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With 2020 race all but halted over coronavirus, Biden quietly widens lead over Trump - Reuters/Ipsos poll

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3 hours ago, Xavnel said:

You obviously have no clue as to the purpose of Electorals or how the system works.

It was set up do that every state counts.  If not for Electoral College,  then the President would be chosen ONLY by California and New York. No other state would matter. That is not a Democracy.


As far as the mail in votes....  WAY too much voter fraud. I could feasibly mail in my vote card, my wife's,  my daughter and my 2 sons without them even seeing it.... take it a step further...  I could feasibly mail in my neighbor's,  and his wife's... 

The  what happens when they go down to vote? Do they get busted for "trying to vote twice"  ?? Or does someone need to go find the mail in Vote Card and uncounted it ? .....  

Let's say, for example, the Mail Person is a Devote Republican, but his/her Route is in a very heavy Democrat area.... feasibly he/she could "accidentally"  misplace all those voter cards into the nearest dumpster fire?

Take only those 3 situations,   and multiple that by 5 million, 10 million, 20 million voters.... 

WAY , WAY  too much chance for Voter Fraud.


My state went exclusively to vote by mail almost 20 years ago. Little to none evidence of voter fraud. What is evident is that voter participation is much higher than other states and that scares the hell out of some monied interests and the stooges they would have stand for office..

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43 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


My state went exclusively to vote by mail almost 20 years ago. Little to none evidence of voter fraud. What is evident is that voter participation is much higher than other states and that scares the hell out of some monied interests and the stooges they would have stand for office..

And which party is it that has overwhelming opposed broadening participation in elections?

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


Could be, but Trump promised to make healthcare related to Covid 19 free for all uninsured Americans and Obamacare people will be forced to pay thousands in deductibles, assuming they still have itafter losing their jobs, in which case Trump's $100 Billion to hospitals covers them. It looks like the Democrats are being outflanked AGAIN, while Nancy Pelosi is fighting tooth and nail to get SALT rollback in the next stimulus bill, A provision that only helps the rich.  And yeah, he's got a lot of blood on his hands but the numbers will come in lower than projections. Old Wall St. ploy of managing expectations.

Nonsense. If healthcare concerns were only about Covid19 you'd have a better point. But do you think that this pandemic has only increased concern about Covid-19 or pandemics? Or about more general concerns? And who do you think is going to be held responsible for making Obamacare more expensive rather than less? And members owhat party is now trying to get rid of Obamacare altogether and replace it with exactly nothing? And why did the genius Trump have the justice dept join a lawsuit to invalidate Obamacare? Ya really think Americans trust Republicans more on healthcare?

And as I've pointed out earlier, Salt rollback actually helps those states that do most to protect their citizens. And as usual, you ignore the fact that Republicans exploited the tax bill of 2017 to give real wealthy estate owners another huge break on top of the ones they already got in the last tax bill. Quick! Name me one chief executive of the USA who stands to benefit from this?

  • Haha 1
10 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

Major experience doing what? What has Biden been successful at? He'd never registered a blip in multiple previous attempts to run for president. Obama only chose him for a running mate because he's a complete idiot- much like the Bush/Quayle ticket. He's been right there as debt has skyrocketed, a massive, failed health care plan rolled out, lined his pockets with bankster money for decades, voted to shaft consumers to benefit banksters. Experience doing what exactly? What are his accomplishments? What has he done to make America a better place? Heck, he's done more apologizing during this campaign than telling us what his accomplishments are.


Summer of recovery, baby!

Again with the failed health care nonsense? What don't you understand about the fact that even many Republican states adopted the medicaid provisions of Obamacare? Some by referenda? Do you think if you keep on repeating a falsehood, you're going to make it true? Ya think healthcare isn't going to be powerfully on the minds of voters in the wake of a pandemic? Ya think that Republican led efforts to abolish it are going to be viewed favorably by a majority of the electorate? That the lack of a Republican plan - despite Trump's claims that he had one - is going to play in Trump's favor?

