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The Information and Communications Technology Ministry unblocked Ratchadamnoen, a popular political web chatroom at Pantip.com Tuesday afternoon after its operator pledged to censor the contributors.

Wanchat Padungrat, founder and owner of Pantip.com, said he told staff to carefully watch for posts deemed offensive to the monarchy.

"We will increase staff to watch the site 24 hours a day," he said. "I'm confident that we could control improper messages."

Meanwhile, ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom said the ministry allowed the public to criticise the work of the government and the Concil for National Security.

But then he immediately contradicted himself, saying that such discussions must be done within limits he did not define, and should not damage national security in a way he did not point out.

He added that the ministry would send letters explaining to YouTube and Google that the blocking of YouTube was not aimed at preventing people in Thailand from watching video clips mocking the King since Thais would not be influenced by such clips anyway.

He did not explain why the popular video site was cut off.

And this guy is in a position of power?

These guys are like children.

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