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I'm a US citizen but have been in Vietnam several months.  I now know US citizens must self quarantine.  But I've not been to America and I'm just staying in the airport.  I need to renew my visa for Vietnam by doing a border run, so I'll be in and out in a few hours.  What will happen to me?  Same as usual or what?  Since I'm not staying there or leaving the airport and since I've not been in America, I'm hoping I'm stamped in and then leave shortly after. 


As of March 13, Vietnam does not appear to be on Thailand's list of "high risk countries". The articles also mentions "ongoing transmission", which I believe translates to "entering into the country". So, I think the real question will be what happens when you return to Vietnam:




US Citizens don't need to quarantine, but anyone who has been to the US in the last 14 days does.  This page has the best list I've seen of travel restrictions (for every country):  https://blog.newlandchase.com/covid-19-latest-travel-and-immigration-disruption-updated-16-march-2020


In part that page lists the following information for entering Thailand:


  • Effective 13 March, Visa on Arrival is suspended for nationals of 18 countries including Bulgaria, Bhutan, China, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Malta, Mexico, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan and Vanuatu. Nationals of these countries also need a Health Certificate issued within 48 hours of flight departure certifying that they are free of COVID-19.
  • Effective 13 March, visa-free entry for South Korea, Italy and Hong Kong are suspended. Nationals of these countries also need a Health Certificate issued within 48 hours of flight departure certifying that they are free of COVID-19.
  • Effective 12 March, foreign nationals arriving in Thailand will need to download an Airports of Thailand mobile app to provide information about themselves and where they will be staying.


So you *should* be fine, although you won't know if they'll let you fly until you check in at the airport, and you won't know if Thailand lets you enter until you get to the immigration desk at the airport.  But according to what they've said, you should be able to come, stay a few hours (or a few days) and head back.


EDIT: As timendres mentioned, entering Vietnam may be another issue.  The same site at the link above says this about entering Vietnam:



Visa on Arrival is suspended temporarily for all foreign nationals.




Countries with more than 500 confirmed cases of COVID-19, or more than 50 new cases per day, can also expect to have visa exemptions to Vietnam suspended at this time.


Good luck!

4 hours ago, JacksSmirkingRevenge said:

I have a visa for Vietnam, multiple entries, just have to leave every 90 days.  And I've not ever been to Europe 

I think zero problem for you. 

You have not been in Europe. The statement "people from those countries" surely is meaning traveling from those countries. May have been a problem if you didn't have visa for Vietnam. However you do. When I landed Saigon Friday you had to hand in form that was given out on plane to clerks prior to passport control. This was one group of us from bkk. The person in front of me was asked "have you been to France" she replied no and waved on. 

Coming into DMK airport yesterday there was no AOT app or T8 form, no temperature check. Nothing.

I might add that at check-in in Saigon the airline clerk had a thorough look through my passport. I fly constantly so think he was looking for any travel to Europe etc.

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