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Coca-Cola to suspend advertising, divert cash to fight Covid-19


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7 hours ago, jaiyen said:

A wonderful gesture from the company that makes the worlds most toxic product that is actually sold as a drink that they tell you is good for you.  Would be great if other big companies followed their lead and diverted advertising money to research,

Where do you read that it's the "World's most toxic drink"? Where can I find an article in which the Coca-Cola Company states that it's good for you? 


Keep importing seaweed from other countries, because thai seaweed isn't healthy.  


Oh No! shipping is delayed; Where will you get your vitamins from now? Newsflash....MEAT!!!!

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Nice gesture, but at the same time Coca Cola Company get a huge media coverage form the story – including logo profilsation as in this news article – and some level of positive response, which all together might be worth as much as the cancelled advertising, or even more...:whistling:

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8 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

There are still a maximum of people on this forum who only like one thing: to denigrate.
Coca cola does one thing well: it's not good
Coca cola does nothing: it's not good
In another post:
Yingluck sends a letter of encouragement and thanks to the Thai hospital teams.
Nowhere can you tell if she has enclosed a check, which is highly likely;
well the negative reviews are starting to rain ...

without knowing anything about what was actually done.


If you do not have anything constructive to write, abstain.

if you don't like what you're reading stop opening the website..

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10 hours ago, jaiyen said:

A wonderful gesture from the company that makes the worlds most toxic product that is actually sold as a drink that they tell you is good for you.  Would be great if other big companies followed their lead and diverted advertising money to research,

The worlds most toxic product? Idiotic statement, I am 72 and have been drinking Coke since I was 4 years old. Hasn't killled me yet but I don't drink supper high amounts to get overweight or develope diabites from the sugar. The  "most toxic "   substance would be one that killed you quickly. 

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