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Xavnel said:

You obviously have no clue as to the purpose of Electorals or how the system works.

It was set up do that every state counts.  If not for Electoral College,  then the President would be chosen ONLY by California and New York. No other state would matter. That is not a Democracy.


As far as the mail in votes....  WAY too much voter fraud. I could feasibly mail in my vote card, my wife's,  my daughter and my 2 sons without them even seeing it.... take it a step further...  I could feasibly mail in my neighbor's,  and his wife's... 

The  what happens when they go down to vote? Do they get busted for "trying to vote twice"  ?? Or does someone need to go find the mail in Vote Card and uncounted it ? .....  

Let's say, for example, the Mail Person is a Devote Republican, but his/her Route is in a very heavy Democrat area.... feasibly he/she could "accidentally"  misplace all those voter cards into the nearest dumpster fire?

Take only those 3 situations,   and multiple that by 5 million, 10 million, 20 million voters.... 

WAY , WAY  too much chance for Voter Fraud.

Which is why Trump used it?

  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

Jingthing made the claim, not me.

It's not like you exactly disagree with him, is it? Rather the opposite...

"Yet you think a moron like Joe Biden can beat him. Tell us specifically about what Biden is good at that he can beat one of the world's best political propagandists."

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


My state went exclusively to vote by mail almost 20 years ago. Little to none evidence of voter fraud. What is evident is that voter participation is much higher than other states and that scares the hell out of some monied interests and the stooges they would have stand for office..

Exactly.  There is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, and only occasional instances of minor voter fraud.  However people who fear large voter turn-outs try really hard to think of reasons why voting should be made difficult.

  • Haha 1

The problem that the Republican Party faces is that if they stop supporting trump it is a certainly they will lose control of the Senate. If they continue support there is a very very slim chance they may hold on to it. They only thing the Republican Party cares about is hanging on to the Senate as their political survival depends on it.

In the 2016 election only 58% of eligible voters voted. Trump got 47% of that number. Trump's base support percentage has not changed since 2016. Using the 2016 analogy in 2020, a 3% increase in turnout will be a win for the Democrat. At the Democrat primaries some states recorded a near 70% turnout.

  • Haha 1
6 minutes ago, Toosetinmyways said:

The problem that the Republican Party faces is that if they stop supporting trump it is a certainly they will lose control of the Senate. If they continue support there is a very very slim chance they may hold on to it. They only thing the Republican Party cares about is hanging on to the Senate as their political survival depends on it.

In the 2016 election only 58% of eligible voters voted. Trump got 47% of that number. Trump's base support percentage has not changed since 2016. Using the 2016 analogy in 2020, a 3% increase in turnout will be a win for the Democrat. At the Democrat primaries some states recorded a near 70% turnout.

Actually the Republicans have a very good chance of retaining the Senate.

As for the turnout, despite what Sanders supporters hoped, in the primaries there wasn't an increase in young voters turning out to support Sanders. He acknowledged it himself. 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Nonsense. If healthcare concerns were only about Covid19 you'd have a better point. But do you think that this pandemic has only increased concern about Covid-19 or pandemics? Or about more general concerns? And who do you think is going to be held responsible for making Obamacare more expensive rather than less? And members owhat party is now trying to get rid of Obamacare altogether and replace it with exactly nothing? And why did the genius Trump have the justice dept join a lawsuit to invalidate Obamacare? Ya really think Americans trust Republicans more on healthcare?

And as I've pointed out earlier, Salt rollback actually helps those states that do most to protect their citizens. And as usual, you ignore the fact that Republicans exploited the tax bill of 2017 to give real wealthy estate owners another huge break on top of the ones they already got in the last tax bill. Quick! Name me one chief executive of the USA who stands to benefit from this?


