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Farangs In Thailand


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The MU-7 drives like blue Stilton on Bangkok tarmac mid April.

I'd day its more like danish blue, but yes its a very smooth ride...don't notice those potholes or motorcyclists at all :o

Edited by moonoi
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That's it,

What do you think of the Farangs in Thailand, manners, appearance, behaviour, attitude etc etc.....

Any answer to this is wild over-generalisation but broadly I think that by Thai standards we farang, both visitors and expats could do better.

Our manners are too direct by Thai standards, we often look a complete mess, which really counts against us and there is a small minority who behave poorly by anyone's standards.

To anyone such as myself living here, collective behaviour does matter as it reflects on all of us. We are accorded a special status by people in Thailand and I'm not sure we always deserve the excellent welcome we generally receive.

We could do better, as the teacher said.

At least the Thaivisa forums keep some of us off the streets.


Oh, boo hoo. Speak for yourself.

AH, I infer from this that kmart doesn't agree. Why?

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Farangs in Thailand and my Impressions? hmmm, its always going to be mixed bag, I have met some of the nicest, kindest, generous & warm hearted farangs since living and travelling here in Thailand, and also I have met some pitiful idiots (mostly drunken tourists), whom unfortunately for us decent farangs trying to make an honest living here, those bad seeds seem to still enjoy fulfilling the Thai peoples views that we all from the same incoming boat of <deleted>. Just my 2 satangs worth, carry on........


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  • 3 months later...
Are the majority of americans and germans deaf ? if not why the <deleted> do they all shout at each other !

The same reason that the Brits get drunk and start picking fights with everyone. :D

Seem to be glad of them in Iraq :o

:D Edited by mikethevigoman
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That's it,

What do you think of the Farangs in Thailand, manners, appearance, behaviour, attitude etc etc.....

There are nice apples and rotten apples in a basket....

The rotten ones draw attention, you never hear about the good ones which are the silent majority.



Passing judgement onto others is a human trait,it doesn't mean it's accurate.

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I can only draw the conclusion from those I know personally in BKK, and below are some common traits

-Very quiet and non confrontational type

-Spend most of their times…. eating, sleeping, and watching cables

-Don’t talk much, don’t like to be involved with the wife’s family or in the local community, and are not into raising the kids, 15-25 yrs older than their wife

-All of them have mini bar in the house

-None of them was or is in any professional jobs

-All of their wives are the one running the daily household activities

So basically they’re acting like the king of the castle, not that there’s anything wrong with it…..it’s just from my personal observation on them.

Oh however.... most of them seem pretty thrifty though

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Are the majority of americans and germans deaf ? if not why the <deleted> do they all shout at each other !

americans and germans sing lullabies compared to a chinese talking on his mobile phone.... :o

Or in the toilet ! have you heard them ? Edited by mikethevigoman
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The majority of noisy Europeans seem to come from big cities.

Berliners, Londoners, Parisians, New Yorkers are noted even by their own people for being noisy.

very well put, i didnt think about that but being english ( and from devon , rural ) id have to agree as londoners can be like newyorkers and be a bit brash and loud,. i spent some time in new york and people thought i was mad for saying please and thankyou ! ,didnt stop me though,. :o
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Many need to be thai-trained (broken-in)!

Imagine if you will you are a thai and you are with a loved one - be it a wife, daughter, brother, sister, son, husband, friend, lover, etc. and you see a farang checking out your loved one with - $$$ - in his eyes. How would you feel?

Looking is fine - BUT - don't stare - at a girl, women, mother, wife when they are with someone - it's just plain rude.

When this ridiculous superiority that they come with just because they were born somewhere developed allows them to have an advantage should not be a reason to disregard civility. Or perhaps it is asking too much from luddites.

Imagine this happeneing every time they venture out from their homes.

I am not surprised the sentiment of late.

It can only get worse as more and more people retire and vacation in LOS.

But there are some fine people here too!

I would be all too happy if the baht hits higher than 20-1 and the prices here double. It would still be a great place to visit and live part time. And we would lose a lot of the problem.

Hopefully this sentiment is now a sign of a recognition of a problem and change is in the wings.

To put the shoe on the other foot!

Went shopping with my wife yesterday, and even after 5 years in Thailand I think it is very RUDE of thais to stare at my little blond. So it is not just farang's staring at ladies it is also Thai's

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