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How to get money on a regular basis to a Thai

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Has anyone successfully set up a program to provide a monthly stipend to a Thai Citizen over a period of years? If so, what did you do? My idea is to set up a certain amount of money and have it flow to them on a regular basis (long term) without any tending to it by me. If I was not in Thailand or even if I was dead the monthly amount would still keep flowing until the funds were depleted.  Any ideas or successful or unsuccessful stories would be appreciated.

Thank you


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1 minute ago, Randybee said:

without any tending to it by me

There's the rub... I look forward to see the answers. I have seen good plans go bad after death.. executors steal... recipients complain... surest is to stay involved as long as you can... nobody else will care as much as you. Good luck. 

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20 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Just set up recurring transfers from your foreign or Thai account, to their account.

Basic banking what's the problem?

BKK Bank standing orders limited to 12?

Bank account gets frozen when you croak also.


Perhaps get a layer or a trusted relative or friend involved.

I saw a situation in my condo where an elderly guy

had some arrangement with a Thai woman to care for him.

She plain gave up when he became demented and aggressive despite the moneys paid

and he ended up in bad shape. A local organization of his countrymen helped him get back to his country.



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