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Johnson risks party wrath to back aide who crossed UK during lockdown


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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

Several posters in this topic have mentioned Cummings' son's autism. I cannot find any mention of same in any biography, official or otherwise, of Cummings nor Wakefield.


Neither Cummings nor Downing Street appear to have mentioned it in their excuses for the journey.


Wakefield doesn't mention it in her lengthy Spectator article on their ordeal while both were suffering from the virus. (The article is behind a paywall, but is quoted in this article from the Mail.)


Very odd, if, as said, autism provides the perfect excuse for making the trip; despite other family members and childcare alternatives being available to them in London.


Not only that, in that article, Wakefield makes no mention of the trip to her husband's parents; no mention of that trip being so her husband's family could care for her son; not once. Considering all the other minute details she went into in that article, such as "The little oxygen reader we'd bought on Amazon" that seems a little odd.


Instead she describes in great length how the boy helped in nursing his father! How did he manage that if both his parents were in self isolation and he was being cared for by his father's family?


It seems that Cummings and Wakefield have failed to get their stories straight! Maybe, despite being it's commissioning editor, she forgot what she told The Spectator.


Interesting point about the child's autism or not. I would suggest that any child at 4 years old would need specialist full-time care should their parents become incapacitated.

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13 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


I like to find sources to provide evidence for the facts I post.


You should try it some time. You wouldn't have to make pathetic climb downs like the above so often were you to so do.


No doubt you will now post a comment you believe proves you to be my superior in both wit and intellect.

I have never had the need ????

Edited by evadgib
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It was unintentional but quite possibly Dominic Cummings has done everyone a huge favour because it looks like his ignoring of lockdown will be the final nail in the coffin of lockdown mania in the UK:


Their comments were echoed by 44-year-old builder Tommy Morton, who added: ‘I feel well within my rights to visit the beach today. ‘It's a bit of a drive from Birmingham to Woolacombe but if Dominic Cummings can drive however many miles it was from London to Durham in lockdown, I'm absolutely allowed to drive down from Birmingham to spend my day outside at the beach.



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Code of conduct for special advisors.


Special advisers must not take public part in political controversy, through any form of statement whether in speeches or letters to the press, or in books, social media, articles or leaflets.

They must observe discretion and express comment with moderation, avoiding personal attacks, and would not normally speak in public for their Minister or the Department.

So that book looks like it's about to be ripped up.

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47 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Several posters in this topic have mentioned Cummings' son's autism. I cannot find any mention of same in any biography, official or otherwise, of Cummings nor Wakefield.


Neither Cummings nor Downing Street appear to have mentioned it in their excuses for the journey.


Wakefield doesn't mention it in her lengthy Spectator article on their ordeal while both were suffering from the virus. (The article is behind a paywall, but is quoted in this article from the Mail.)


Very odd, if, as said, autism provides the perfect excuse for making the trip; despite other family members and childcare alternatives being available to them in London.


Not only that, in that article, Wakefield makes no mention of the trip to her husband's parents; no mention of that trip being so her husband's family could care for her son; not once. Considering all the other minute details she went into in that article, such as "The little oxygen reader we'd bought on Amazon" that seems a little odd.


Instead she describes in great length how the boy helped in nursing his father! How did he manage that if both his parents were in self isolation and he was being cared for by his father's family?


It seems that Cummings and Wakefield have failed to get their stories straight! Maybe, despite being it's commissioning editor, she forgot what she told The Spectator.


I say hats off to the parents for keeping their 4 year old son's special needs out of the headlines. And for risking public outcry by taking their special needs son to where he would receive the appropriate care once both parents succumbed fully to the virus. 


I'd say that's good, selfless parenting.


Anyone who uses government Covid 19 guidelines as an excuse for not taking care of their nearest and dearest need to take a look at themselves. I've bent the rules myself to take care of my elderly parents, whilst using common sense to keep everyone safe. Arrest me! ????

