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Another 5 pups came through our gates, today. 4 males & a female. I've called them Florence, Dougal, Bryan, Dylan & Zebedee (Magic Roundabout - Brits of my age will know!). But I'm fast running out of ideas for names.

Single dogs are fairly easy, I wait until a name comes to me that suits them, but twos, threes, fours etc I like to keep within a theme. I've done Harry Potter books, children's tv, Native American tribes, numbers in various languages, alcoholic drinks, alphabetical names, herbs, etc

Has anyone any ideas for new names (within a theme, if possible; it's easier for me to remember)?

If I use your names, I'll let you know.

Thanks :D

BTW, all available for adoption!!! :o:D

For some time now I have been using characters from Star Trek at the moment I have:

Jim The Great Dane,

Tasha. The Irish Wolfhound.

Dax. The Boarder Collie.

and Kira a Thai mixed something !!! but if you know your Star Trek there are hundreds of names to chose from.

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Has anyone any ideas for new names (within a theme, if possible; it's easier for me to remember)?

If I use your names, I'll let you know.

Thanks :D

BTW, all available for adoption!!! :o:D

from a dictionary of names:

ceasar, cecilia, cissy, caia, caio, caja, cajo, caleb, cajus, camille, cameron. callista, cara, caro, carey, caresse, carin, carina, carita, carleen, carletta, carlo, carlos, carmel, carmen, carol, carry, cas, casper, cassy, cato, cazi, cebus, cecca, cecco, cecil, cecile, cedric, cees, celest, celesta, celestine, celia, celine, centa, centos, cephas, chaim, chaja, chana, chanan, chantal, charel, charis, mcharissa, charita, charles, charley, chef, cherie, cherry, cheryl, chien, chiquita, vhiron, chiara, chloe, chris, chrissy, christel, christy, cicero, cid, cindy, cinthia, ciska, cissy, cita, clair, clamor, clara, clarck, clarice, claude, claudetta, claudine, clemence, cleo, cleopatra, cliff, clive, clyde, co, coba, cobi, cobus, coco, collette, cola, colin, conan, conny, conrad, cora, cory, cosmo, cosmos, cosmas, cosimo, cosima, cuno, curtis, curley, cy, cyrril, cyro, cyrina, cyrus,

Just to give you a start :D


First five names going to Bambi's pups (Bambi was named after our own BambinA). 3 males & 2 females, surviving (4 died, sadly; 3 stillborn & one while I was in HK, recently)

Caesar, Cajo, Caleb, Cara & Cassy.

Thanks, Nienke :D


My friend fostered alot of cats and named them after her ex's. The females ended up with guy names. (Maybe there was a latent intent with that.) She named her own cats after diseases that people were working on in the labs. It did get a bit weird when I picked up Ebola and Pox. At least, we all knew their names.


Always named the dogs after malts, my golden's named Jura.

See helicopter came up with Deefer, only the second time I've heard that one. Had a mate in Scotland many years ago with an Old English called Deefer, he's been living here in LOS for the last 12 years or so.

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