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Use Of Credit Cards For Proof Of Income From Abroa

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With the new rules coming in next month is it possible to use credit card ATM slips to show proof of income from abroad????

They might want to see bank statements as well. Scrappy slips might piss 'em off. They can also ask for notorization from your Embassy. Are you presently on an extended visa ?

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I thought that that might work one time, Printed off 6 months of bank statements from internet banking,took took with me, bank passbook and letter translation from embassy, Letters from Unions verifing pensions and from Social security, They were not in the least interested in the printouts,or origional letters, and were only interested in the book and the letter from embassy,so from then on I left them at home. :o

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I have a legitimate pension as source of funds, and an affidavit from the U.S. Embassy attesting to the legitimacy of the pension. A few years ago I was hassled by Immigration because I told them I was using my U.S. credit cards to transfer money here. At the time they could not understand that an ATM machine converts dollars to baht automatically and that I was really bringing in dollars. Using some third party assistance, I was able to convince them that I was really bringing in my pension in dollars, and I have not any problems since.

So using your credit cards may be viable if you have a pension in dollars or some other currency from abroad, and if your credit cards originated in the country where your funds are located. It might even work if you have a letter from a company that provides the pension or from a bank if your funds are in lump sum rather than a monthly pension.

As Dr. Patpong said, the Immigration people don't care about any documents other than those they are required to review to approve or disapprove the matter at hand. When you introduce new factors into the equation, like credit card slips and other documents that they do not normally deal with, then you are just giving them more work that they deem unnecessary. You probably do not like to be burdened with unnecessary work and neither do most people. If you make life difficult for them, they will make life even more difficult for you. But don't blame them. Their job is to make sure that you meet the requirements. So get the affidavit or a letter from your embassy that says you have adequate funds and their source, put the amount required in the bank annually or monthly, provide only the documents that are required, and you should be fine.

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caughtintheact: I really liked your post for its balanced tone and one of the few in this forum which tries to UNDERSTAND immigration and what their problems are. Understanding the opposition, is basic strategy in warfare or sports, etc.

Additionally, we often forget that many immigration officers, being policemen assigned to immigration, come to the job with varing degrees of sophistication and experience. If you can imagine an ordinary policeman in your home country comprehending international financial systems.

Thus the embassy letter, which should represent a review of all your documents, is their basic document and gets you off the hook. Especially if the letter can attest to your atm/visa transfers, for which you have the slips.

Don't provide proof of monthly transfers via ATM or credit card transfers unless ASKED.

I was unable to connect my ATM receipts to my foreign bank account, so if I was going that route, I would try to get a letter from my home bank or the bank attached to the ATM to verify in writing the source of your funds withdrawn.

Your home bank statements can be matched to your ATM withdrawals or credit card withdrawls by their ATM designation and date that would match your slips. But that is backup information to be provided only if asked.

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