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18 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I say hats off to the parents for keeping their 4 year old son's special needs out of the headlines. And for risking public outcry by taking their special needs son to where he would receive the appropriate care once both parents succumbed fully to the virus. 


I'd say that's good, selfless parenting.


Anyone who uses government Covid 19 guidelines as an excuse for not taking care of their nearest and dearest need to take a look at themselves. I've bent the rules myself to take care of my elderly parents, whilst using common sense to keep everyone safe. Arrest me! ????

Good to see someone close to the PM putting his family first. ????

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Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi is a Latin phrase, literally "What is permissible for Jupiter is not permissible for a bull".


Or in simpler English: what is allowed to the British elite, is does not need to be allowed to the British mob...

Edited by puipuitom
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41 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

We are living in an age of conspiracies. Funny how people have been stopped driving the same distance for a day out before the rules changed.

But the vast majority of people have not been stopped driving a long distance. I drove 80 miles to see my daughter at her uni digs, socially distanced of course. I didn't get stopped.

And if I had a vulnerable toddler who was going to be left with two parents incapacitated, I'd have made that trip, 100%. Wouldn't you? 

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

I say hats off to the parents for keeping their 4 year old son's special needs out of the headlines. And for risking public outcry by taking their special needs son to where he would receive the appropriate care once both parents succumbed fully to the virus. 


I'd say that's good, selfless parenting.


Anyone who uses government Covid 19 guidelines as an excuse for not taking care of their nearest and dearest need to take a look at themselves. I've bent the rules myself to take care of my elderly parents, whilst using common sense to keep everyone safe. Arrest me! ????


I spent a few minutes searching Google with the question "Is Dominic Cummings' son autistic ?", and the answers were consistently that people who knew the Cummings-Family personally did not believe that the child suffers from autism.  --  However, the child is indeed only 4 years old. 



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11 minutes ago, andersonat said:


I spent a few minutes searching Google with the question "Is Dominic Cummings' son autistic ?", and the answers were consistently that people who knew the Cummings-Family personally did not believe that the child suffers from autism.  --  However, the child is indeed only 4 years old. 



I'd like to see any credible evidence you found if you don't mind. The only site I found denying the autism was Vox Political, run by the Corbyn fanatic who was kicked out of the Labour Party for antisemitism. 

Edited by CG1 Blue
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2 hours ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

That's a positive development. Perhaps then we could get some facts ????

An updated statement from Durham police on their contact with Dominic Cummings’s father:


Following significant public interest over the last few days, Durham Constabulary wish to add the following to our statement of Saturday, May 23rd.

We can confirm that on April 1, an officer from Durham Constabulary spoke to the father of Dominic Cummings. Mr Cummings confirmed that his son, his son’s wife and child were present at the property. He told the officer that his son and son’s wife were displaying symptoms of coronavirus and were self-isolating in part of the property.

We can further confirm that our officer gave no specific advice on coronavirus to any members of the family and that Durham Constabulary deemed that no further action was required in that regard.

Our officer did, however, provide the family with advice on security issues.

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1 minute ago, jimmyswale said:

Off the scale of bad  - he will be gone within the week. He would have been best saying nothing he has hung himself right and proper. Turns out he isn't as smart as he thought. 

It's a pretty bad error of judgement this interview, it's awful.

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6 minutes ago, jimmyswale said:

First rule of interview under caution - no comment. He has handed a treasure trove for Starmer to forensically dissect. 

It's a goldmine for a barrister.

5 minutes ago, Opl said:

Q: " where people stupid to follow the rules instead of looking for loopholes like you did?" 

Tbh, I went to a castle 2 miles away on a bus and drank some beers at easter.

Edited by tribalfusion001
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2 minutes ago, jimmyswale said:

And whilst I was weighing up the safety of situations I decided to test drive a 60 mile round trip in case my eyes were still not working properly

With my 4 yr old in the car, instead of leaving him in the care of my sister / nieces, which was the entire reason I drove to Durham in the first place.

and I think I was reasonable

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