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Thailand reports 9 new COVID-19 cases, no new deaths


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3 hours ago, Kerryd said:

If I was a cynic (and a pessimist) I'd say that as the headline noted 9 new cases, they probably didn't do more than 9 tests.

For everyone touting Sweden, take note that they only test people "with the most severe symptoms" despite knowing that you can carry the virus (and infect others) without showing any symptoms at all !

It has been a criticism of other countries as well (like the UK) that they only test those showing severe symptoms. One reason being is that it makes the total number of infections seem lower.
For example (again) - Sweden shows a very low number of infections but even the government's own Health Service estimates that by next month (May) 26% of Sweden's population may be infected !! (Some experts estimate if could be as high as half the population.)

And the current "buzzword of the day" is "flatten the curve". Many places are more worried about making it appear that they've "flattened the curve" (reduced the numbers of infections and/or deaths as shown by various graphs and charts) than they are with actually testing the population, which would screw up the graphs.


Well if those are the real infection rates in Sweden, then the fatality rate is much lower than we have been told and they are well on their way to achieving herd immunity.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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3 hours ago, DavisH said:

But they are still recording a few cases each day. They can say what they want but they ain't covid free. I would want to see a month without a case, to declare that. Then there is the unknown number of asymptomatic cases that may be floating around - how infectious they are I don't now, but it seems that maid route of transmission is those with symptoms (or possible those in close contact with asymp. cases). 


They're not actually saying they're "covid free" though. According to a BBC report:



New Zealand says it has stopped community transmission of Covid-19, effectively eliminating the virus.


With new cases in single figures for several days - one on Sunday - Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the virus was "currently" eliminated.

But officials have warned against complacency, saying it does not mean a total end to new coronavirus cases.


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41 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Maybe you should ask The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) what their political agenda is. They said it not me, I'm just providing the information.

Some folks just believe who they want and do not look at the bigger picture.  Peer review is taken seriously.  When you try to behave like you have the smoking gun, and then have other issues which you bring forward instead of sticking to the bigger picture it creates more issues for you.  Utilizing more than just one countries stats and having others view and verify what your seeing goes a long way.  However, that is not what occurred and they were left to hang out in the wind by there peers.  I do not for one minute believe that the MSM is the problem here, I see the problem they really bring forward is that they believe the lockdowns are not necessary.  They believe it has created other social ills, and i agree with that point entirely as when people are locked in it creates family issues, and abuse becomes rampant, but so does depression and other mental illnesses.

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25 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

Well if those are the real infection rates in Sweden, then the fatality rate is much lower than we have been told and they are well on their way to achieving herd immunity.

Those are the infection rates they expect to happen, not where they are at currently, which they don't know because they aren't doing much testing.
They also claim they are not trying to achieve herd immunity (although it seems everyone looking at how they are doing things seems to think that is the goal). 

The scary part is, once their neighbours (Finland, Norway and Denmark) start to relax their lockdowns and travel between them and Sweden resumes, half or more of the Swedish population could be infected without even knowing it and then start infecting everyone in every country they go to, or everyone that travels to Sweden.

Sweden is still sitting at 14th overall in the world for covid deaths, almost 800 deaths higher than Mexico who sit at #15 and 500 fewer than Canada who are at #13 on the list.


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Looks like it's just a flu.It also looks like it's over except for the wrecked economy of course.You can tell it's officially over when the news about cannabis busts and car accidents and TAT predictions outnumber the C19 stories. 



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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

The scary part is, once their neighbours (Finland, Norway and Denmark) start to relax their lockdowns and travel between them and Sweden resumes, half or more of the Swedish population could be infected without even knowing it and then start infecting everyone in every country they go to, or everyone that travels to Sweden.

Not so scary if Sweden has reach herd immunity then it's a lot more difficult for the virus to spread.It's the countries that do the lockdowns that delay herd immunity that will have problems for longer than Sweden.Also Sweden hasn't devastated it's economy and will be in much better shape than those that chose the lockdown route like the U.S. and Thailand. 

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5 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Not so scary if Sweden has reach herd immunity then it's a lot more difficult for the virus to spread.It's the countries that do the lockdowns that delay herd immunity that will have problems for longer than Sweden.Also Sweden hasn't devastated it's economy and will be in much better shape than those that chose the lockdown route like the U.S. and Thailand. 

I think he meant scary for the countries that haven't reached herd immunity and interact with the Swedes.

