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Covid-19: More booze bans coming? Thai province bans alcohol sale at all convenience stores: cooperate or we'll shut you down


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40 minutes ago, stouricks said:
1 hour ago, Moonlover said:


The link between alcohol and C19 is summed up right here in what Keith says.


Alcohol is inexorably linked with socializing and socializing is inexorably linked with C19.


There is some very logical thinking behind the alcohol bans.


40 minutes ago, stouricks said:

No there is not. I go buy a few beers at 7-11 to drink by myself, in lockdown, at my home. No COvid, no driving while drunk.

So why not let folk like me go about my own, non-infecting business.

Forgive me for repeating myself, but just how do you propose that a 2 tier system, booze for the sensible ones and no booze for the rest could possibly be administered?

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1 hour ago, Wiggy said:
1 hour ago, tropo said:

We're in the middle of a crisis, yet you expect the police force to decide on who can drink and who shouldn't. You're the king of "stupid comments".


1 hour ago, Wiggy said:

Because the job of the police is to police. But that's over your head. Oh, and I don't drink, but I do believe in fairness.


And it can be done:



Well, there you go. You've just presented us with a perfect example of why such draconian rules are necessary. And I'm sure there will be scenes like this being played out all over the world.


Here's another example of 'falangs' playing badly.



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2 hours ago, smedly said:

then do the sensible thing and ban people from gathering and drinking in public


banning alcohol sales is not the answer


I was in a 7/11 yesterday and bought a can of fanta and drank it outside - should that be banned too ????


It's not banning stuff that is the problem here it's the lack of logic that makes what they are doing complete nonsense although it really is no surprise at all

But ths is Thailand. They are unable to control a few individuals, so they do a blanket ban. We have the same problem at work if just one employee abuses the system. A kneejerk rule is enforced and everyone has to follow it.


Just stop the "few" offenders.


My Thai friends (I think 5 people)  just had a wine tasting party the other day. How?

They did it online. Everyone bought the same wine and they sat and enjoyed each other's company and talked about the wine. So why ban the sale of alcohol? Just educate people and punish those that don't conform.


Almost anything can be done online nowadays ( except .....).

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1 hour ago, Jane Dough said:

Why not just give up alcohol?


It's almost as bad as cigarettes for health; so many people posting could come out of this crisis on the other side with better all round health.


Try it, a life free of being a slave to beer and spirits is a better life.






(on behalf of the Puritanical Institute of Society Thailand (acronym withheld).

I think the Social Help Institute Thailand would give it a load of thumbs up!

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Idiots! People can stay up all night talking jacked up on caffine but can't have a beer? Where is it documented that booze causes covid 19? Just another ploy to keep up with the Jones's or in this case the Somchai's

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Wife and me doing just fine, been self isolated now for 3 weeks, same as normal for me.

Just baking some bread, made scotch pancakes an hour ago, all gone, we ate them all, whist they were still hot, butter dripping everywhere.

Better get stocked up on butter then Colin.

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6 hours ago, tropo said:

Still upset about your "lack of logic" in the amazing Fanta vs Alcohol comment? You and Wiggy should go out and have drinks together.

you are totally clueless pal, give up now before you make an even bigger fool of yourself than you already are.

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8 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

I've got 38 bottles left.

Should see me through till the summer.,

Hoping they may have come to their senses a bit by then,

I thought hoarding was illegal!

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25 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

you are totally clueless pal, give up now before you make an even bigger fool of yourself than you already are.

LOL. Take a chill pill dude, and grab another beer - while you still can.

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5 hours ago, Moonlover said:


Well, there you go. You've just presented us with a perfect example of why such draconian rules are necessary. And I'm sure there will be scenes like this being played out all over the world.


Here's another example of 'falangs' playing badly.



Just read the piece cited. Here's an extract:


Councillor Helen-Ann Smith, from Ashfield District Council, said . . .  "drinking with even one friend goes against the government's guidelines".


Glad I'm here and not there.




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Every country in the world is bringing in alcohol sales restriction so get used to it. New Zealand has closed all liquor shops and alcohol outlets with the exception of the supermarkets where they have placed a limit on the sales, Australia is doing the same plus Australia has also included anti-hoarding laws as well. Plus the socializing laws are 2 people maximum unless immediate family.

Edited by Russell17au
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Perfect continuity...


-selling times (11 AM to 2 PM, and after 5 PM)... a very old regulation

-ban during big religious festival

-ban for elections days 


No difference for that matter between civil or military gvts.


What's the link between alcohol and the virus ?


Nobody is able to give a logical explanation. And actually, nobody is asking !


It's just the same, deep obsession to control the people behaviors.


This obsession is engrained into the thai elite.


It's like a virtual whip.


During the good old days, you would whip your slaves.


In modern times, it's more difficult... 


So instead, you impose rules, regulations, to manage, to model, to construct people behaviors.


This is not a thai exclusivity.


The constructivists, it means the people who pretend to know better what is good or bad for you... are everywhere on this planet.


And unfortunately, they are in power.

Edited by christophe75
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7 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:


thats not the way it works in thailand and you know it. faced with telling someone not to do something or removing the tools needed to do that something.. thais will always choose the latter, because, face.


so by your logic the only way to stop the carnage on Thai roads (worst in the world) would be to stop people driving vehicles on the road - really ?

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In the UK the Government has classified  Alchohol sales as an essential service ,,


But notice so far  In Thailand  its only  Rabidly Fascistic  Control freak puritan provincial governers who have done the ban on alchohol sales,, If the whole country goes that way there will be trouble.....and a lot of home brew lao kao .

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12 minutes ago, smedly said:

so by your logic the only way to stop the carnage on Thai roads (worst in the world) would be to stop people driving vehicles on the road - really ?

Come on smedley where are you brains; if you stopped the Thai's from driving their vehicles on the roads then of cause you will not have the worlds highest road carnage. Instead you would have the worlds highest carnage for off road driving. What ever way it is you would still have the worlds highest carnage involving vehicles

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3 minutes ago, liddelljohn said:

In the UK the Government has classified  Alchohol sales as an essential service ,,


But notice so far  In Thailand  its only  Rabidly Fascistic  Control freak puritan provincial governers who have done the ban on alchohol sales,, If the whole country goes that way there will be trouble.....and a lot of home brew lao kao .

plus Australia, New Zealand and South Africa have restrictions. This is Thailand and they make the laws that you and me must live by, if we do not want to abide by their laws then it is our problem if we get caught and get kicked out of Thailand after we pay our fine and spend time in a Thai prison before being deported

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58 minutes ago, samuisurfer said:

can anyone explain to me how alcohol is connected to the spread of the covid 19 virus...???

maybe some new findings... pls. share a link...thks

There has been some chatter across the web that alcohol compromises the immune system, but I don't think that is the reason. It's all down IMO to social behaviour. Drinking implies, with some justification, congregating in a group. And that especially true in Thai society who are a very gregarious race.


So, remove alcohol from the equation and you lower the chances of social groups gathering and therefore reduce the risk of Covid 19 being passed on. If you look at many of the incidences that have been reported many of them stem from such gatherings.


Thailand, as you must have read, is not alone in this action.

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Ah, ban this, ban that. Ban the foriegner, ban alcohol, tell the supermarkets what they can and cannot sell. Tried to buy some hangers to replace the broken ones, no dice. Tried to get a non slip mat, to supplement the paddling pool we bought to make staying at home more palatable. No dice. Can't buy shoes, clothes, except kids clothes. It's good we have the 'convenience' stores that can sell this stuff, even if it is not the same quality. 

Prohibition, even the US realised it didn't work....

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