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Data on Gilead drug raises hopes in pandemic fight, Fauci calls it 'highly significant'


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16 hours ago, webfact said:

"This will be the standard of care," he said.


It's more than a bit surprising to hear Fauci call remdesivir a "standard of care" for CV at this point, especially based on Gilead's very early results, and the somewhat conflicting findings from a separate study published in the Lancet out of China.  I'll buy "a glimmer of hope" as one quoted researcher put it based on the above info, but not sure I'd go beyond that...


The same basic news was reported on this medical website, with this added opinion perspective by another infectious disease researcher.






Taken together, today’s news suggests that remdesivir may speed recovery of patients with non-severe COVID-19, if given early after disease onset. We need to analyze NIAID and SIMPLE data beside the Wang data, before we can draw definitive conclusions about how and where remdesivir fits within treatment approaches. My concern is that media reports and public perception may run with remdesivir as “standard of care” before data are fully vetted, or strengths and limitations of the drug are defined. 


  • Cornelius J. Clancy, MD
  • Associate Chief of Infectious Diseases,
    Director of XDR Pathogen Lab,
    University of Pittsburgh




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16 hours ago, webfact said:

The trial's lead researcher told Reuters on Friday that full results could come by mid-May.


"The full dataset will provide more clarity on how remdesivir can best be used," said Dr. Aneesh Mehta, a researcher on the NIH trial from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.


Be interesting to hear how this shakes out when the full study results are released. Let's just hope something turns out to be both safe and effective.


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Hey it’s a start maybe it will give us insight as to best attack covid I am worryed tho that dr Fauci is under tremendous pressure to say something positive so let’s hope for the best.personally I’m more than a bit gun shy about anything this administration does says does or says it’s going to do

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If you look into Fauci's history with HIV treatments, it's ridiculous not to take him seriously on this. This was a large study using scientific methods with a control group with proven results. Not anecdotal. He has suggested this will probably eventually probably be part of a "cocktail" of medications, as was done for HIV. This beginning is actually really fast. Very encouraging, but just a start for now.

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