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Lazada Deliveries


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the Chinese orders seem to be taking double and more time to get here, I ordered maybe 3 things out of 10 from China and yet to receive one. I received the following email about an order with 2 items from China about 7 times now


"Due to high order volumn in some shops, we are sorry to inform you that your order(s) may be delayed. We do acknowledge that delivery delays may impact negatively on customer experience, but please rest assured that we have prioritized this issue and are working swiftly to fix it.Please note that if the seller fails to hand over your package to our courier within next 1-7 days, we regret to say that the package may be cancelled. "


doesn't say which one of the two items it is (probably both) but i don't need 7 emails for this


might not be related but nowadays their tracking system seems to be 5x more rubbish than it used to be a few months ago, a lot of odd couriers being used like CJ GLS and/or Ninja Van instead of the usual Kerry which usually before 80%+ of the time.


in the last month, 10 small orders or so, most tracking numbers given are useless, they don't say a single useful thing. doesn't mention the courier name. if you are lucky you can track them on one of those 1click trackers that tries everything.


I have one with Kerry that said that they (Kerry) picked up my order on the 27th of March and it was on its way but Kerry tracking says the number doesn't exist, etc.


otherwise, the Thailand stuff still comes quickly



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We both sell and buy on Lazada and they are working. Apparently, delivery will never stop, even if the situation worsens. However, the service is slower and drivers often have to obtain health certificates.


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13 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Similar to above, no problem with Kerry or CGJLS  in country - China stuff delayed about an extra 5 days is my experience.

We have just started getting deliveries from CGLS in our neck of the woods.


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6 minutes ago, NE1 said:

We have just started getting deliveries from CGLS in our neck of the woods.


Good luck, they have been generally useless and always late in my experience. By late I mean 8pm at night !! My first encounter with them they refused to deliver to soi had to meet them on the main road !


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On 4/8/2020 at 1:19 PM, CharlieH said:

Good luck, they have been generally useless and always late in my experience. By late I mean 8pm at night !! My first encounter with them they refused to deliver to soi had to meet them on the main road !


See what you mean. about CJGLS . Got an email saying package delivered today ( Fri ) stayed in all day waiting , nothing by 4:30pm. Rang their office who gave us the drivers phone number , he said it was to late for him to come to our house . Just had another message , that they will deliver package today....Let's hope it gets here yoday , otherwise it will be Monday ( maybe ).

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On 4/8/2020 at 8:31 PM, JaiMaai said:

What's CGLS?

Another of the courier that Lazada use for delivery.


My most recent with these, marked lazada as "delivery attempted" which was a kie, then another 3 days before they actually came. The phone number given was a fax no. !! Who uses fax theses days...55555

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Lot of deliveries are delayed significantly. The tracking of some items is not updating and sometimes items just disappear for days. This is Lazada now. We have received e-mails from Lazada explaining this issue.


Ordered a couple of things roughly a week ago and apart from one of them, they are still sitting at the first logistics facility. 


Someone mentioned CJGLS above? They have recently started sending out our deliveries and man, they are as useless as  they can be. Unsuccessful delivery attempts, unavailable phone numbers and so on....

TP now has a serious competitior in "Who is the worst of all?"

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Placed an order p.m. of the 8th of this month, picked up by the courier a.m. on the 9th (Lex), delivered this morning (Phuket).


One thing I always do when searching for an item is to tick the 'local' box.   Otherwise you can end up buying from China and elsewhere and the tracking/delivery schedule is hit or miss.

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The problem is not shipping from abroad. The problem is shipping "locally".

Of course some small items move fast enough.

We sell on Lazada and literally every single item is delivered a few days slower than a month ago. 


Just received a Kerry shipment that arrived 6 days after placing the order.

And the same day I ordered another 2 products, but there is no sign of them yet. 

Edited by garrya
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Most problems occur on the last section of the journey, when the parcel is delivered from their warehouse to your home, so it doesn't depend too much on the company, but how much luck you had with their employees responsible for your area.

Company wise Flash Express is the best, way more flexible than other companies and a way better tracking system than for example Kerry.

Sadly i never see them as an option on Lazada or Shopee, so i guess these platforms do not support them.

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2 hours ago, Sophon said:

Not Lazada, but they use more or less the same logistics partners. I ordered two items from Shopee, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. Both arrived Friday.

There is a significant difference in how the logistics is set up.

Lazada's main logistics partner is DHL. They use subcontractors, such as TP, CJS, Kerry etc to deliver their items. These subcontractors don't report to their original companies but to Lazada and DHL.

You often can't get information about your item from the shipper but you have to go through Lazada. 

The items are usually sent to Lazada-run warehouses. (Bangkok first) Then from there, Lazada sends the item to a provincial sorting depot, then a local depot. It's nightmarish really.

So in a way it looks similar, but in other ways, it is different. 

Lazada had also had its huge campaign and the increased amount of traffic is also causing slower logistics. 

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I don't think you get an option on Lazada like you do on Shopee .

It just s depends on who has the nearest office to the seller .

Kerry is the main agent near us , CJGLS is starting to move in .

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8 minutes ago, jackdd said:

Most problems occur on the last section of the journey, when the parcel is delivered from their warehouse to your home, so it doesn't depend too much on the company, but how much luck you had with their employees responsible for your area.

Company wise Flash Express is the best, way more flexible than other companies and a way better tracking system than for example Kerry.

Sadly i never see them as an option on Lazada or Shopee, so i guess these platforms do not support them.

Flash is the partner of Shopee. Lot of small items are shipped by them.


What you said is partially true. On one hand, the weakest link is usually the local delivery driver who is lazy to get to your house and just marks it as unsuccessful delivery.

On the other hand, items often get stuck or disappear for a while in the central logistics depot. 


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Lazada sells 90% products from China. Yes that is the country that has murdered thousands of people around the world. Boycott China on this website. Buy only Local products. Nothing about this post is false or misleading. It is a fact! 

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Lazada is just a platform for other sellers who frankly offer lousy customer service.  I ordered an item 6 days ago, it was accepted given an order number and a timeframe for delivery. Then on last day this week it was cancelled "out of stock" After accepting an order it cancelled. The seller never replied to messages and Lazada customer service (when after an hour) told me if order was accepted you will get it.   Pathetic organization. 

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