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Tears and heartbreak as flight ban keeps farang-Thai families apart

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3 minutes ago, newcomer71 said:

Is not the same all over the world, for example, in Philippines (not that far huh?) they allow foreign spouses to get reunited to their family living there... So calm down, watch your mouth, and verify your facts before writing again plain bs.

Ok, not the whole world, just civilized countries. And Thailand. Don't tell me to watch my mouth or you might get what I really think about whingers. 

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3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

You've failed to recongise the varying situations many are in.


Those who work on ships, rigs, or working a rotation in other industries - some on a 4weeks on weeks off schedule etc - this work is common.


Its impossible to take your family with you when working in such industries.


Your dumbed down over simplification only serves to highlight a myopic perspective, your closing comments just highlight what a tooling troll you are.

If it was so important to be with family they wouldn't be in those jobs in the first place.


I used to do that work and I never had a family nor would I have wanted one because I knew one month I would be in the Seadrill office in Rio in Brazil and next month I would be up in Sakhalin island  with Gazprom in minus thirty without windchill. 


I have known many fifo workers, mostly rig pigs and I have known many that gave up the work for their families. 


Many wives or girlfriends, mostly those based in UK and Aus laid down the law, them or the job...


Again, we have to deal with the choices we make and sometimes you have to put family first if that is what is really important to you.

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truth be told....if it means there is less of a chance of spreading the virus then keep them all out for as long as needed even if it means they cant see their families. I care more about general pop safety than about lonely farang. They can communicate online and wire money. Be patient and dont be selfish. Dont risk others health so u can be happy. Stay away for now!! Thanks :))))

Edited by johnsmith8888
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5 hours ago, sambum said:

So what about the THOUSANDS of selfish "Easterners" spreading death and disease - are you forgetting where this disease originated?

They're not agitating to get into Thailand at the moment, and no, you cant go there either.

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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

The Job overseas (rotational work) is ALL about putting family first - that's why we sacrifice ourselves and work away so we can support our family.








Well I am comfortable in staying away for a while longer to protect my family


There is big danger in allowing people in from high risk countries, however cannot stop Thai nationals returning but can put process in place to keep tight control and limit arrivals


Foreigners from high risk, currently cross contaminating countries however, as already highlighted early in the thread by geriatrickid, are a real danger due their arrogant indifference to rules and regulations


So to the Thai government I say, as a family man outside Thailand, do what you will to keep my family safe, I expect no special treatment, and when the Thai government and Thai people are comfortable and ready to facilitate my return, then hopefully I will arrive to see my family healthy and well.


Because as a family man there is no way I would subject, family, relatives and friends to any unnecessary danger - the best, most efficient, 100% effective way to achieve this is to stay away for now!!

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5 hours ago, P100 said:

What do you expect from an incompetent military givernment? To have people's needs at heart?? With badmouth Anoutin taking every chance to bash foreigners in his endless hate?? They hate us so much that they even let their own Thai people suffer just to keep us, (according Anoutin) not showering dirty farangs away. They don't care about ripped apart families, they don't care about mamas and children struggeling to survive without their dads. But I know, soon they will open the borders. Unfortunately only for Chinese. To flood in and buy Thailand. Farangs will still have to wait until they can prove that they take showers regularly...

Fanciful to say the least and overly emotional.

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25 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

The Job overseas (rotational work) is ALL about putting family first - that's why we sacrifice ourselves and work away so we can support our family.

Half your life is spent away from your family.


How long can you support yourself standing only on one leg?

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5 minutes ago, DrDweeb said:

Yes, what about us that already had this? I am 99% certain to have had it, as I was with a group of people and many got sick. One of the sick was more sick than everyone else and was confirmed Covid positive (he lived too).

All of the professionals I've seen discuss this matter state that not enough is known about Covid 19 to say what degree of immunity is gained by being previously infected or how long any such immunity will last. There are also some claims that people have been infected more than once.


Therefore at the moment, I doubt any form of concession will be granted to anyone withe antibodies to the disease.

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5 hours ago, dallen52 said:

I only realised yesterday that Australians have to apply for permission to leave Australia now. 

