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Thailand reports 2 new coronavirus cases, 1 more death


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Other people with family or family business with a compelling reason to Thai immigration and they have to deposit the entire amount of the price of passage and the cost of 14 days in quarantine at an approved hotel and will then be placed on a " wait list " I'm waiting for confirmation for my gf that's in Dubai now. She's a Dutch National with business interests and Thai family here. There are presently over 3000 people on the wait list in UAE. Total nonsense but that's the " unpublished procedure" remember anything can happen here. To put it in perspective I deposited 140,000 cash to immigration today. 

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

That update was posted after my post Bob, If I had seen the update then my post would have indicated such.  However, how does a Chinese national repatriate to Thailand from Russia, when only Thai Nationals are being repatriated....

Read ThailandRyan, read again and pay attention

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58 minutes ago, Greg O said:

Talk about stupid , what does it matter who or where, afraid are we ? There will always be lingering cases. Get a hobby....and by the way not only Thai Nationals are able to return..

 @Greg O It makes a big difference as far as "Who or Where", not because of being afraid, but because of the fake numbers and lies being told to everyone, and the statistical websites being hidden from the general public by MOPH that would verify that there are no new cases being reported lately except for the detention center, and those that have been quarantined.  So in essence there is a crack in the dike, and the little blue boy is trying to plug them up with his fingers, but more cracks keep occurring in the Thai Governments truth in numbers.  But Please if you know more tell us. 


Additionally, do you care to expand based upon your knowledge of "Not only Thai Nationals are able to return", because as far I know that upon CAAT  shuttering all airports for all primary international incoming flights for everyone except repatriated Thais, no foreign person has come into the country.  So if you are privy to more than that please let us know as there are many people stuck outside the borders who can not get here with family.  All those who had WP, or were initially able to come in were set back by the Ban on flights.....


Your I'm waiting for confirmation for my gf that's in Dubai now. She's a Dutch National with business interests and Thai family here. There are presently over 3000 people on the wait list in UAE. Total nonsense but that's the " unpublished procedure" remember anything can happen here. To put it in perspective I deposited 140,000 cash to immigration today." does not make sense with all of the Thai families with loved ones outside and several other OP's running about that.  So please verify your info and post the receipt from immigration and letters, of course with redacted info as proof.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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11 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

how is this a CORONA death .... with 3 dangerous chronic diseases

It is like the final nail in the coffin.  Would the other serious afflictions caused death or was Covid the final tip and nail that ended the persons life.

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2 hours ago, JimGant said:

Still, shuttering an entire economy due to a 4% death rate just, somehow, doesn't resonate....

Do you mean the confirmed cfr(case fatality rate) as 3-4% which the WHO seems to be giving? Actually the ifr (infected fatality rate-including asymptomatic and people with milder cases that didn't seek treatment)) is estimated at much less than that. It's seems to be anywhere from .1-1% with some estimates at around .4% seeming the most likely. I think it's the large raw numbers of dead in Spain, Franc, UK Italy, and especially the US, which is alarming people. Also the ugly situation which is developing in Brazil where the Bolsanaro government seems to be doing little to mitigate the situation. If we use/believe Thailand's official stats, the cfr is 1.8% here.

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Very strange again...  no clear indication whether that person died of Covid19 or it was only a contribution factor, as the person was suffering from serious health conditions.... 

but let’s put it down as a Corona death,

 just in case......????

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Looks like Sweden's heard Immunity concept has not proven beneficial in the end.  Just saw where Initially, Sweden saw death rates from COVID-19 that were similar to other European nations that had closed down their economies. But now the Scandinavian nation’s daily death toll per 1 million people is 8.71 compared to the United States’ 4.59, according to online publication Our World in Data. Sweden's mortality rate is the highest in Europe.


It really makes you wonder about us here in Thailand.  I know that deaths are under reported but just by how many, and if this Phuket case, and now his wife are any indication, this thing is out and about and has never been contained.  Are we headed for the same issues as Sweden once the Government relinquishes the stranglehold it has on the country and the people or can they really be trusted to track and trace those cases.  If so then these two in Phuket should have already been on the radar, but apparently were not.  Gives some food for thought on how this virus can hide....

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2 hours ago, Emdog said:

Thailand seems to have a rudimentary track and trace program set up. My big concern is: do they have manpower and computer power to do anything useful with the data collected or is this just for show? Track record regarding other data collected would tend to lean towards "all show and no go".

The other concern is, when doing manual tracing, it's slow and time is a factor:




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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

And today the number goes upwards, again up and down, just like a heart beat EKG,  2 new cases, and 1 Death, but no indication in the news or in this story to indicate location.....keeping us in the dark like mushrooms I guess.

if you watch the Covid Centre daily report in English, on FB, you would know all you need to know.

one of the many places to watch this every day

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This farce started in Communist China, every left wing bigot has jumped on the band wagon closing every business in sight and keeping people locked up! I don't go in for conspiracy theories but even I'm starting to smell a large rodent.