It depends on how long of a memory voters have. If Democrats had not voted down what is now called Obamacare and UBI back when Nixon was president, things would probably look a whole lot better by now. I'd like to think that early 70's era "Obamacare" might have morphed into Universal healthcare by now.


Speaking of Chief Executives benefitting. I believe I read about a $170 Billion carve out for real estate developers. I think Trump got about 19 years of loss carry forwards last time something like that came around.  Oh, and he's administering the $500 Billion corporate slush fund personally he says. No quid pro quo I'm sure.


Don't be sucked into that narrative that assumes that just because the other side is bad it makes your side the good guys. That hasn't been the case for a very long time.

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Don't be sucked into that narrative that assumes that just because the other side is bad it makes your side the good guys. That hasn't been the case for a very long time.

On the one hand you blamed the "monied interests" for stifling electoral reform. On the other hand you refuse to acknowledge that there is a huge gulf between the 2 parties on this issue. A huge gulf.

7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

On the one hand you blamed the "monied interests" for stifling electoral reform. On the other hand you refuse to acknowledge that there is a huge gulf between the 2 parties on this issue. A huge gulf.


Both parties pander to and are the hand maidens of monied interests. There were absolutely NO differences between the parties on the large corporation bailiout, save for the fake oversight the Democrats held out for. In fact, it pains me to say it, but it was the Proggressive Republicans (yes, they apparently exist) that fought harder for small businesses and the personal stipend, meager as it is.

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15 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Those numbers aren't remotely close enough to make a Constitutional amendment at all realistic.


It is never ever going to happen, no matter how many links someone pulls up. Small states will not vote against their interest, period. I can't believe so many people let journalists do their thinking for them.  Their credibility ranks up their with Congress. As my grandfather used to say, "paper never refused ink".

  • Like 2
33 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

If democrats cannot beat the worst president in history, they should blame themselves for nominating horrendous, unpopular candidates! 


They live under the delusion that horse <deleted> is much more palatable than bull <deleted>.

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Whenever you answer a question with a question, as is your wont,  I consider that a non response or rhetorical question.


No answer I have ever given here has been embarassing to me. I would only be embarrassed if I didn't change my answer if the facts changed but my answer didn't. That circumstance hasn't arisen yet, though it might.


I'm not engaging in what aboutism, it's more like same same but differentism. You are so engaged in the day to day battles, often defending the indefensible, you don't realize you are losing the war. I'm guessing you may be an aspie.



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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Whenever you answer a question with a question, as is your wont,  I consider that a non response or rhetorical question.


No answer I have ever given here has been embarassing to me. I would only be embarrassed if I didn't change my answer if the facts changed but my answer didn't. That circumstance hasn't arisen yet, though it might.


I'm not engaging in what aboutism, it's more like same same but differentism. You are so engaged in the day to day battles, often defending the indefensible, you don't realize you are losing the war. I'm guessing you may be an aspie.



You don't reply to specifics that I raised.  But instead resort to claims that I'm losing the war. Who appointed you the referee?  But what really condemns you is your use of personal insults: "I'm guessing you may be an aspie." People resort to that class of nonsense when they haven't got the facts on their side.

  • Confused 1
15 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

37 years in the US senate has to count for something. It sure beats 40 years of real estate development, and scamming of small contractors. Then 8 years as VP. He puts Trump to shame on a dozen different levels. And you talk about debt skyrocketing? Trump has done exactly that. A health care plan. What has Trump done in the way of introducing new ideas on that front? There is zero evidence of Biden ever taking any money from anyone. His son may be a different story. But when it comes to the discussions of sons, you really do not want to bring Trump's spawn into this. 


I would say a fall and winter of recovery, once Don Donald has been removed, in a rather humiliating fashion. Let's go baby. Lets make America better, without the incompetent. 


