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I really LOVE Thailand


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Just now, CanadaSam said:

Point taken TransAm, but I dislike when people stray from the subject at hand, that THAILAND IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE, when lived in, peacefully, and with great neighbors and friends.

Yes, especially the electricity cabling is beautifully done.

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2 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

Point taken TransAm, but I dislike when people stray from the subject at hand, that THAILAND IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE, when lived in, peacefully, and with great neighbors and friends.

I'm very peaceful, but don't get me started on neighbours. The worst neighbours I ever had were here in Thailand. Power tools run all day long, cooking  outside of course next to my pool deck and living room. They all keep 5 dogs each, howling through the night. Burning garbage.


I'm not afraid of hell because I have Thai neighbours every day.

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1 hour ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

Did your wife cost you more than a McDonald's?? Clearly, you have totally missed my point. if you can't see what is wrong with this then you are obviously of the same mindset as the OP. Congrats.


I am far from a saint, believe me on that one, but I guess I just respect women (girls) sue me!

Anyway you look at it, it is not that cheap to be out and about everyday hanging with Thai girls eating and drinking. Lighten up, the girls appreciate it as the same as he does. If not they would not hang around him. It was exactly this is what put Thailand on the map. I have been here nearing 30 years and still get a kick out of the things he spoke of. Hanging at or overlooking the beach enjoying ones self. Respect for girls or women has zero to do with it. And honestly most Thai men would love to be able to do the same . : )

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23 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:


You, brother, clearly require some time in a mental hospital.  You've apparently slept with 100's of women, God I wish you had showered before that.  And in a very nice way, I wish you also get a very serious venereal disease, as a present for calling somebody you don't know, a sleezebag.

Are you sitting next to a beautiful 'girl' typing that, or are you still in McDonalds, or both?


Can I ask how old you are, old bean?

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1 hour ago, NancyL said:

Don't worry.  The OP is only 51 years old, joined ThaiVisa.com three years ago and still has the rose-colored glasses issued when he got off the plane in Thailand. 


One day one of the "beautiful girls" he picks up in going to get her hooks into him for much more than the cost of a McDonald's meal, (sadly, it may result in the birth of some children, who will make him trapped in a relationship) he'll age and have medical problems and he'll discover he can't return to Canada for health care because he's been out of the country for too long.

well,  those who that does happen to ( i wonder what the "percent" is )  ..... might just

finally understand that thai phrase  " som nom na "      ????????


but,  not everyone ends up that way now, Nancy  ....


there is also a well-known saying  "to each his own"  ,  which as long as it does not harm or force anything on others I tend to agree with.     translates into thai as well.

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1 hour ago, CanadaSam said:

I love having a beautiful girl next to me, for about the price of a McDonalds meal back home.

THIS is what the entire world is rioting about.  Exploitation.  Basic slavery.


And this person brags about it....


and compares this exploited human being to a BigMac.



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3 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Anyway you look at it, it is not that cheap to be out and about everyday hanging with Thai girls eating and drinking. Lighten up, the girls appreciate it as the same as he does. If not they would not hang around him. It was exactly this is what put Thailand on the map. I have been here nearing 30 years and still get a kick out of the things he spoke of. Hanging at or overlooking the beach enjoying ones self. Respect for girls or women has zero to do with it. And honestly most Thai men would love to be able to do the same . : )

But it's clear that this fella is a lonely, pervy old soak. it comes across very clearly. Sort of bloke you would avoid if he was near you in a bar, that's if he ever goes to bars.

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18 minutes ago, Ventenio said:

THIS is what the entire world is rioting about.  Exploitation.  Basic slavery.


And this person brags about it....


and compares this exploited human being to a BigMac.



Oh Please! Not even comparable. In the end normally the girl gets the best of the guy here. 

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21 minutes ago, Ventenio said:

THIS is what the entire world is rioting about.  Exploitation.  Basic slavery.


And this person brags about it....


and compares this exploited human being to a BigMac.



You wear NIKE stuff then, only stuff from the Co-op......?

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27 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

But it's clear that this fella is a lonely, pervy old soak. it comes across very clearly. Sort of bloke you would avoid if he was near you in a bar, that's if he ever goes to bars.