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Here is an interesting article about immunity and reinfection:




Basically, the body will create antibodies to fight viral infections.  Sometimes those antibodies will linger for years or even a lifetime.  However, antibodies for some diseases will fade away after a few months.  If we catch measles or chickenpox we gain a lifetime immunity.  The common cold or flu only gives us temporary immunity. 


It is too soon to see if antibodies to Covid-19 act like measles antibodies or common cold antibodies.  However, we should remember that Covid-19 is related to the common cold. Despite all the comparisons, it is not genetically related to influenza.


So, herd immunity may last forever, or it may last until the next cold season.  Personally, I suspect that Covid-19 will remain with us for years, if not forever, and will fade away every summer and come back every winter.  I also predict that it will be a long time before before we have an effective vaccine, as we have not developed a vaccine for the common cold.


Lockdown has to end soon, the economic cost is just too high.  Instead the new normal will see the "boomer remover" shorten average lifespans by a decade or so.

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1 hour ago, otherstuff1957 said:

I also predict that it will be a long time before before we have an effective vaccine, as we have not developed a vaccine for the common cold.

The problem with vaccines is, if you manage to get an efficient medication to treat the symptoms first, it's better business to produce those than a single dose vaccine. That's probably one of the causes of not having vaccines against the pathogens that cause the common cold. Might also happen with covid.

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9 hours ago, keith101 said:

According to

there has been 178,083 test done at an average 2,551 per 1 million population here in Thailand which to me seems very low especially compared to Australia with a much smaller population and those numbers are 536,000 tests at 21,020 per 1 million and have just received another 10 million  test kits .



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The more I look at the way this Government has acted and continues to act in doing as few tests as they actually have done, is more about there pocket book as the costs apparently are more than they want to spend.  So if you look at the way they are promoting that they have tested and the numbers are falling, they let the barn door open and at a certain point people were where they should be, and then the lockdown occurred.  I believe this may have been planned to also foster a heard type of immunity while stating they were doing it to control the spread.  You can not control the spread when people were moving about. Of course if you never tested mass amounts of people, and folks were afraid to be tested, and provinces forbidden from sending numbers anywhere but Bangkok, and each Governor was responsible for his own province.  It makes it hard to show the true numbers.  Then add in the news blackout, as far as putting the fear of jail into people with spreading info, then you can see how many deaths may not have been reported or counted, but there were those increases in deaths from pneumonia and other things during this period.  If you wanted to be transparent you also would not block access to public information such as the MOPH has done with their statistics.


Just my take on it.  Stand by as they start to open up things here on the 1st.  Maybe we have already been exposed as some people, such as myself and my entire household, had low grade fevers and what appeared to be chest colds during January and February.  Who really knows, but I do wish everyone the best of luck in there own lives with the continued grasp on power all countries have taken.  

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14 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

The more I look at the way this Government has acted and continues to act in doing as few tests as they actually have done, is more about there pocket book as the costs apparently are more than they want to spend.  So if you look at the way they are promoting that they have tested and the numbers are falling, they let the barn door open and at a certain point people were where they should be, and then the lockdown occurred.  I believe this may have been planned to also foster a heard type of immunity while stating they were doing it to control the spread.  You can not control the spread when people were moving about. Of course if you never tested mass amounts of people, and folks were afraid to be tested, and provinces forbidden from sending numbers anywhere but Bangkok, and each Governor was responsible for his own province.  It makes it hard to show the true numbers.  Then add in the news blackout, as far as putting the fear of jail into people with spreading info, then you can see how many deaths may not have been reported or counted, but there were those increases in deaths from pneumonia and other things during this period.  If you wanted to be transparent you also would not block access to public information such as the MOPH has done with their statistics.


Just my take on it.  Stand by as they start to open up things here on the 1st.  Maybe we have already been exposed as some people, such as myself and my entire household, had low grade fevers and what appeared to be chest colds during January and February.  Who really knows, but I do wish everyone the best of luck in there own lives with the continued grasp on power all countries have taken.  

I agree although I think that they might have blundered with the excessive lockdown measures and perhaps should have gone the Swedish route with a lot more transparency to give themselves more credibility but they think they are being so clever and people don't see what they are up to and that they are in full control of the situation.Plus the Baht is now on a bit of a downward trend against the AUD and the international monetary fund is making some sour noises about the Thai economy.  

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