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Paying off "the man"

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I'm starting a new thread about this motorcycle license thing so that I'll be sure to get responses.   As many of you kind folk have seen earlier, I flunked my motorcycle road test a few weeks ago.   Im going soon to retake the driving course test.   And here are a couple of questions I could use your help on.


1)  If I get psyched out by driving the long berm and flunk again, it was suggested (I don't know if jokingly or not) that I hand over an envelope with some Baht in it to the guy who flunks me outside the building.   Is that an option?   If I had a plain white envelope with ......say 15 one hundred baht bills in it, would he take it, refuse it, or turn me in for a bribe?  I'm being serious here because I really want to get that license.   I'll just pay for a intl license course if I cannot pass or you tell me this is not a good idea.

2)  How many weeks can you continue to go back and try to pass the driving course after you've passed the written?   When do they just make you start over?

3) One of the reasons I want this license is to be able to rent motorcycles in other ASEAN countries.   If I visit Philippines and decide to stay, does anyone know if this Thai motorcycle license can be easily converted to Philippines moto license.   I've read they have become much more strict on farang moto licenses lately there.


Thanks all.    This a a fabulous forum!

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You can try, but apparently only brown envelopes work, unless they have a different

envelope system to everywhere else in Thailand.


I would suggest passing the test legitimately, you are going to experience far more scary

scenarios on the road than anything in the test

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