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19 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

At some point will we find out that after someone tested positive, the app was used to notify x number of people that they might have had contact with that person?

Unlikely.. here's why:





And that's for bluetooth, QR that is not enforced is likely even worse.

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3 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Unlikely.. here's why:





And that's for bluetooth, QR that is not enforced is likely even worse.

Yeah, I think the app is not going to be effective. 


But, if even one person who tests positive was using the app, then all the people who signed in with the app at their places they visited would be flagged. Seems like eventually someone who has used the app for at least one sign-in will test positive. 

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25 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

So it's pretty much a waste of time that is just for show.

Business as usual around here. There's no easy solution other than getting Apple/Google to integrate tracing into their operating systems, and that'll take time. 


For now, having massive and fast testing capabilities and drive-through testing centers, etc would have been the first line of defense, coupled with a populace that "gets it". Too many deeply rooted problems.

Edited by DrTuner
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4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:
5 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

how is this a CORONA death .... with 3 dangerous chronic diseases

It is like the final nail in the coffin.  Would the other serious afflictions caused death or was Covid the final tip and nail that ended the persons life.

The point is, an illness that is the "final nail in the coffin" for people this close to death is not something we need to "shut down everything" to deal with.  We should be considerate, and try to shelter them from it, of course.  But there is no justifyable reason to FORCE people with almost no chance of being harmed by it, to "not go out," etc.


Here is a graph of death-risk by Imperial College London as compared to an average year w/o Covid ( https://medium.com/wintoncentre/how-much-normal-risk-does-covid-represent-4539118e1196 )



Many of those who die are very sick.  If you are NOT sick, there is very little chance you would be affected / require hospitalization.  And the ONLY reason we supposedly did the "shut down," was to prevent hospitals being overwhelmed. 


Well, that goal was accomplished so well in some areas, that record numbers of nurses lost their jobs in the USA - during a pandemic - because "routine" care was suspended.  So let's Ease Up on all this unless/until hospitals need us to do otherwise.


Note on the graph and article - the author later added:

"Some people seem to be interpreting this article as suggesting that COVID does not add to one’s normal risk. I should make it clear that I am suggesting that it roughly doubles your risk of dying this year." 

... but also added, further down:
"there will be substantial overlap in these two groups — many people who die of COVID would have died anyway within a short period — and so these risks cannot be simply added, and it does not simply double the risk of people who get infected."

... and:

"It’s important to note that all the risks quoted are the average (mean) risks for people of the relevant age, but are not the risks of the average person! This is because, both for COVID and in normal circumstances, much of the risk is held by people whom are already chronically ill. So for the large majority of healthy people, their risks of either dying from COVID, or dying of something else, are much lower than those quoted here. " 


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5 hours ago, anfh said:

“ Meanwhile, a 68-year-old female who had end-stage renal disease, diabetes and hypertension died of respiratory failure at Chumphon hospital. She had been in close contact with a previous patient and was confirmed to be infected with Covid-19 on April 14. She died of septicemia, which causes acute myocardial infarction, on May 24.”


So she did not actually die OF covid 19, this is were worldwide figures are suspect. Judging by her condition, she was not a well person at all. The stated reason for her death was septicaemia. 

Nobody dies 'of Covid'. Covid typically apparently causes a reaction in the body that triggers death through the mechanism of another disease like heart failure, pulmonary embolism. pneumonia or, as in this case, septicaemia.


People can carry chronic disease for many years and eventually they either die of the progression of that disease or some other stimulus comes along that prompts the disease to 'go fatal'. If there is such a stimulus that prompts death from an existing chronic disease it seems appropriate to me that the prompting factor can be regarded as the cause of death.


Just as you seem to want to avoid counting deaths as attributable to Covid in such circumstances there are plenty of others out there who would call foul if Thailand was minimising the impact of Covid by attributing deaths to end mechanisms such as scepticaemia.

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8 hours ago, JimGant said:

Still, shuttering an entire economy due to a 4% death rate just, somehow, doesn't resonate....

So what would the death rate have been if nothing was done? 4.5% or 45%? Nobody knows. Perhaps the low death rate is because everything was shut down.

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7 hours ago, fabman5 said:

2 people caught Covid 19, 1 died ( sadly for their family) 

This is headline news  

Meanwhile 69+Million people are on standby to get back to normality.


These mind games are being played out all over the world by governments and MSM.

The statistics say this isn't a worldwide pandemic. But still we go on...   

Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa, Australia. Where else would it have to turn up for you to consider it a pandemic?

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6 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

Bolsanaro government seems to be doing little to mitigate the situation.

No you’re wrong, he’s been promoting the use of hydroxychloroquine????. Now where have I heard that before.

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