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Thailand’s ‘new normal’ will last beyond lockdown, says Taweesin


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21 hours ago, Emdog said:

If you think wearing masks are "the worst annoyance imaginable" try being on a ventilator because you can't breathe. You might use this time to work on imagination capabilities.

I see. So your plan is to live forever. Hope that works out for you.

Enjoy cowering in your room behind your mask of immortality.

I will take my death that way I took my life - by the short hairs.

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On 4/25/2020 at 1:27 AM, Tounge Thaied said:

He's an installed Technocrat. These are the marching orders from the head office... This is not about your safety, it's about control. This is a war on freedom, keep that in mind at all times. 

Yes I am sure this military government has enjoyed turning the entire country into a military base camp but they are also dependent on the mighty tourist dollar to buy their toys (submarines etc.) so they will have to give up this control or risk sending back their toys.

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What has the Covid-19 got to do with me? Why can't I buy alcohol? I don't drink and drive,

I only drink my alcohol at home and I don't know any other civilized country Leaders who

are stopping people from buying alcohol. what's wrong with Thailand, is it going backward...again!


"Wine can make you fat, what will it be, red or white?"

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On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2020 at 9:25 AM, Skallywag said:


This Dr. Erickson is a right wing idiot IMO and should have his licence to practice medicine taken away.    His embroidered t-shirt does not make him a virologist or an infectious disease expert.  He is a neurologist.  

Being able to think 'outside the box', often requires not to be a specialist in the given field...

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20 hours ago, ajarnmarc said:

I agree, I have seen a huge change in the way people are wearing them now. It's like a new fashion statement to them. 21 years ago Thailand passed the law that motorcyclist must wear a helmet when operating a motorcycle, and since then that law has hardly been adhered to by the locals. So in the past few years the men in brown decided that all riders must wear a helmet, yet that adjustment to the law is still widely ignored. Yet with the face mask, you can easily see the same motorist driving their motorcycles with the face mask, but still without the helmet. Conclusion is, Thai's will do what they like, but it's not easy to get them to do what they don't. I don't see them doing away with the face mask anytime soon, and when it does take place, I feel as though it will be looked upon negatively if foreigner go without. I am already seeing the local express their thoughts about foreigners being outside, washing their vehicle or doing garden work, or even riding a bicycle. They have stopped and stated something to me several times, in Thai language and then driven off shaking their heads. We know they like to throw their seniority around, where ever and when ever they can. Wearing a mask will just give them that edge to state something at will, not likely they will pass up this angle, as it relates to interactions with an expat or tourist.

I have seen a number of Thais without masks in the last few days. I don't care. They can infect each other if it comes to that. I will keep my mask on, and to Hell with anyone else.

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21 hours ago, Marcus Atwood said:

Australia is a fairly insignificant country with a tiny GDP and a population that is roughly 1/3 that of Thailand. The US has a GPD that is 14x that of Australia and a population that is 13x. The United States is the economic mecca of the universe and without the United States, Australia would literally be nothing. You can sit there from behind your computer screen and spew hatred towards the United States and Trump-bash all day long but the reality is that your country would be a blip on the radar of humanity without the United States. 


America is the glue that holds the world together and as a result, Americans make more than 405 million long-distance business trips per year. This means about 1.1 million people are traveling for business every day in the U.S. The Big Apple – New York City ( where the vast majority of coronavirus cases are ) – is the most common business travel destination on planet Earth with heavy traffic going to and from Shanghai, China.  Australia.....??? not so much the "business hot spot" for international travel that the US is.


Shutting down the United States is not something to do lightly as doing so has devastating economic consequences that will lead to global instability and financial ruin ( particularly for low GDP countries like Australia and Thailand that simply cannot print money to bail themselves out ). For example, because of the global shutdown, Thailand is a few steps shy from becoming the next Venezuela.


Australia is a very siloed and isolated country with only two major economic hubs, Sydney and Melbourne. The US has at least 50 major economic hubs sprawled all over the United States, making it much more conducive to the spread of a virus throughout the population.


America has a huge population relative to Australia and a massive shortage of testing kits as a result of the CCP actively smuggling medical equipment out of the United States 2 months prior to create a supply chain shortage that they could then exploit for profit. The US has thus limited testing to only those that are elderly and sick which heavily skews the data unfavorably. Australia, much like Germany, has a surplus of testing kits and has thus been testing a much higher percentage of their youth. Testing lots of young people will definitely skew the death rate % results in your favor. Not to mention, the majority of coronavirus cases in Australia came from overseas and the majority of the overseas travelers were young. This was not the case in America where the average age of international travelers was 52.


Also, the antibody tests results that have been recently released, tell me that this entire coronavirus fiasco is a complete over reaction (i.e., 13.9% of New York residents are already carrying antibodies for Covid-19) which means that over 6 million Americans likely have the virus already and that the death rate is realistically only 0.75% which is far better than Australia's death rate which of 1.2%.