I thought it was the level 4 advisory, but you have to apply for a exemption to leave. And it must be shown at airport departure. 

My defacto wife of 7 years is stuck in the village after her mother died mid March. 

I had been in Australia when the fires were on and was heading back to Thailand and my partner when Thai airways cancelled the flights. 

March 25th.

I'm stuck here. 

She is in her village alone. 

Hopefully Thai airways will be operating still as I have a credit for the flight on hold. 

Hopefully the Thailand government will see sense in flights between low risk countries first. 

And hopefully from Australia the permission to leave Australia will be granted. 

I hadn't noticed until yesterday, but while exiting Australia as an Australian requires an exemption for which one must apply, one of the small group that don't need an exemption are Australians normally not resident in Australia (it's at the bottom of the page) https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/leaving-australia

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11 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Well I am comfortable in staying away for a while longer to protect my family


There is big danger in allowing people in from high risk countries, however cannot stop Thai nationals returning but can put process in place to keep tight control and limit arrivals


Foreigners from high risk, currently cross contaminating countries however, as already highlighted early in the thread by geriatrickid, are a real danger due their arrogant indifference to rules and regulations


So to the Thai government I say, as a family man outside Thailand, do what you will to keep my family safe, I expect no special treatment, and when the Thai government and Thai people are comfortable and ready to facilitate my return, then hopefully I will arrive to see my family healthy and well.


Because as a family man there is no way I would subject, family, relatives and friends to any unnecessary danger - the best, most efficient, 100% effective way to achieve this is to stay away for now!!

Fair points are made, but they ignore the 14 day quarantine.


I self isolated / quarantined myself for 14 days after arriving in the UK (Early April - from Dubai on a repatriation flight, no travel in to Thailand). Then moved into my sister's house.


Upon entering Thailand we also have to quarantine for 14 days.








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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Fair points are made, but they ignore the 14 day quarantine.


I self isolated / quarantined myself for 14 days after arriving in the UK (Early April - from Dubai on a repatriation flight, no travel in to Thailand). Then moved into my sister's house.


Upon entering Thailand we also have to quarantine for 14 days.








I repeat the best, most efficient, 100% effective method to protect my family is to stay away, and have others do the same - not interested in some control that may or may not work, only in the known solutions

Edited by 473geo
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29 minutes ago, johnsmith8888 said:

truth be told....if it means there is less of a chance of spreading the virus then keep them all out for as long as needed even if it means they cant see their families. I care more about general pop safety than about lonely farang. They can communicate online and wire money. Be patient and dont be selfish. Dont risk others health so u can be happy. Stay away for now!! Thanks :))))

Ok thats a valid point and IF there was a total ban on entry to Thailand, no exceptions, Thai or otherwise, your point would be valid.


I agree with the initial lock down, the purpose of which is to prevent the health care services from being overwhelmed. This was the reason for lock down world wide. The goals of the initial lock down have been achieved.


It now would seem that the objectives of Thailand are to eradicate the Virus completely, this is an impossibility and prolongs the fight against Covid-19.


Thus, we are being separated from families for reasons which seem questionable.

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3 minutes ago, 473geo said:

I repeat the best, most efficient, 100% effective method to protect my family is to stay away, and have others do the same - not interested in some control that may or may not work, only in the known solutions

Fair enough, but for how long? when Thailand reopens is there not a risk of a second wave? lock down again?



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17 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

All of the professionals I've seen discuss this matter state that not enough is known about Covid 19 to say what degree of immunity is gained by being previously infected or how long any such immunity will last. There are also some claims that people have been infected more than once.


Therefore at the moment, I doubt any form of concession will be granted to anyone withe antibodies to the disease.

Agreed, though the reinfection cases turned out to be wrong.
The whole testing protocol is broken and PCR tests not certified for clinical use are not a great starting point. Their ability to identify partial DNA strands is not a clinical proof of infection past or present, they're simply better than nothing.

Longterm immunity from other corona viruses isn't a thing, otherwise we'd all be immune from the common cold and influenza already. We have some immunity for a value of time which varies from zero --> some moment in the future.

