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Shut Thailand down for 21 days, doctor advises


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The doctor may or may not be right, but there has to be a campaign to assist thai's out of there centuries old way of living, i looked in a KFC the other day and  saw a family sharing the bones, dont blame them educate them.

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21 days? What the hell is that going to do?


All non essential public activity needs to be stopped to slow down the spread of the virus.


The only businesses open should be grocery stores, post offices, pharmacies, pet stores and other essential businesses to keep people and animals alive.


Otherwise we're going to blow by the other countries in infections and deaths.


When I hear this and closing bars for 14 days, but keeping restaurants and malls open I think it's ridiculous. The bars should be closed until further notice, along with other businesses not necessary.

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1 minute ago, glennb6 said:

spot on.


an just saw today on Bangkok Post online,

All inbound air passengers must have Covid-free certificates

What percentage of GDP WAS tourism? Whatever it was it's going to be ZERO now.


Actually ZERO people coming in to the country is a good thing at this point.  Look at the US they just shut down the biggest border yet with Canada.  Las Vegas has closed all it's hotels and casinos.


To me they should ground all airlines until there is a solution or the panic is over.

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7 hours ago, 300sd said:

Why bother now, the best Thailand can hope for is herd immunity!

There's no data yet on how long, if at all, immunity gained from recovering from the infection will last. Could be you can get it again shortly after, or you get lifetime immunity. Other coronaviruses causing the common cold don't give a long immunity, as people that get the sniffles every bloody autumn as temps fall know.

Edited by DrTuner
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9 hours ago, glennb6 said:

What percentage of GDP WAS tourism? Whatever it was it's going to be ZERO now.

For a country so reliant on tourism that will have disastrous consequences. 


There's irony in the fact the problem came from China. Perhaps an element of Karma too. 


I'm not that worried about the virus, I'm worried about what the economic impact will lead to... rising crime, food shortages, travel restrictions... 



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5 minutes ago, Yadon Toploy said:

I'm not that worried about the virus, I'm worried about what the economic impact will lead to... rising crime, food shortages, travel restrictions... 

It will be devastating in the long term. Deflation, education getting even worse, no credit available for businesses, mass unemployment. I'm already scheduled to get out of Thailand in a couple of years, this might make me whip out Plan B or C after the initial global shock is over. In about half a year the first larger effect will be very visible.


Some "light" reading:



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On 3/18/2020 at 3:28 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I don't think so!!!  In fact, just the opposite...


This was from just this past Sunday:



And then today's announcement of another 35 new cases broke that record, with today being described as the largest single day increase yet.


Has the good doctor been smoking a bit too much of the medical marijuana???

Maybe he said that before those figures came out and he does say that even if the rate of increase is slowing it doesn't mean it won't increase again. 

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On 3/18/2020 at 5:20 PM, glennb6 said:

once again, in a country of nearly 70,000,000 there has been ONE death and supposedly 212 infected. So what if the number of infections are more - people have been getting sick from influenza since forever, and it sucks to be sick with the flu. The important, most important number is those that haven't recovered as in died.


A lot more people die daily from a thousand other reasons and the reaction from govt and the general public was that it's too bad but life goes on as normal.


Would it be reasonable to shut down a country if the death rate was 1%, how about 1/2% ? Maybe it would? Suppose the deaths are really 100 rather than 1, no - let's say that 1000 have died - now divide that number by 70M. My calculator just went blue screen.


Estimated infected, projected, govt estimates, I think it will be lots because I'm scared, our data suggests - these are all statements that are guesses. Guesses. Some might be well meaning, others not so. Most that suggest huge numbers and suggest radical actions be taken therefore, these are dangerous and ignorant of the consequences.


There's been ONE death. If you choose to believe there have been 1000x more, go ahead and calculate that number against the total population, of which you are one of, and that's your chances of dying from CV. Better you bet the lottery because you'll have thousands of percent better chance of winning.


If you think shutting down the country and all the economic and political consequences that follow makes sense, be very careful of what you wish for because you may not like the results.



I don't think the mortality rate is the oproblem which thankfully appears to be low. It's the fact that it seems to be far more contagious than for example Sars which had a higher mortality rate but was less contagious so easier to isolate.  

The problem with Covid 19 Is that it's new unlike the normal flu virus where vaccines have been developed for a long time.


There's certainly a lot of unnecessary panic, particularly in regard to stockpiling but there's complacency as well.

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59 minutes ago, kimamey said:

Maybe he said that before those figures came out and he does say that even if the rate of increase is slowing it doesn't mean it won't increase again. 


The point was, there has been no evidence of any slowing in the rate of increase of new cases lately... not in the past day, past several days, past week, etc... It's only up up up.  So I have no idea what he was basing his comment upon.


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The problem is that if you wait the epidemic in your country becomes impossible to control. 4 weeks ago the USA had 15 cases. Now nearly 20,000. That is a growth rate of over 1000 fold in a month. No controls, in 4 weeks USA could have 20 million .......

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5 hours ago, rickudon said:

The problem is that if you wait the epidemic in your country becomes impossible to control. 4 weeks ago the USA had 15 cases. Now nearly 20,000. That is a growth rate of over 1000 fold in a month. No controls, in 4 weeks USA could have 20 million .......

I think the R0 estimates were somewhere around 3.5 and the average time to do one infection round 5 days, out of memory. So, 30days/5=6, 3.5^6 = about 1800x in 30 days, theoretically. Nobody really knows until it's over but yes, 1000x in one month would not be surprising. Although R0 will decrease over time due to herd immunity, everybody within vicinity already infected and so on. It's complex.


Better assume everybody is infected and keep your distance. That will tame the R0 and flatten the curve.

Edited by DrTuner
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