Don't you people ever get tired of being drawn into a blind alley? Yeah our guy's not good but he's better than the other guy. Then in 4 years the other side beats your guy with someone worse because your guy's not good, which you knew going in. Rinse and repeat, Worse >>Worse>>Worse. Don't you people ever recognize the pattern?



The 'democracy gap' in our politics and elections spells a deep sense of powerlessness by people who drop out, do not vote, or listlessly vote for the 'least worst' every four years and then wonder why after every cycle the 'least worst' gets worse. - Ralph Nader


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33 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

37 years in the US senate has to count for something. It sure beats 40 years of real estate development, and scamming of small contractors. Then 8 years as VP. He puts Trump to shame on a dozen different levels. And you talk about debt skyrocketing? Trump has done exactly that. A health care plan. What has Trump done in the way of introducing new ideas on that front? There is zero evidence of Biden ever taking any money from anyone. His son may be a different story. But when it comes to the discussions of sons, you really do not want to bring Trump's spawn into this. 


I would say a fall and winter of recovery, once Don Donald has been removed, in a rather humiliating fashion. Let's go baby. Lets make America better, without the incompetent. 

40+ years in real estate sure beats 40+ years of being a professional leech on the taxpayer tit. Demented Joe can't even finish a sentence at times; that MSNBC interview was so cringe that I actually felt bad for him



 Jobs and the economy were roaring here before covid hit, stock market at record highs.  Very easy to get a job.  I can tell you from experience that trying to find a job, even a basic entry level job, in the Obama economy was awful. Like, three rounds of interviews for a $10/hr position awful.   Yes, Trump is weak on healthcare but so are all (both parties) the scumbag US politicians on the take from big pharma and the AMA.  The ACA is far from perfect but was a massive improvement over the old system.  Trump is far from perfect but he sure beats low energy Biden.


Btw, you sure seem invested in US politics despite being "Thrilled to have left the US in the rear view!"  I only care about this stuff because I'm stuck here due to the corona s"it, as soon as Thailand reopens the borders I'm out of this dump for good.  This once great country can finish cannibalizing itself at that point.

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14 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Don't you people ever get tired of being drawn into a blind alley? Yeah our guy's not good but he's better than the other guy. Then in 4 years the other side beats your guy with someone worse because your guy's not good, which you knew going in. Rinse and repeat, Worse >>Worse>>Worse. Don't you people ever recognize the pattern?



Hey, I would vote for a better person, if they were out there. But, in this day and age of sewer creature politics, I do not think a character of nobility will ever again rise to the task. It is a horrendous job, and only attracts those of marginal talent, those craving the limelight, those who are blinded by megalomania (Trump) or those who are deluded into thinking they can make a difference. 


Having said all that, Biden is 100 times the man Trump is, on a dozen different levels. Fairness, experience, smarts, dignity that allows him to avoid juvenile bullying, on a daily basis, a lack of seething hatred, a lack of putrid racism, a respect for the poor and middle class, integrity, ability to command respect from our allies, someone who is actually able to negotiate, someone who understands how incredibly destructive trade wars are, someone who is not always getting played by guys like MBS, Putin, Kim, and Xi, a willingness to select people of talent and wisdom to help within the administration, and so much more. And how about a leader who is willing to listen to expert advice from either medical people (thereby heading off a major pandemic), the intelligence community, or his own advisors? How refreshing would that be? How much more secure would America be, with a man like that as a leader? It would be such a huge step up for America. And he may even be able to staunch the massive decline that Trump has precipitated. 

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3 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

40+ years in real estate sure beats 40+ years of being a professional leech on the taxpayer tit. Demented Joe can't even finish a sentence at times; that MSNBC interview was so cringe that I actually felt bad for him



 Jobs and the economy were roaring here before covid hit, stock market at record highs.  Very easy to get a job.  I can tell you from experience that trying to find a job, even a basic entry level job, in the Obama economy was awful. Like, three rounds of interviews for a $10/hr position awful.   Yes, Trump is weak on healthcare but so are all (both parties) the scumbag US politicians on the take from big pharma and the AMA.  The ACA is far from perfect but was a massive improvement over the old system.  Trump is far from perfect but he sure beats low energy Biden.