However in the short term, re-infection probability is very low

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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

Fair enough, but for how long? when Thailand reopens is there not a risk of a second wave? lock down again?



Richard, while there are many possible scenarios, I make no claim to see into the future regarding a 'second wave', therefore I deal with the current situation as effectively as possible, with an eye on any future developments as they arise.

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Anyone talking about the U.K. quarantine needs to look at the list of exemptions . It’s a lengthy read .


I scrolled through countless exemptions until I found that I too am exempt. 

It’s a PR exercise , people can’t moan so much about lack of boarder control now.




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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

Indeed life goes on, and it always will.


But families don't 'need' to be separated at this time, this is not World War 2 with fathers going away to fight for their country, the analogy is idiotic.


This (the point we are discussion) is about families being separated because someone in a position of decision making power has made the decision to ignore the plight of separated families.


If Thai Citizens are being permitted entry to Thailand, the decision to prevent entry to foreigners with fixed ties to Thailand is unnecessary - this is the complaint people have. We can deal with it, our families can deal with it and life will go on. But, it doesn't need to be this way.



The answer has been made abundantly clear is this particular debate and previous ones. Non Thai's are treated as second class citizens in Thailand. People with ties here can moan and bitch about it but it isn't going to change until the Generals say so. So sit tight, keep the money transfers coming to maintain your dependents and wait until the borders open. 

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Just now, Zikomat said:

 But they let the Thais come back. From whatever country. There is 14 days quarantine for them.
 Do you share that Anutin guy’s opinion about dirty farangs being the biggest danger for the Thai society in the covid times?

I see you just edited a previous post, I am a cautious person when the occasion arises, seeing as you just added some figments of your over active imagination you will understand if I leave you with your own view world.

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4 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

 But they let the Thais come back. From whatever country. There is 14 days quarantine for them.
 Do you share that Anutin guy’s opinion about dirty farangs being the biggest danger for the Thai society in the covid times?

I would almost accept being a second class citizen or resident. Fat chance on that though. 

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4 minutes ago, Ranshoko said:
1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

Indeed life goes on, and it always will.


But families don't 'need' to be separated at this time, this is not World War 2 with fathers going away to fight for their country, the analogy is idiotic.


This (the point we are discussion) is about families being separated because someone in a position of decision making power has made the decision to ignore the plight of separated families.


If Thai Citizens are being permitted entry to Thailand, the decision to prevent entry to foreigners with fixed ties to Thailand is unnecessary - this is the complaint people have. We can deal with it, our families can deal with it and life will go on. But, it doesn't need to be this way.



The answer has been made abundantly clear is this particular debate and previous ones. Non Thai's are treated as second class citizens in Thailand. People with ties here can moan and bitch about it but it isn't going to change until the Generals say so. So sit tight, keep the money transfers coming to maintain your dependents and wait until the borders open. 

Indeed, there's little else we can do.

Moving forwards, in light of these issues and lock down thoughts move towards potential further issues down the line, the possibility of repeat lock-downs etc giving thought to setting up base back in the UK rather than Bangkok.






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10 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Do I need to tell you there is a good chance of catching Covid on the plane out of a heavily contaminated country!!

I don't think anyone can deny travel would involve an element of elevated risk. It always has, I've picked up some horrible flu's on flights before.


But, there are risks everywhere, just consider driving on Thailand's roads, eating in restaurants, crossing a road, even mixing with strangers in public etc... we can't live in 100% risk free world.


You have mentioned (earlier on this thread) about ensuring 100% protection from Covid-19 is to stay away - but surely with a 14 day quarantine the risks are brought down to within the acceptable limits we have lived with for a long time.


Covid-19 may never go away. I would prefer my family are exposed to Covid-19 at a period of time when the healthcare services are not overwhelmed rather than in the midst of a second wave peak.





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3 minutes ago, Pangsilathong said:

I am currently in Australia, my Thai girl friend of 10 years has just been diagnosed with cancer and heart problems, and is in ICU now. I will see on Monday if Thai immigration will let me in on compassionate grounds.

So sorry to read that - I hope the decision maker in Thai Immigration remembers their humanity.

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