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3 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

I advise everyone to take vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc during the time of the pandemic. There are many lines of evidence that vitamin D boosts our immunity against influenza.

Let me add drinking some green tea, there are serious studies in Japan that among the school children there getting influenza there were none which had the habit of drinking green tea.



„Our findings thus suggest that the consumption of 1–5 cups/d of green tea may prevent influenza infection in children.“




And then again, this has not much to do with the pandemic, getting enough vitamins is good at anytime. 

Everything which is good against influenza is with very hight certainty also good against all other Corona viruses.

Edited by yuyiinthesky
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1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I agree no!Polls are unreliable,alterable,influenced and not worth the space they take up!They may give an indication of some but the author presumes to know what most are thinking do you see the difference?If you don't see the difference then perhaps you believe what you read?I do not believe what I read,they are just stories written mostly by people.These days you can't even presume that a person wrote something and not a program.

Did you read the article? It’s long but worth reading.

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Results on whether this works are due in June/July, lets hope it does.


Under the new agreement, as well as providing UK access as early as possible if the vaccine candidate is successful, AstraZeneca will work with global partners on the international distribution of the vaccine, particularly working to make it available and accessible for low and medium income countries.

Both partners have agreed to operate on a not-for-profit basis for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, with only the costs of production and distribution being covered. Oxford University and its spin-out company Vaccitech, who jointly have the rights to the platform technology used to develop the vaccine candidate, will receive no royalties from the vaccine during the pandemic.



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