Not sure on that but everyone needs a little fun and companionship and rose colored glasses on some time or the other or now and then. He does not strike me like a Chester the Molester or nose running always sniffing creepy guy. I was just down in Pattaya beginning of March with an old friend of over 40 years visiting from the USA and had a great time. It was fun watching my friend take it all in and having a blast. I quite enjoyed it as well. I really think you might have read into his post the wrong way. He si right on one thing though, push away all the other cr*p and Thailand still has a lot of great fun things going for it. I am actually looking forward to my friends return end of the year so I can have another excuse to go to the beach for a few days.

Edited by holy cow cm
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1 hour ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

My pet hate is sleazebags, and the op clearly is one. But yea, maybe I went a bit far, should be use to it after 20 years here. As for me being a 'saint' I've 'slept' with 100's of 'women' here, but never any that I would deem too young and treated them with the respect they deserve, it's called being a gent and having some class. I think we can all see from the OP's post the type of 'dude' that he is.

I agree Keyser that one should respect who you are with--whoever they are with---for short or long time.....maybe the OP could have worded it a little better...but as someone posted, he is still on a high --- as he hasn't been here that long. Its probably still a buz when girls that treat you as if your invisible in Canada are suddenly  smiling at you.

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47 minutes ago, Logosone said:

I'm very peaceful, but don't get me started on neighbours. The worst neighbours I ever had were here in Thailand. Power tools run all day long, cooking  outside of course next to my pool deck and living room. They all keep 5 dogs each, howling through the night. Burning garbage.


I'm not afraid of hell because I have Thai neighbours every day.

I've not experienced any of this in the past 12 years, ZERO problem neighbours.

And the Thai ladies I've hired for sex, lived with, met in bars, married have all been great.


Edited by BritManToo
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1 minute ago, sanuk711 said:

I agree Keyser that one should respect who you are with--whoever they are with---for short or long time.....maybe the OP could have worded it a little better...but as someone posted, he is still on a high --- as he hasn't been here that long. Its probably still a buz when girls that treat you as if your invisible in Canada are suddenly  smiling at you.

Yep, very easy to read text the wrong way, happens all the time. But yes it sounded sleazy, as for the McDonalds comparison.. it just stinks of a complete lack of class and respect for nationals of the country you are in. Surely a man of a certain age should no better? It's weird how some sit at the back of a plane for 15 hours get off the other end and think they're a born again Brad Pitt ????

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1 hour ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

My pet hate is sleazebags, and the op clearly is one. But yea, maybe I went a bit far, should be use to it after 20 years here. As for me being a 'saint' I've 'slept' with 100's of 'women' here, but never any that I would deem too young and treated them with the respect they deserve, it's called being a gent and having some class. I think we can all see from the OP's post the type of 'dude' that he is. 

Yet you've come to a city full of 'sleazebags'......hmmmmm

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1 hour ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

And a 31.5 baht duck and rice. he probably eats this b4 he meets his 'beautiful girl' so it doesn't cost him 63 baht.

Oddly enough this is what all the Thai guys do.

Out with their male pals eating and drinking of an evening, then meeting their gfs after so they don't have to pay extra for them.

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1 minute ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

Yep, very easy to read text the wrong way, happens all the time. But yes it sounded sleazy, as for the McDonalds comparison.. it just stinks of a complete lack of class and respect for nationals of the country you are in. Surely a man of a certain age should no better? It's weird how some sit at the back of a plane for 15 hours get off the other end and think they're a born again Brad Pitt ????

Do you honestly think Thai birds are interested in what farang blokes look like......?

I don't believe you live here....????

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13 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

I agree Keyser that one should respect who you are with--whoever they are with---for short or long time.....maybe the OP could have worded it a little better...but as someone posted, he is still on a high --- as he hasn't been here that long. Its probably still a buz when girls that treat you as if your invisible in Canada are suddenly  smiling at you.

CanadaSam aka Manfromanotherforum has been a member a long time.

But isn't fully financed so needs to return home to work every few years.

There are some advantages to being an elderly pensioner.

Edited by BritManToo
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