There are also three 3 strains of the coronavirus. A, B, C. C is the most deadly and the strain that is currently the most prevalent in the United States. Strain A is in China, Thailand and Australia and is less deadly. Different strains with virulence variance means we can't accurately compares countries. The death rate % is going to be much higher in countries that have the more virulent strains.


Australia is not at war with China. America is. This complicates things and begs the question if the virus was placed in the United States artificially. The US is investigating China over the coronavirus, may go to war with China over this, and they are suing China for 6 to 20 trillion dollars in damages and plan to seize all Chinese assets in Europe, America ( and yes, Australia, because ... guess who owns Australia?... America ) if the Chinese don't pay up.


President Trump has done an amazing job thus far. The situation is extremely complex. Please stop bashing America and President Trump. You do not understand the American people and why we voted him into office and you clearly do not understand the importance of America to the world and why our dynamic is entirely different than that of Australia.


Bottom line is that the state of Hawaii is literally more relevant than Australia. California, a single state inside the United State, has a GDP that is literally 2x your entire country lol. 


The coronavirus has been hyped by the prophets of doom controlled by the CCP to advance their totalitarian agenda. Push back or experience a complete financial collapse, hyperinflation, and a likely totalitarian government that follows. Stop bashing America. They are quite literally your only hope and the only people that will come to rescue your country when it needs help ( and it's going to need a lot of 'economic' help very soon ).



But then TV members often get more 'likes' from the 'old boys club' by writing a vacuous short comment.

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On 4/25/2020 at 12:54 AM, timendres said:

If Gates fell off the planet tomorrow, I would rejoice. Wearing masks will disappear sooner than you think, as they are the worst annoyance imaginable. Once we see that this virus is not much worse than influenza, which will be within a year or so, it will all be forgotten until the next one comes along.

I fully agree. Gates isn't even a medical doctor, why should we listen to anything he says? The Thai doctor is running off the same script as the Vietnamese, who said the same thing the other day (masks may need to be worn for 3-6, or possibly even 12+ months after the end of the lock down).


Already in Danang, the beaches just re-opened and no one is wearing a mask, even though they remain compulsory to go outside. Go to VN Express news for the details and to see the pictures.


The masks will probably come off in around a month or two, at the latest. I suspect that they'll come off completely in most situations rather quickly, leaving certain stores and office buildings as the last holdouts, but even there, they won't be required for much longer.

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33 minutes ago, drbeach said:

The masks will probably come off in around a month or two, at the latest. I suspect that they'll come off completely in most situations rather quickly,

Maybe those trying to "enslave" us, understand the history of the mask better than us? ????

Just thinking aloud !


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Yeah... I don't need governmental technocrats forcing me how to behave... You can F%*^ off!! If this had been a REAL pandemic, meaning this would have at least eclipsed the regular flu just to use one example, we would all have self  quarantinedout of necessity. I don't need mommy and daddy government to protect me, I'm a big boy now. And if you think the "social distancing" factor saved you all, I've got another vaccine for you that will fix... oh, wait, they've already thought of that. Because I'm waiting for the coronavirus vaccine to eliminate the coronavirus, just like the flu vaccine eliminated the flu. I remain dubious... when there's BIG pharma money to be made, not even to mention the ulterior motives that, well most you have no idea about. Sheeples, have been sheeples since the beginning of time, why evolve now eh!?

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47 minutes ago, CGW said:

Maybe those trying to "enslave" us, understand the history of the mask better than us? ????

Just thinking aloud !


Fantastic observation... the satanic slave owners, managing and culling their stock? You're all slaves? Maybe, just maybe your satanic slave owners are simply managing and culling the stock. Did you know sheeples are stock. Who owns all the stock... in the stock market?

Edited by Tounge Thaied
wrong thought.
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24 minutes ago, Tounge Thaied said:

the satanic slave owners, managing and culling their stock?

Who love symbolism, mask wearing slaves, Moloch, CERN, etc, etc........ :shock1:

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On 4/25/2020 at 8:21 PM, Marcus Atwood said:

Stop bashing America. They are quite literally your only hope and the only people that will come to rescue your country when it needs help

I agree 100% with that, telling days are ahead? They seem to be the only people that are kicking back & resisting!!!

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On 4/25/2020 at 8:16 PM, rabang said:

I think the country should open only after people stop dying so we can all be safe.

You get my award for the most ridiculous post of the month ????

Quantify "all" ?

22 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

I should know better than to stand in the way of a good,all encompassing,conspiracy theory

Second place ???? you have just told everyone you are a brain dead sheep!


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Re: wearing masks and working from home will stick with society for a long time.


I can just see all the girls at Soi Cowboy and Nana dancing and entertaining customers with masks on!


Now working from home, that brings a whole new meaning to the 90% of Thai's that earn their daily living working outside away from their homes. 

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