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National Security Council recommends extending emergency decree


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4 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Why did you settle in Thailand? You should have known that it is a young people's country, and young people can be energetic and seek out entertainment.


You come to Thailand and then expect it to re-invent itself to your liking? Yes, that is selfish and one could say a Colonialist attitude. Perhaps there's an old folks home back in your country that would welcome you and set a "lights out" policy at 20:30.

Yawn. Thanks, dad.

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41 minutes ago, Ketyo said:

This is not a job for the National Security Council. It is not a National Security issue. It is a health issue and an economic issue. The only thing the security council is going to so is recommend more security. But since the army is in charge Security is the only thing they know about.


The main advisory committee should be The National Health and Economic Sustainability council.


You don't want to be in country where the army is in charge in a health and economic crisis!!  That is for sure.


I understand that those old generals are well into the age bracket where they can die of this, despite the boot polish in the hair. But they need to think of the future of the country.



Well that is the issue

the medical experts will always warn of the serious consequences of opening too early

the economic experts will warn of the dangers to the economy and the irreparable harm

the security experts want to keep everything secure

Everyone is only looking out for their field and using whatever argument they can find to justify it - and make money in the process


"You give a guy a hammer and he will want to hit something" - a quote from a former boss, which still holds true

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6 hours ago, Henryford said:

They won't be satisfied until every Thai person is starving.


      That would give ultimate power , to the Army / Government .

       What will be the next Big Hoop for Aliens ,  aka as expats ..


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46 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Well the quick and very simple answer is that people NEED to work. If they work then they get paid and can afford to eat, (so can their family) and pay some bills and loans off.


From your post I deduce that you have money, food, accommodation and no problems feeding yourself and your family and no bills.


In other words, pull up the ladder Jack, I'm all right. Or to put it another way, you don't seem to care about anybody else. Perhaps one day in your life you will be in their position of needing help and nobody will care about you either.


Do you not believe the government when the PM says it is all under control?


BTW the more people that go to work means that less people need government help so the government does not need to borrow so much money to help people.


Tax revenue will rise and again the government does not need to borrow so much money to help people.

isn't is funny that most (all?) of the people who want to continue the lockdown are either retired with government income from their home country or large savings or people who are just wealthy or someone who keeps working from home and is collecting their same salary.

Don't see many unemployed people who are worrying about feeding their kids or paying rent having that opinion.


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1 hour ago, MyTHaiMyKe said:

The second wave is coming! In the form of all the china people that Thailand is welcoming back with open arms!

why was there no first wave when Thailand allowed Chinese tourists without restrictions in January and February?

Or did China only send healthy people to Thailand and sick people to Europe?  Hard to believe

What about Thai, expats who visited China and returned - they didn't bring back the virus?

There is just a low rate of transmission - maybe because of temperature, a fairly young population, no handshakes or kisses when meeting, masks are more common in Asia?  Similar situation in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos - low infections and low deaths.  You can hide infections but deaths is a lot harder to keep quiet.  So all these countries are doing better than many in Europe in general.  

Hard to tell and we may never find out

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What emergency decree? What lockdown? In Chiang Rai, I'm playing golf, swimming and had my missing fillings fixed yesterday. Yabba dabba doo. Day markets are are open, as are shopping malls. Throughout the bans, I could buy alcohol or have a massage in my GF's village anytime I wanted.

Restaurants have adapted, there are Grab and Food Panda scooters everywhere. Perhaps the masseuses, bargirls and freelancers should be organizing a similar business model. Delivery on the doorstep of a comely wench should appeal to many, all it needs is a savvy entrepreneur.

Every problem is also an opportunity.

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2 hours ago, sambum said:

You're missing the point - check your calendar for the number of days in June!

Of course there are only 30 days in June, but I am sure the Thai Government has put forth a decree which will be published in the Gazette adding another day to June because you have to save FACE when your brain dead cabinet individuals make mistakes......


So your comment "Yes! The decree will stay in place until there is June 31st, whatever year that may be" will come true I am sure of it, just as sure as I am that the sun will never rise again....

Edited by ThailandRyan
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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Suffering from the virus: 3,037

Deaths: 56

Suffering from the effects of 'lockdown': 69 million

They never did a thing to stop all the deaths on the road year in year out 25,000 plus year in year out!  Thousands hurt each year billions spend needlessly but it continue because the leaders benefited from it! 

For these numbers they destroyed their economy and starve their own people I heard their thinking is backward this really takes the cake!

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7 hours ago, mehrdad said:

 People need work !!! ? 
this is Covid-19 conditions and not set to my viewpoint!!! 
COVID-19 have a very bad thing for world but we find something good also in control this problem 

Now world is slower than before and better 

what’s your problem? 

I will foward some meds for you

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

The numbers are minimal.

All extending it would do is give the clown at the helm the power and control to do whatever he wants with the people of Thailand and it's guests.

Don’t you wonder why they want an extension. The numbers you see and believe may be minimal but the real proof, over 11,000 and still rising have died from pneumonia. Pneumonia is what is on their death certificate, not Covid. So read into that what you can.

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3 minutes ago, bluedoc said:

Don’t you wonder why they want an extension. The numbers you see and believe may be minimal but the real proof, over 11,000 and still rising have died from pneumonia. Pneumonia is what is on their death certificate, not Covid. So read into that what you can.

Already weak and sick who cares. Open the gates theres fit bulls wanting to spend

.lm ready to spend..Enough <deleted>

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11 hours ago, mehrdad said:

good for one month more curfew and in night sleep better with quiet street and no teenage motorcycle racing sound ! 

Possibly because the covid19 situation is not as good as it is made out to be 

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15 hours ago, webfact said:

... measures must be found to deal with international travel when it restarts.

More immigration kiosks opened, manned by more immigration officers would be a good start! 

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15 hours ago, randy723 said:

These people just have to try and show their power. there are many farangs wanting to leave here and NEVER come back because of this useless lockdown


And go where...to their home countries where they will be quarantined and locked down also ?

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First of all June does not have 31 days.  Yes it's a good idea to extend the emergency decree because if a second or third wave of this virus comes without the emergency decree the government would have to go to the cabinet to enforce the rules that are in place now 

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On 5/21/2020 at 1:37 PM, mehrdad said:

I think you not understand anything ! COVID-19 had dangerous for some old guy more and more ! 
you worry work people ???

this is government job for take care people in state of emergency ..
you want people go work and how can control covid??? 

"this is government job for take care people in state of emergency .." and what a stirling job they are doing too. Millions out of work and unable to get any financial support from their government. Businesses closing down permanently because they can no longer afford to pay the rent/utilities on their premises. Massive queues for free food handouts from charities and charitable individuals. Yeah, they're really doing a great job.

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