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What Is With The Volume Of Discos?


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What is with the volume of the music in discos in Pattaya?

Went to Pattaya for the first time in two years and wanted to take the gf dancing. I had a good time at Lucifer's years ago but as soon as we walked in the music was so loud my ears started hurting immediately. In fact, it was so loud I could feel my body shaking with the bass. No one was standing anywhere near the speakers. We didn't even stay for more than 5 mins before the noise became unbearable.

Went down the street to what looked like a fairly new place called Tony's and the volume was just as bad. Walked in and walked out.

Don't get me wrong. I've been to discos all over the world, love to party, and am not a stranger to loud music, but these were by far the most uncomfortable night clubs I've ever been in. Having to shout to talk is alright, but having my ears hurt and body shake means the music is way too loud. Walking down the street it also seems like bars were competing with each other for the loudest music. I truly feel sorry for the people who work there who must get hearing damage every night.

Is it just me or is the volume of music in these places the loudest in the world?

Are there any other discos in Pattaya that play music at a normal volume?

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Not a Disco per say but the Blues Factory down and across from Lucifer's is very comfortable.

Unfortunately most venues tend to pump up the volume in part to attract people who are outside the club.

Soon the whole soi is a cacophony of competing noise, even the open air's are blasting away. It's both the bane and the excitement of the nightlife. :o

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We have Thai neighbours who stay, not very often,thank goodness,next door in our village, and the volume of their tv,music and sometimes just their speaking voices is enough to make anyone to make anyone think they are all deaf! Think they never heard of sign language!(every pun intended)

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Unacceptable volume as described is usually a result of poor quality, high quality audio rarely hurts the ears as described, but might induce a whistling sound when stopped, a bit like alcohol purity = less hangover.

So as is common, Thailand's major holiday resort is just delivering it's usual menu of massive quantity of poor quality!

= poor value :o

Edited by spacebass
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Wrong, Merlin. Oldest venue still around is Marine Disco. Tony's and Lucifer's have only been around 6-8 years.

Volume levels are too high in most bars. Another "hurting" bar is Diamond agogo, it's like the air is pushed out of your chest ever time the bass goes. Maybe the Thai's think it's cool, but I walk with my money.

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Wrong, Merlin. Oldest venue still around is Marine Disco. Tony's and Lucifer's have only been around 6-8 years.

I didn't know Marine had been around that long, I know Tony's started in 1998. Lucifer started in 2002, IIRC???

At least in Tonys it's big enough with plenty of places you can sit and relax in areas which aren't "full on" volume wise - it's only the dancefloor area right in front of the stage that regularly pushes the 110db+ levels...

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I first experienced this 'noise pain' when going with my wife to clubs in BKK. After a while, I decided that it was ridiculous to stand in a packed room holding my hands to my ears to ease the pain, and paying a lot of money for the privilege of doing so. I decided that I must be getting old, and that my disco days were over, and that if she wanted to go clubbing she could go with her mates.

Thence to Pattaya - I tried again - same problem at Tony's, Lucifer's wherever. Again I refuse to any more, and the wife can't understand it.

The live music at The Blues Factory is tolerable - although you can't hold a conversation, and I used to be OK with the live band at Hard Rock, but the last time I was there it was so loud I had to give up and go home.

The strange thing is that I do love music, and I like it loud - on good sound systems. But when I crank up the volume at home, I'm told it's too loud, yet when she goes to the discos, it's so loud it makes you body tremble - as the op rightly said.

Maybe I am getting old, but I really believe the sound levels are over the top - for anyone. Very damaging for the ears.

BTW - I remember the days when the marine disco was the only club in town (I'm talking 1970's - early 80's)). Those were the days my friend..... :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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If it is too loud for you guys, either you are getting too old :o or you do not know the alternatives. Yes Discos are loud in general, but I do not consider the Pattaya Discos as extreme. Sure not a place for serious communication though....

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I agree that Thai's love their noise. I'll always remember the day I walked past a jackhammer and didn't even care.

