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My thoughts regarding Corona virus


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3 hours ago, URMySunshine said:

You are a pleasant chap aren't you. Nothing like a virus to bring out the misanthropes and eugenistics. You will be pleased to know Hitler agreed with your analysis. The weak , mentally deficient and undesirables get rid of 'em. My solution - eat the rich.

I am a very pleasant chap.  I have no interest in Hitler's analysis nor his beliefs although you seem to be. 

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11 hours ago, runamok27 said:

To me the statistics coming out of nearly every country but South Korea are useless garbage. South Korea is the only country who did massive testing so their numbers should be the closest to reality. Even with their massive testing these numbers are most likely lower because of all of the mild symptom people. All of the other countries are only testing the sickest of the sick, so their numbers are useless and only server to scare people. When looking at South Korea's numbers, it would seem we are looking at the regular flu or maybe a slightly stronger strain.


"In South Korea, for example, which had an early surge of cases, the death rate in Covid-19 patients ages 80 and over was 10.4%, compared to 5.35% in 70-somethings, 1.51% in patients 60 to 69, 0.37% in 50-somethings. Even lower rates were seen in younger people, dropping to zero in those 29 and younger."

You know, sometimes evolution, as harsh as it may be an as unfair as it may be to certain creatures does decide things.  Old are weak.  Many of us today are strong and healthy because our ancestors survived the Black Plague, Smallpox, and a host of other issues, and that resistance or strength was passed on to us.  That sort of natural selection is not common any more. 


  Over the centuries many societies dealt with old and non working old people in different ways.  Many societies believed and embraced on serving the greater good and when they got old, the people would happily and voluntarily leave the family or village so as to not be a burden on them.  In other societies, old people are revered, and lavished and praised and sometimes their wisdom really was  useful and benefited the society.  

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20 hours ago, baansgr said:

That only totals up to less than 20,000 a day, plus it's got Covid at only 56 yet there has been almost 9,000 deaths in 90 days...which equates to over 100....let's check this graph in anothee few weeks or months. Still can't believe people think this is a conspiracy by Soros or the banks...it's real, it's happening on your doorstep, it's frightening and it's gonna get a lot worse.

. . . before it gets better. That's the nature of the beast. As with any virus which attacks the respiratory system, the main risk is to the elderly with underlying health problems. If you're not one of them, cheer up - you should be fine.

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I think we all need to take responsible for our own health, and the heath of the people we support, and stop expecting national governments to save us.


It's not that hard to practice good hygiene and avoid crowds.


Be honest, would you really trust any of the current crop of global leaders with the safety of your family?

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On 3/19/2020 at 7:31 AM, AlexRich said:

I think this will peak by end of May and be gone by August, and possibly return in some form in the winter. But I don’t think it will be as hard the second wave, as countries will isolate outbreaks better. The more people who get it the less dangerous it will be. It will probably circulate in the future but with less impact.


So I think things will improve after August. 

The financial world wont. 

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14 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

I think this will peak by end of May and be gone by August, and possibly return in some form in the winter. But I don’t think it will be as hard the second wave, as countries will isolate outbreaks better. The more people who get it the less dangerous it will be. It will probably circulate in the future but with less impact.


So I think things will improve after August. 

Hoping that this like most virus will not mutate into a more viralent form.

Virus have a habit of mutating which makes vaccines difficult to perfect.

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28 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Hoping that this like most virus will not mutate into a more viralent form.

Virus have a habit of mutating which makes vaccines difficult to perfect.

I understand viruses mutate when they encounter resistance. COVID-19 is doing just fine as it is.

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The problem with herd immunity and healthcare overload is that we do not control the tap. The virus does. Look at Italy, one month ago only one death, now nearly 5,000. The virus spreads too fast. As for healthcare overload, those intensive care beds are not just sitting there waiting for patients, they already have patients in them, probably only 10% are free on a typical day, So, in the case of the NHS, about 500 beds free. Most seriously ill corona patients are in intensive care for a long time. So if you have 1000 new cases a day, 10% of them serious, you are on overload in under a week. Italy, Spain and France are already there. Going by the stats, most of Europe will be there by April.


So doctors are already doing triage. As for the 'the flu kills more people' fools, it is ALREADY killing more than a 1,000 a day, more than flu, and that number grows every day...... by end of April, probably 10,000 a day or more.


The financial cost of a lockdown is tremendous. Unlikely any country can maintain it for more than 3 months. And the underdeveloped countries... not a hope. Unfortunately letting people die WILL become an attractive option.


I stocked up and started self-isolating a month ago. Unfortunately have a busy house and family, so I expect to get it at some stage. In Thailand the locals either work or starve.


So far the disease has pretty much spread as i expected (with exception of China?). Definitely this century's 'Spanish flu' event.

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On 3/19/2020 at 9:20 AM, whiteman said:

they should stop the 90 days reporting too till this is all over


      There won't be many farlangs doing the 90 day reporting ....

        Whats the point , catch the virus , or...



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6 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Hoping that this like most virus will not mutate into a more viralent form.

Virus have a habit of mutating which makes vaccines difficult to perfect.


       Nature versus science .

      The winner takes all..


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On 3/19/2020 at 2:45 AM, baansgr said:

People were still getting Spanish flu in the 50s....this ain't going away quickly


Sure, but 50 million didn’t die in the 50’s. A combination of herd immunity and weaker mutations will reduce its impact.

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11 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I understand viruses mutate when they encounter resistance. COVID-19 is doing just fine as it is.

The mutation could begin with treatments long before a vaccine is developed same as seasonal flu has done for decades 

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