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How the Pandemic Will End

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13 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

Another loonytunes source, great.


Watts Up With That? is a blog promoting climate change denial that was created by Anthony Watts in 2006. The blog predominantly discusses climate issues with a focus on anthropogenic climate change, generally accommodating beliefs that are in opposition to the scientific consensus on climate change. 


Ok i can see where this going so i'll stop here my way or the highway Eh!


Follow the narrative and all will be well Sheepeople...


Enjoy the ride..



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9 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

Wrong!  The Chinese are working in an overt manner to dominate the world economically and militarily.  If you read Mandarin (which I do) you would understand this.


They have successfully used debt-trap diplomacy to acquire natural resources as well as military bases worldwide.  The leaders of China's PLA actively agitate for direct military conflict with the USA today.  (Quite foolish for now)


Espionage, military and industrial is a fact.  Please enter "China African Union building" in any browser of your choice and read.


Even Russia is slowly being re-colonized in the east for it's vast natural resources and there's nothing they can do about it.


China is playing a long-game quite well.  Most people still think the Chinese like you and want to share, they don't.

You only have to look at the Chinese who have settled here in Thailand to see that they always ,always take over ,i know as one of my sister in laws was married to a Thai /Chinese guy ,i met his father many times ,a very succesful businessman ,i liked him ,but to be honest he was a ruthless guy ,so was his son ,but nowhere as bright as him.A few years before he died he remarried a woman from China and left most  everything to her to ensure it stayed Chinese.i quite like her ,but she is a ruthless old dame as well.

Edited by ivor bigun
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2 hours ago, Blue Muton said:

Here's a link to Public Health England, I can't find any trace of your claim about them downgrading the threat of this disease. I'm not calling you a liar but for clarification can you link to where this statement originates on their website or any UK government website please?





I suspected the notice might be removed or buried, which is why I downloaded this:




What is astonishing is that the UK mass media appears totally to have ignored the downgrade, which was made just a week before Parliament passed its "lockdown" bill.


As far as I know, the only media outlet to give this decision the consideration it merited was this alternative YouTube news channel. The relevant stuff starts at just past the three-minute mark.



Edited by Krataiboy
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6 hours ago, rumak said:

the thing that bewilders me is that modern life , with the masses mostly living in urban centers,

is where almost everyone chooses to be.   

Also,  anyone that ever sounded the alarm about overpopulation was/is  still laughed at or told to sit down.    Its all about the "balance sheet"  i guess.    sad


And it's going to get a lot worse. The plan (already well underway in China, the ruling elite's laboratory and testbed for new social engineering technologies) is to decant the precariat into high-surveillance sardine can Smart Cities.


Don't take my word for it. Let this nutjob poster girl of the World Economic Forum spell it out for you. . . 



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2 hours ago, meechai said:

If we accept that the virus did in fact come from eating this or that animal ????


Indeed, and of course you can't get the virus from eating a bat. The strain of the virus found in bats was an ancestor of the SARS Cov2 which affects humans and the bat version lacks the spike protein that is needed to attach to human receptors.




You can however catch SARS Cov2 from a cat and you don't even have to eat it. If you think I'm joking, a case of human to cat direct infection has already been documented:




The same applies with dogs, in Hong Kong a case of a man infecting a dog has also been documented.


If we have to get used to a world without dogs or cats then of course we can still take lionhead rabbits as trusty companions. No covid19 cases with rabbits have been documented.

Edited by Logosone
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One factor not considered is the under reporting - everywhere. In Europe, if you die in a hospital and have been tested, you will become a statistic. But many old people are dying at home or in nursing homes -  and they rarely get tested .

In Italy, the death rate in one city was treble the death rate for the same period last year. One third of the deaths were attributed to Corona virus - which still left the death rate at double the normal rate. The other deaths possibly corona virus too.


We are seeing apparently greatly differing rates of spread and death in different countries. Some countries are deliberately not testing many people, and others as many as they can. Age demographics also have an impact on death rate. The application of advice and regulations to slow (or even end) transmission also matters. Certainly there are less cases now than were predicted 2 months ago, but it is still spreading in most countries. Globally, it will probably be months (years?) before it peaks, and in the slums of the developing world hygiene and social distancing near impossible. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. We will only have a good idea of the human toll by looking at the total of all deaths for 2020 compared to 2019.

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On 3/30/2020 at 12:45 AM, jaideeguy said:

We'll [I'm the US now] pay the price that the 'ORANGE BABOON' imposed by trivializing it in the beginning when it could have made a difference.  Now, he is rushing to catch up with the 'third world' and pushing his snake oil and making supply promises that can't be fulfilled on such short notice, meanwhile patting himself on the back to position himself for the next 4 years and people are stupid enough to believe him.

Come on now quit your belly-aching, he had to make sure his buddies in industry were going to make big bucks off the pandemic. Anything else would be immoral.