Btw, you sure seem invested in US politics despite being "Thrilled to have left the US in the rear view!"  I only care about this stuff because I'm stuck here due to the corona s"it, as soon as Thailand reopens the borders I'm out of this dump for good.  This once great country can finish cannibalizing itself at that point.

Obama inherited the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. So if you want to something outside of his control as the Obama economy, then by the same logic, the economic crisis occasioned by the Covid-19 should be owned by Trump as well.

And of course you disregard the fact that the economy was well on the mend before Trump took office, pay increases for most workers were actually higher than they are under Trump,  and that the stock market was doing very well under Obama. Not that the stock market means very much in relation to the real economy.

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7 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

40+ years in real estate sure beats 40+ years of being a professional leech on the taxpayer tit. Demented Joe can't even finish a sentence at times; that MSNBC interview was so cringe that I actually felt bad for him


Maybe not so much when your Daddy had to repeatedly bail you out of bankruptcy. But I guess a conservative might think it was good preparation for a massive increase in deficit spending.

  • Haha 1
21 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Hey, I would vote for a better person, if they were out there. But, in this day and age of sewer creature politics, I do not think a character of nobility will ever again rise to the task. It is a horrendous job, and only attracts those of marginal talent, those craving the limelight, those who are blinded by megalomania (Trump) or those who are deluded into thinking they can make a difference. 


Having said all that, Biden is 100 times the man Trump is, on a dozen different levels. Fairness, experience, smarts, dignity, a lack of seething hatred, a lack of putrid racism, a respect for the poor and middle class, integrity, ability to command respect from our allies, a willingness to select people of talent and wisdom to help within the administration, and so much more. It would be such a huge step up for America. And he may even be able to staunch the massive decline that Trump has precipitated. 


There were more than 6 better candidates running for the Democratic nomination, and that is excluding Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, whose candidacy's were basically identity politics and/or vanity projects. 


Biden is the candidate currently, not because the primary process has run it's course, or that he has an insurmountable lead, but because the corporate funders came back in the fold after the DNC and their media arms denounced the more popular candidate as unelectable. Even though every poll said that he would defeat Trump. The DNC opted to wield their promise of Billions of dollars in advertising revenue to quash the candidacy of the more popular, grassroots funded candidate in favor of the left for dead corporate shill. And "make no mistake" (???? God I hate that phrase) Biden is a corporate shill. Obamacare is a travesty and he keeps talking it up as if it were something to be proud of, even though it will bankrupt many during this current pandemic.


Oh, and BTW, if you want better candidates, contribute your money to that outcome. In America it's always about the money. I personally contributed to 4 different Democrats running for the nomination. Bernie was a great example of grassroots money raising though IMO, all candidate should start with the same amount of money funded through taxe



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38 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

You don't reply to specifics that I raised.  But instead resort to claims that I'm losing the war. Who appointed you the referee?  But what really condemns you is your use of personal insults: "I'm guessing you may be an aspie." People resort to that class of nonsense when they haven't got the facts on their side.

Often people call others aspies.... because they are aspies. 


The problem with society is there is a majority who is led around by politicians in the same way cavemen drug their partners into caves. Many of us prefer not to be dragged like this, but because there are so many who don't know they are being abused, it all continues. 


Were you really trying to argue things aren't run by a "single party". If that is your stance you need to wake the <deleted> up. 

  • Thanks 1
41 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

You don't reply to specifics that I raised.  But instead resort to claims that I'm losing the war. Who appointed you the referee?  But what really condemns you is your use of personal insults: "I'm guessing you may be an aspie." People resort to that class of nonsense when they haven't got the facts on their side.


I'd be willing to put it to a vote.

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