. He would rather leave Americans unprepared and dying than lose 10,000 points on the Dow.

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10 hours ago, zydeco said:

Trump's Katrina is right over the horizon.

100% this. 


His presidency is fully dependent upon the economy (and in his view the economy = dow jones)

His administration is already making Katrina like missteps:

- SD official forcing infected disaster princess americans on plane with uninfected against CDC advice

- Trump stating that a vaccine is almost ready (later to be corrected.. "he meant ebola vaccine!")

- complete botching of test kits

- Kudlow breaking with CDC on coronavirus: ‘We have contained this’


Not to mention when people become sick in droves and going to get care bankrupts them, it sure does make that wacky socialist with plans of 'medicare for all' seem awfully appealing.

Edited by unsubscribe
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5 hours ago, URMySunshine said:

Covid-19 is self-evidently beyond the point of meaningful containment. Virologists and infectious disease experts have known for three weeks that this was highly probable, and certainly not a mere tail-risk as suggested by equity market pricing. We are now there.


The global economy may be heading for some sort of "sudden stop" in supply chains, trade flows and tourism more akin to the outbreak of the First World War than the Lehman or dotcom crises.


Gonna be carnage in the markets today. 




The fed won't be able to print their way out of this one.... but I'm sure they will try, I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually end up in negative interest rate land.

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10 hours ago, unsubscribe said:

100% this. 


His presidency is fully dependent upon the economy (and in his view the economy = dow jones)

His administration is already making Katrina like missteps:

- SD official forcing infected disaster princess americans on plane with uninfected against CDC advice

- Trump stating that a vaccine is almost ready (later to be corrected.. "he meant ebola vaccine!")

- complete botching of test kits

- Kudlow breaking with CDC on coronavirus: ‘We have contained this’


Not to mention when people become sick in droves and going to get care bankrupts them, it sure does make that wacky socialist with plans of 'medicare for all' seem awfully appealing.

Stock market nose diving. trump will lose the election because of healthcare alone.

Vote anybody but trump.   Keep America Alive

Edited by earlinclaifornia
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