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Thailand reports no new coronavirus cases, no new deaths


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With no new reported cases and still under curfew it’s time for departure “. Yesterday they wanted me to sign my name and leave phone number ( k.f.c ) beyond the joke as didn’t have phone with me and I’m fed up with being monitored ... Big brother ???? sadly I’m returning to the u.k next month - not just down virus but have a sick relative who’s not long left. Also have my mother who’s in her late 70s and she’s so independent after getting over cancer she thinks she’s invincible and of course we know the stats for the u.k being the 2nd highest country ! If Thailand was being true about deaths and reported cases then there’s no reason to continue with the 10pm curfew. Would have been loverly to catch up with old friends,. Sadly we’ve had the virus and I’m sure when returning later in the year things will be different love travel sadly it’s not happened on this visit. However it’s allowed me to work on the family home however with the restrictions in place it’s been a difficult time for everybody who enjoy socializing ! Stay safe people ????????

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Yeh alright but I still can't get a straight answer about whether there is still a 14-day quarantine requirement when visiting family up-country. Can anyone point me in the direction of some "official" communication. Interested in Nakhon Ratchasima Province.

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1 hour ago, JCP108 said:

Can we assume that since the tracing app was put into play no people who have tested positive used the app to sign in anywhere?

Yes, of course we can assume that. Anyone who has been tested positive will be in isolation, either at home or in a medical facility. So they shouldn't be wandering around the shops until they have been cleared of infection. should they.


It's all about back-tracking the movements of a person once they have been found to be positive.

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21 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

But it is a gauge and gives one knowledge of what you have or do not.  Like a snapshot of your bank accounts helps you in making your determination whether or not to buy something or go somewhere, same with testing.....

I'd call the test results the balance sheet and the test & tracing activity the cash flow, if we're doing analogies. The P/L will show the success. Thailand will be thick in the red unless they pull off another lucky break.

Edited by DrTuner
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50 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

You can't live in a bubble forever.

Actually I do - I persuaded my favourite tailor to run up one of those biohazard suits - it has sequins - with an individual oxygen supply 

Get a few strange looks .


The situation in Thailand is fine - it’s the General clinging on to ultimate control and power - we will get to December - another announcement- the emergency powers have been extended. In the meantime people like myself will still be funding and helping out at the food stations . 

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1 minute ago, berybert said:

Surely it would be far better to overstate the numbers if you want to keep people scared. 

Telling them there are no cases because you want the scare the bejesus out of them is hardly the way to go.

Looking at this another way, I think for whatever reason good or bad, they are basically being honest on the part that they know about. 

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So if things are going so well. Single figures and zeros.Why is the state of emergency being extended. 

Rhetorical question by the way. I know why just wondering if they have given any legit reason for it as I can't be bothered to read their B$

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1 minute ago, Knocker33 said:

So if things are going so well. Single figures and zeros.Why is the state of emergency being extended. 

Rhetorical question by the way. I know why just wondering if they have given any legit reason for it as I can't be bothered to read their B$

They have to give a reason?


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2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Yes, of course we can assume that. Anyone who has been tested positive will be in isolation, either at home or in a medical facility. So they shouldn't be wandering around the shops until they have been cleared of infection. should they.


It's all about back-tracking the movements of a person once they have been found to be positive.

That's what I'm asking.


I'm not thinking that they tested positive and then used the app. I'm thinking that one, or more, of the people who tested positive had already used the app. So, if it is working at all the way it has been explained to work, those cases will lead to many others via the tracking of the app. Not hearing about any of that subsequent tracking/notification causes me to wonder if none of the people who have tested positive in the past couple of days used the app prior to getting tested. 

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2 hours ago, sencelebi said:

Have you questioned your own country and own goverment? You are just a guest in this country and act like one. Just be respectful and leave the criticizing to the Thai people, This their homeland right?

A "guest" in this country?????????????????????????

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1 hour ago, Knocker33 said:

So if things are going so well. Single figures and zeros.Why is the state of emergency being extended. 

Rhetorical question by the way. I know why just wondering if they have given any legit reason for it as I can't be bothered to read their B$

If I understood it correctly the reason is that if people do not obey then the 2nd wave will come, and it is their fault.

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7 hours ago, LeamchabangLarry said:

Oh yeah, what about tests?  how many tests?  they are hiding <deleted>

I will not be satisfied until the entire population is tested.  It's so easy to hide 20,000 dead bodies  

bla bla bla

Expats would’ve been the first to die. You can’t hide that

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I will be happy when and if these folks let the world as we no it return slowly with the ability to do the things we would like to do.  However, even when that time comes to fruition, I am sure as hell doing my best to stay away from crowds and such.  All I want is for this shiiteheads to be honest and transparent, something liars never are.....an honest answer goes a long way

You want an honest answer, or just one you're happy with?


I don't know what the infection rates are, or how many people have died. Neither do you.


There isn't a country in the world who can say exactly how many people have been infected

as no one has tested a significant amount of people


Even south Korea, the poster boys of how to deal with the virus have tested less

than one in fifty of the population and that's assuming each of the 802000 tests 

so far were individuals and not multiples for people who work in the health 


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