Just want to point out I've been to most disco's in bkk and lots around the world, and while a few might have been borderline uncomfortable, Lucifer's and Tony's are by far on another level even for Thailand and are probably the loudest places I have ever been to in my life. Like I said before, when your body starts vibrating with every hit of bass and your ears start hurting you are definitely going to suffer some major hearing loss. I have never walked out of any other places in my life because of the volume of the music.

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You all think the disco's are loud. Try going to a large outdoor concert. You're ears will bleed for sure.


Not for the faint hearted.



Well I'm by no means an expert, but there was a time in my life when I was working as a concert promoter, and I also used to be involved in setting up sound systems for rock concerts, so i know very well just how loud an outdoor rock concert sound system can be. Yes, they were loud - very, very loud, but never hurt in the way these discos sound systems in Pattaya do.

IMHO, decibel for decibel. I reckon the discos in sound systems in Pattaya, after taking into account proximity to the speakers, and the enclosed space, blast out more body shaking volume than a Stones concert would.

My opinion, mind you. I may just be getting old. :o

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OK the trouble is not dB's it is distortion as you should know. This lot are not deliverying anything special just the same mistake as most of the rest of the world. Cheap noise = distortion=pain. :o

You all think the disco's are loud. Try going to a large outdoor concert. You're ears will bleed for sure.


Not for the faint hearted.



Well I'm by no means an expert, but there was a time in my life when I was working as a concert promoter, and I also used to be involved in setting up sound systems for rock concerts, so i know very well just how loud an outdoor rock concert sound system can be. Yes, they were loud - very, very loud, but never hurt in the way these discos sound systems in Pattaya do.

IMHO, decibel for decibel. I reckon the discos in sound systems in Pattaya, after taking into account proximity to the speakers, and the enclosed space, blast out more body shaking volume than a Stones concert would.

My opinion, mind you. I may just be getting old. :D

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You all think the disco's are loud. Try going to a large outdoor concert. You're ears will bleed for sure.


Not for the faint hearted.



You sound like you're proud of being able to damage your hearing with music - in the same way some people are proud of being able to burn down their taste buds with chili.

It sounds a bit infantile to me :o

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Not sure when exactly Tony's and Lucifers's started as I never liked or frequented either of them, but your figures seem right. Marine had been around for yonks already when I got here first time in the early nineties.

yup, pulled my first wife at the marine disco in 1980. other venues were simon disco and sand box but only the marine has 'survived'

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I totally agree. It makes communication impossible. (especially with language/accent barriers already there).

[such a shame when she's so pretty & you can't even hear her name!]

Volume needs to be lowered by 20 -30%

Could the management of these offending establishments be approached & have it explained to them that not only may they become subject to hearing damage claims from staff, in the future (yes even Thailand will move forwards) but that their bar takings might actually go up?

Edited by Lancashirelad
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I totally agree. It makes communication impossible. (especially with language/accent barriers already there).

[such a shame when she's so pretty & you can't even hear her name!]

Volume needs to be lowered by 20 -30%

Could the management of these offending establishments be approached & have it explained to them that not only may they become subject to hearing damage claims from staff, in the future (yes even Thailand will move forwards) but that their bar takings might actually go up?

You are hereby duly nominated :o

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a story got told to me about a certain club on walking street where last year a new owner took over, anyway he asked the DJ to turn the music down, 10 minutes later nothing had happened so he went to ask the DJ again, and still the DJ ignored him, to which the new owner of the club replied if you don't turn it down you're fired, to which the DJ replied fire me and i'll have you killed. No need to guess who won that pissing contest, and yes the music is still at the same unbearable level.

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If it is too loud for you guys, either you are getting too old :o or you do not know the alternatives. Yes Discos are loud in general, but I do not consider the Pattaya Discos as extreme. Sure not a place for serious communication though....

Took a friend to Hollywood in pattaya, he drank his drink and said he was going, he was there about 5 mins, i stayed on with my girl and another friend and his girl, seen him the next day and asked him why he left so early, his reply TOO LOUD, our reply to him not loud enough.

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