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21 hours ago, Logosone said:


Indeed, and of course you can't get the virus from eating a bat. The strain of the virus found in bats was an ancestor of the SARS Cov2 which affects humans and the bat version lacks the spike protein that is needed to attach to human receptors.




You can however catch SARS Cov2 from a cat and you don't even have to eat it. If you think I'm joking, a case of human to cat direct infection has already been documented:




The same applies with dogs, in Hong Kong a case of a man infecting a dog has also been documented.


If we have to get used to a world without dogs or cats then of course we can still take lionhead rabbits as trusty companions. No covid19 cases with rabbits have been documented.

There are approximately 200 coronaviruses in animals. This one is just the latest to make the jump. Stay tuned.


Taiwan and Singapore and Korea had their health infrastructure in place from the last epidemic, while Our Dear Leader needed to fire the experts so he could afford to build his wall that has successfully kept out anyone and anything dangerous. Praise be to Our Dear Leader! He alone has The Truth.

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On 3/31/2020 at 12:03 PM, Krataiboy said:

I suspected the notice might be removed or buried, which is why I downloaded this:




What is astonishing is that the UK mass media appears totally to have ignored the downgrade, which was made just a week before Parliament passed its "lockdown" bill.


As far as I know, the only media outlet to give this decision the consideration it merited was this alternative YouTube news channel. The relevant stuff starts at just past the three-minute mark.



Hi, thanks for replying with the link and apologies for the delay in my reply. I think I can answer some of the points that you raise.


Firstly I followed the link from the archive file back to the UK government site. The content is unchanged as far as I could see, the status of the pandemic is unchanged (since the time of your archive) and there doesn't seem to have been any attempt to hide or remove it.


You earlier post correctly reporteded that "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK."


 Having read the article it seems to me that the updating of the status is merely a technical change in classification as the disease does not meet all of the strict criteria to be classed as an HCID in the UK. This means that confirmed cases may be dealt with by any hospital rather than the patients being moved to a designated HCID treatment centre.


Where I disagree with you is in the significance of this technical change and with the inference that the lockdown measures should be eased as a consequence of this reclassification. The latest advice on the UK.Gov website remains clear and is absolutely unambiguius about the need for the "lockdown" measures.


It would appear to me that the MSM were doing the right and proper thing by not making a big deal out of this technical adjustment as the last thing we need right now is for the messages about staying at home, social distancing etc to keep as many people as possible safe to be muddied by fake news or, as could easily happen here, false conclusions from actual events.



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Old people and people with pre-existing conditions are dying. So what. Why is this news?

It'll give Mother Earth a rest from this virus called humans. Why with humans is it always about me me me. Nature knows best. Let Darwin decide. This panic is caused because we have become so disconnected with nature.  Nature is the supreme being, not God, nor Buddha. Nature will always have its way. Mere mortals, cry me a river. it's not politically correct what I've just written, but it's the truth. There's become an inherent obligations to save everyone from death, extremely compassionate,  but defies the laws of nature,  another step in the development of mankind I guess,  or a step backwards?

Edited by Langkawee
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10 hours ago, Langkawee said:

Old people and people with pre-existing conditions are dying. So what. Why is this news?

It'll give Mother Earth a rest from this virus called humans. Why with humans is it always about me me me. Nature knows best. Let Darwin decide. This panic is caused because we have become so disconnected with nature.  Nature is the supreme being, not God, nor Buddha. Nature will always have its way. Mere mortals, cry me a river. it's not politically correct what I've just written, but it's the truth. There's become an inherent obligations to save everyone from death, extremely compassionate,  but defies the laws of nature,  another step in the development of mankind I guess,  or a step backwards?

I don’t disagree with what you say, but I do take offense at it.

Its all well and good to say “fork you, I’m fine” but it’s not very civilised is it ?

If we as humans are not civilised then what are we ?

We are here at this point in time because largely we help and assist each other in times of need and have done since day dot.


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1 hour ago, HighPriority said:

I don’t disagree with what you say, but I do take offense at it.

Its all well and good to say “fork you, I’m fine” but it’s not very civilised is it ?

If we as humans are not civilised then what are we ?

We are here at this point in time because largely we help and assist each other in times of need and have done since day dot.


The virus operates in stealth mode, place your bets. Could this be divine retribution. Look how we sat by while the Vietnamese, Cambodians,  Syrians, Iraqis,  Yemenis were murdered and the animals in the wuhan markets in the smallest of cages. Yes I must agree we are so civilized, we "humans"

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31 minutes ago, Langkawee said:

The virus operates in stealth mode, place your bets. Could this be divine retribution. Look how we sat by while the Vietnamese, Cambodians,  Syrians, Iraqis,  Yemenis were murdered and the animals in the wuhan markets in the smallest of cages. Yes I must agree we are so civilized, we "humans"

And the Uighers, and rohingya

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