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State Contracts


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B.Post General news >> Friday April 06, 2007



State contracts, corruption and the way forward

A serious re-evaluation of private-public contract processes is vital to political and administrative reform in Thailand

By Abhisit Vejjajiva

As all eyes are focused on current anti-corruption efforts; most of the attention is on how successful the authorities will be in bringing the alleged perpetrators to justice. In any case, it is clear that all the responsible agencies, including the Assets Examination Committee (AEC), the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) and the State Audit Commission (SAC), have been working overtime as well as against time to conclude their tasks in a swift and thorough manner.

The efforts of the above agencies are important in order to uphold justice as well as to deter future politicians from engaging in fraudulent activities. However, apprehending corrupt politicians is only one part of the solution. In order to fully protect the public interest, the current administration will also need to find ways to seek compensation for the damages incurred in the recent past.


Please go to the following url for the complete article:-


An interesting article and evaluation along with suggestions on how to address it.

Apologies if it is posted elsewhere and i,ve missed it,s location.

marshbags :o

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