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New Requirement for a Non O extention

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7 minutes ago, marvin1950 said:

I did not know immigration officers have a degree in forensic accounting.

Showing proof of income in a foreign currency and converting to thai baht.


Really?  I don't think so.

Someone please show me in the Thai Immigration law that you are required to show proof of income.

All I read was a monthly wire for 12 months from overseas into a Thai bank account of 65,000 baht?

You are probably referring to both my posts #25 and #26, in which I wrote that it is at the discretion of the immigration officer handling your application to ask for evidence of the SOURCE of your foreign income, when you are using a) the Embassy issued income statement method or b) the monthly-income transfer method.


a) When using the Embassy issued income statement > See attached document which provides the requirements when applying in-country for a 90-day Non Imm O retirement Visa and describes 3 methods of proving your financials.

Paragraph 6 states > A letter of guarantee from the local or overseas Embassy or Consulate that proving the monthly pension of the Applicant not less than Baht 65,000 per month (together with reference documents showing the source of monthly pension)


b) When using the monthly-income transfer method > See the attached copy of the PoliceOrder which was issued when that monthly-income method was introduced.

Point 3 under 2.22 Retirement states > Evidence showing income such as pension or interest received or dividend received, but under Procedures it only mentions Evidence showing pension


>> Luckily most IOs only enforce the requirement that when using the 65K monthly-income transfer method that you have to prove its foreign origins.

But it is at the discretion of the officer handling your application to require additional evidence of the SOURCE of that foreign income.  And the offices that do enforce this requirement often only accept a pension-statement as proof of the source of the foreign income.

And at those offices, when you do not receive pension (yet) the only method that is left open is then the 800K money-in-bank method.

590231773_Amendmenttopoliceorder138-2557(Eng).pdf 1551323081128 - Non Imm O retirement requirements.pdf

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3 minutes ago, marvin1950 said:

So immigration officers also have currency exchange rates to convert amounts present to them to thai baht.

Yes they do.

The have been doing it for a long time when proof of income from a embassy is used that is in a person's home currency.

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On 6/8/2020 at 5:56 PM, marvin1950 said:

Why does immigration care how you earned your money to transfer from overseas as long as you show that the wire transfer is from a foreign bank.


Why does it matter if it is from a pension, savings, stock trades or an inheritance.

PS:  you can get a retirement Visa at 50.


Not many companies give a pension payout at 50.


How about you win the lottery in your country, you have to tell them.




The written regulation say pension nothing about any other means.

  • Confused 1
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7 minutes ago, marvin1950 said:

Thanks, but it also says it is not limited to just pension

Proof of Interest and dividends received is also an option.


So immigration officers also have currency exchange rates to convert amounts present to them to thai baht.

Although the PoliceOrder clearly states that other sources of foreign income can be used to prove that you have sufficient income if the immigration officer would ask for such additional evidence, there are several IOs that only accept a pension-statement as source of foreign income.

And unfortunately its the local IO that calls the shots.  Nothing stops you from trying to plead your case using a copy of the PoliceOrder (preferably both in english and thai) with the relevant paragraph highlighted and discussing it with the highest ranking officer that you have access to in that IO.  But their interpretation is 'local' law, so it's not only a matter of being right, but also to get the office to accept your point of view without them losing face...

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In Phuket they just wanted  my 12 month bank statement showing 12 monthly international wire transfers into my Thai bank account.


No proof of income. 3 years in a row.

IO didn't even review it.

They need the retirees.  Right now nobody is here to keep whatever economy there is going.


No exchange rate tables.

No calculators.


Edited by marvin1950
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