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Reddit co-founder Ohanian resigns from board, wants a black candidate to take over


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23 hours ago, khunken said:

So we have here off topic posts about 'black racism' in South Africa (infinitesimal compared to Apartheid), absolutely stupid analogy about basketball and not one of the deflection-attempting racists willing to admit that the US does have a problem.


I applaud Ohanian as he has recognised that Reddit's board is yet another white-man's exclusive club. With a nasty racist (among other -ists) as the current president it is incumbent on decent people to take a stand & now is as good a time as any.


Yes, sure. Just like the country you support with your avatar. Bastion of equality and free speech!


Positive discrimination is a man invented way to discriminate. 


Just like class systems and bigotry.

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You know blacks should feel a lot of shame at the moment, for a long time really. Because apparently they're not smart enough to play on a level playing field. They need special help in all fields of life. Everything from college to employment, a person should be picked on merit alone, not the color of your skin.


If you're not getting disgusted with all this "Black Privilege" then you're part of the problem.

Edited by EVENKEEL
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On 6/6/2020 at 8:52 AM, baansgr said:

No it's not...it's called positive discrimination and has been around for 30 years already...best man...ooops, or lady for the job and all that goes out the window in order to meet their targets. Back in the mid nineties, a black girl had a fight at an office and was being transferred to ours as they dare not sack her...I never forget my bosses glee...he said not only is she a woman but she's black so great for my targets...


About 25 years ago, I worked for at a Police HQ, doing IT.  About that time, police wanted to recruit non-white officers, which meant many suitable white candidates were automatically excluded in favour of non-white.

Around the same time, I was the experienced IT person, training up newbies for the job.  I remember a black guy and a Indian I believe joined up about the same time.

These 2 were the only non-whites in the IT dept of about 15-20 people.


The black guy had "attitude".  He would karate-kick the office chairs around etc, manager just let him get on with it.  The guy seemed fairly popular, strangely.  Anyway, our section was responsible for unboxing and setting up new PC's & printers etc.

Wasn't long before kit went missing...


Apparently, fingers were pointed at me (I'd worked there already for about 5 years), as it would be racist to pick on him.

Well, eventually he was spotted by a camera stealing stuff.  From the Police <deleted>!!

He got the sack - but what a waste of a good opportunity he was given.


The Indian guy, nice chap, was made up to manager fairly quickly.  Think he was a little out of his depth, but he got sacked for embezzlement, I believe.    A few years later, he spotted me when shopping at ASDA - he was working there, probably on just over minimum wage.

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