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New 90 Day Notification?

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I haven't had a chance to look at thaivisa.com for a while and have noticed the new notification process for staying in Thailand for longer than 90 days. Is this just with reference to people with VOAs or does this include proper tourist visas, work permits and everything else to do with any type of farrang visa?

I have a triple entry tourist visa, which was activated on 6th or 7th January, when I returned to Thailand from England, so I have to do a border run evey 60 days. I did read that if you leave the Kingdom the count will restart from 1 again on your return. Is this definately the case?

Also, I have made a few friends and they have work permits and therefore do not need to leave the Kingdom and they are non the wiser about this 90 day reporting. Should they be reporting to immigration?

Any feedback on this will be greatly appreciated!


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If you stay in Thailand longer than 90 consecutive days you are required to report your current address to Immigration. If you are here on 90 day or less visa entry you do not have to make any report. If you travel before 90 days you do not have to make report until 90 days after your return.

So basically if here on visa entry: no report.

If here on one year extensions of stay: report.

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I haven't had a chance to look at thaivisa.com for a while and have noticed the new notification process for staying in Thailand for longer than 90 days. Is this just with reference to people with VOAs or does this include proper tourist visas, work permits and everything else to do with any type of farrang visa?

I have a triple entry tourist visa, which was activated on 6th or 7th January, when I returned to Thailand from England, so I have to do a border run evey 60 days. I did read that if you leave the Kingdom the count will restart from 1 again on your return. Is this definately the case?

Also, I have made a few friends and they have work permits and therefore do not need to leave the Kingdom and they are non the wiser about this 90 day reporting. Should they be reporting to immigration?

Any feedback on this will be greatly appreciated!


If your mates have work permits they should have Non Imm B visas. If the visas are longer than three months they should, I think, have been given a slip in their passports advising when they have to report. I just did mine the other day at the new airport. The guy told my wife (in Thai) that he was really impressed that I was organised enough to have downloaded the form off this site and had it already completed, compared to the throng who just come in and present their passports looking dumfounded. It was a painless, pleasant ordeal (as usual) that took no longer than ten minutes. The airport office is always very quiet too (no waiting) but that depends if you are closer to Suan Phlu (which I have never had a problem with bar the traffic).

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Also, I have made a few friends and they have work permits and therefore do not need to leave the Kingdom

and they are non the wiser about this 90 day reporting. Should they be reporting to immigration?


Doesn't your employer handle this simple matter for you??

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I did my 90 day reporting of address today (almost forgot it!!). I was in the office less than 8 minutes, and if I'd had the form filled out, might have done it in 2 minutes. But, it was a slow day in the office. It's never taken me 20 minutes, even waiting in the queue.

astral, the three schools I worked at couldn't even figure out the work permit or the visa. I'm sure they wouldn't have done the 90 day reporting for me. Arai nah?

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While we are on the subject of reporting, it should be noted that the house owner needs to report

your arrival each time you return from a trip away.

If this is not done they can also get fined.

Particularly where the house is in your partner's name.

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While we are on the subject of reporting, it should be noted that the house owner needs to report

your arrival each time you return from a trip away.

If this is not done they can also get fined.

Particularly where the house is in your partner's name.

Interesting. I've had two landlords, rented four properties, in four years here. The landlord/owner doesn't even know where I go. Usually my Thai partner stays in the house, but not this year when we went to Cambodia. I contact my landlord about twice a year. However, when we moved into this place last year, my landlady did mention that she would have to notify the authorities of our rental.
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That law is not strictly enforced (to say the least).

True but it can happen, especially when you get a new officer trying to impress his/her superiors.

It happened to me. The imm officer wanted to fine me until I pointed out that my re-entires reset the 90 day clock.

Her superior agreed with me on that point.

So the b*tch fined my wife instead for not reporting my arrival. :o

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  • 2 months later...

Help! I did forget to notify my 90 days. I should have gone on May 8th... over a month ago. I have a non-Imm B and work permit that run out June 30th. Would you - go to Immigration and hope to get away with a reasonable fine, or wait the extra couple of weeks till the visa and work permit run out and just exit the country and hope for the best?

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